Tag Archives: racism

Critics Slam “Racist” Illinois Plan to Fund Colleges Based on Skin Color

Critical Race Theory and systemic racism in education are going to a whole new level in Illinois. In fact, under a proposed new scheme supposedly aimed at fighting alleged “disparities” in higher learning, people with darker complexions (or lower grades) will literally be worth more than those with lighter skin.
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Evangelize or Else: Defending Christian Culture

Would you like a government that reflects your Christian beliefs? If so then congratulations, you’re a threat to democracy! Or so says Rob Reiner, who produced a movie meant to alarm you about Christian nationalism, He even tweeted that Christian nationalism is “a danger to Christianity itself.” His message, and his movie, joins an already noisy crowd just dying to tell you that applying Christianity to politics is wrong.
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Decline of the Diversity Industry?

Most schools are actively indoctrinating our children with falsehoods about all kinds of things. These falsehoods range from sexuality to racism to economics to our nation’s founding, even to math and science and medicine and the environment.
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Former Chicago Public Teacher Blows Whistle on Dangerous Trainings

Our friend and co-laborer Alex Newman recently interviewed John Stamper, a former teacher and coach of 13 years who is now exposing what’s happening to innocent children who still attend government schools.
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Remove SEL Programs From The Schools!

In 2021 the Illinois government refreshed the The Illinois Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards. These mandate that teachers become experts in “social emotional learning” (SEL). School districts have enthusiasm to implement SEL across their schools, and we soon expect to see students graduate from SEL programs. But what sort of young adults will these former students be? Because of what SEL actually teaches, expect a generation of angry agitators for socialism. The problem is that SEL has been changed to be centered around Marxist concepts...
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As Nearby States Protect Baby Lives, Abortion Explodes in Illinois

With more and more states in the region and beyond moving to protect the lives of unborn babies or at least restrict the mass killing, abortionists in Illinois are busier than ever, according to the abortion industry in the state and news reports about the gruesome phenomenon.
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Why We Engage in the Culture Wars

Have you ever wondered if the Church should continue to engage in the culture wars? After all, we will never eradicate evil from the world, and sometimes it feels like the water is pouring into our boats faster than we can bail it out.
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School-Approved Racism in Western Suburb of Chicago

It appears the racism identified as “anti-racism” and being endorsed all across America is bearing rotten fruit at ever younger ages and in ever more perverse ways.

Just last week, administrators at Edison Middle School in Wheaton, Illinois allowed student members of the blacks-only “Panthers in Black” school club to lecture peers on the intricacies of using various forms of the “n” word. Students learned who is permitted to use the “n” word and which “n”-word suffix is appropriate in what context. Parents of students forced to listen to this non-voluntary lecture were not notified ahead of time or asked to sign a permission slip.
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If You Care About Children and America’s Future, Keep Your Kids Out of Public Schools

Once upon a time, I held a naïve hope that public education could be pried loose from the iron grip of self-righteous, presumptuous, intolerant, diversity-loathing, illiberal, idea-banning, bullying leftists fluent in Newspeak. That was then. This is now.

Now I know that is not possible—at least not in time to educate properly children who are currently in school or soon-to-be in school. There are good signs that a movement is afoot to challenge the MAN—who now is a homosexual, drag queen who uses the pronouns fae, faer, faers, and faerself.
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1619 Project Author Gets Historical Facts Wrong

Nikole Hannah-Jones is the New York Times Magazine reporter who wrote the 1619 Project which is being used in many schools across the country. The 1619 Project postulates that America began in 1619, when the first black slaves were brought here—not 1776, when the founders declared independence.
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Salvation Army Responds To ‘Woke’ Criticism

After receiving complaints from donors and bad press, the Salvation Army has removed the guide, “Let’s Talk About Race.” The removal of the guide is a step in the right direction, and we should applaud the charity for its willingness to remove the document. Nonetheless, the organization has not disavowed Critical Race Theory (CRT) or apologized to those they may have offended with divisive statements. Christians, therefore, may praise the move to remove the guide but should remain diligent in the fight against Critical Race Theory and Marxism.

The Salvation Army has released several statements denouncing that they …

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Despite Nationwide Condemnation, Illinois Passes Leftist Teacher-Training Mandate

How far gone is Illinois? And by “gone,” I mean arrogantly and divisively leftist.

Well, despite statewide and even nationwide condemnation of the proposed “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards,”  the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) failed to stop the controversial standards.

In a vote delayed by one day, JCAR voted 6-5 along partisan lines to, in effect, approve these standards, which will infuse the assumptions of Critical Race Theory/ identity politics/BLM into 1. all teacher-training programs, 2. all Professional Education Licensing (PEL), and 3. indirectly into all public school classrooms.

Not even yesterday’s plea from the left-leaning Chicago

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ACLU: Ignore Black Voices, Defund the Police

Regardless of what black Americans think, the police departments that protect and serve their communities should be defunded immediately. At least that is the latest propaganda being peddled in a bizarre new campaign by the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a radical organization literally founded by members of the Communist Party USA.
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Sorry, But I’m Not Buying Obama’s Portrait of Racist America

I don’t doubt for a moment that we still have race issues to address in America. And I don’t believe that, to date, we have fully overcome the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery and segregation in our history. At the same time, I do not accept former President Obama’s claim that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was, in part, a reaction to having a Black man in the White House.
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Hey You with the Spooky White Skin, You’re a Racist!

In June 2020, Kennedy Mitchum, a 22-year-old graduate of Drake University, needed a way to call non-racists “racists,” so she emailed Merriam-Webster Dictionary to tell them to change the definition of "racism" in such a way as to enable people to use the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to call non-racists “racists.” 
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