American Parents Coalition: A Breath of Fresh Air for Parents
By Mae Arthur   |   07.26.24
Culturally speaking, there is perhaps no more concerning trend these days than the attempts of the far Left to undermine parents and divide them from their children. From schools and libraries to the courts and the medical profession, radical forces are coming with the authority we’ve given them, and they’re coming for our kids.
Compromising Truth, Partnering with Unrighteousness, and Promoting Division… for what?
By Brandon Myers   |   07.24.24
It is easy to claim you stand under God’s truth, but the real test of faithfulness comes when God’s Word is being contradicted and you are called upon to act on the courage of your convictions.
Self Evident: The Sweet Poison of Lies
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   07.20.24
This episode of Self Evident features another roundtable discussion with three special guests, Maia Poet, Camille Kiefel, and Nick, who have gone through the detransition process. This discussion will involve each guest's experience with the detransition process, the damage that social transition causes, and so much more.
Disney Is Targeting Your Children
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   07.18.24
James O’Keefe, political activist and founder of Project Veritas, recently exposed Disney Creative Marketing Director Genie Gurnani’s radical push for more LGBTQ content. This content would directly target children– your young, impressionable children. O’Keefe Media Group’s (OMG) undercover journalist had an spine-chilling conversation with Gurnani that every parent should pay attention to.
Law to Stop Biden Title IX Rewrite Passes House
By Kenna Rose   |   07.17.24
Last Thursday, the United States House of Representatives passed the Title IX Congressional Review Act, which would legally block President Biden’s changes to Title IX, restoring privacy to women’s and girl’s private spaces.
What is True?
By Thomas Hampson   |   07.16.24
Our understanding of what we think is true constantly changes. At least, it does if we continue to learn. When I was in high school, for example, my science textbook unequivocally stated that the entire universe consisted of 16 galaxies.  Period.  Now, more than sixty years later, we do not know how many galaxies there are. 
Speak the Truth in Love
By Kenna Rose   |   07.15.24
Public discourse is frequently angry, full of yelling, name-calling, and “gotcha” statements. There’s no love and often little truth in the interaction. Christians are supposed to be different.
You Cannot Homeschool
By Ecce Verum   |   07.13.24
A homeschool advocate acquainted with an IFI staff member recently answered over 150 Facebook messages about homeschooling.  "It's just blowing up!" the advocate said. "Lots and lots of parents from central and southern IL wanting out." Homeschooling has been around for a few decades now, and it has made significant advances in quality and acceptability over the years, but it usually seems to have been relegated to the academic fringes. 
Self Evident: Accepting the Truth
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   07.13.24
In this special episode of Self Evident, Jenna sits down with detransitioners Maia Poet, Ritchie Herron & Camille Kiefel. This roundtable discussion will reveal the lies that Maia, Ritchie, and Camille all believed about themselves. They will share their personal experiences with the medical world and how they came to accept the truth about their gender.
A Hopeless Bunch
A former Chicago radio producer and friend of mine has established quite a reputation for alerting us to the myriad of ministry leader “missteps” surfacing in recent years. On one hand, it’s important for us to be aware of such mistrusts and to know that we must never elevate anyone in ministry beyond what they are: human vessels intending to accomplish what God has apparently called them to do.
Demise of the Administrative State
By Thomas Hampson   |   07.08.24
Despite the seemingly mundane nature of regulations, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Chevron Deference is poised to have a profound impact on our daily lives. This decision will touch each and every one of us, shaping our daily experiences and interactions.
News Flash: Doctors Advocate for Real Medicine
By Ecce Verum   |   07.06.24
America is the land of opportunity. In our great nation, you can be too young to smoke, drink, vote, drive a car, or get a tattoo—and yet be old enough to decide you're the wrong sex and thus chemically wrestle your body into submission. Many doctors are falling right in line with this twisted line of thought and are promoting "gender affirming care" to make temporary adolescent confusion a permanent part of children's anatomical future. But other doctors have had it.        
Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 3
By Ecce Verum   |   07.05.24
Over the last couple articles, we discussed the rationale for the peculiarly odd wickedness known as drag. In what possible worldview does it make sense? That worldview is known as queer theory, a philosophy dedicated to overthrowing traditional sexual norms. Queer theory teaches that different kinds of sexual activity exist on a hierarchy, and that sex is a malleable social construct. 
Dragging Your Kids Down With Them: Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   06.28.24
Last time, we pointed out the abnormally odd wickedness of drag queens and we asked the question: Why this? What possible worldview advocates for a man, dressed like a woman, wearing freakish makeup, and reading a sexually deviant book to third graders? Our search for the answer took us on a brief trip through queer theory, the philosophy committed to destroying traditional sexual ethics.
Inclusivity: The Death Word of the Modern Era
Who among us wants to feel “excluded?” From the time we are children we want to be picked for “the team.” As teens, there is a longing to be part of a clique—the inner circle that sets you apart from the masses. 
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