Most schools are actively indoctrinating our children with falsehoods about all kinds of things.
These falsehoods range from sexuality to racism to economics to our nation’s founding, even to math and science and medicine and the environment. A few of them are:
- Currently, sex educators explain that doctors only guess the sex of the child based on the physical appearance of the baby. We don’t really know whether it’s a boy or a girl until the child is old enough to decide for himself or herself, or themself, or zirself, or, or . . . whatever.
- A child’s identity is what they say it is.
- Their parents’ generation, and the generations before, wrecked the planet, and unless things drastically change in a matter of a few years our world and all life on it will die.
- Our founding fathers did not split from Great Britain to ensure freedom, it was to ensure the right of the colonials to continue enslaving others. If parents are telling them something different they are wrong, or bigoted, or both.
- Parents cannot be trusted.
These kinds of distortions also have infected what is taught about race in our schools. Children are taught that our entire nation is built on racism and that racism is infused into every element of our culture.
There is a hierarchy of oppressors and the oppressed. White men are at the top. From that pinnacle, there are descending levels of oppressors until we get to the various levels of the oppressed.
Believe it or not, there are people who get college degrees—even PhD’s—in the study of this.
During the height of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organized riots in reaction to the death of George Floyd in 2020, Boston University established the Center for Antiracist Research and appointed Ibram X. Kendi, formerly known as Henry Rogers, to head it.
The year before, Kendi had published a book titled How to be an Antiracist. And three years earlier, in 2017, Kendi founded the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University.
In addition to founding these two centers, Kendi is a History professor at BU and he lectures businesses on antiracism for a reported $30,000 per appearance.
The year before founding the Antiracist Center at American University, Kendi had written Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. I suppose as a result of writing that book, Kendi was characterized as one the nation’s leading scholars on racism by American University.
One resume entry after another, Kendi’s stature as an expert in race relations grew to stratospheric heights. He was honored everywhere. At an event in Aspen, the moderator asked Kendi how he defined racism. Kendi replied:
“I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas.”
He said antiracism is a
“collection of antiracist policies that lead to racial equity and that are substantiated by antiracist ideas.”
The audience laughed uncomfortably, but nobody challenged his logic.
What we see in Kendi is an example of a modern-day Sophist.
Kendi’s standing among the intelligentsia is starting to waver.
Two weeks ago, Kendi fired half the staff at BU’s Center for Antiracist Research. Apparently, in three years, the center has blown through more than $30 million of the some $43 million it has collected. The Center received an initial grant from Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, of $10 million.
Several other corporations donated over a million dollars, not to mention the thousands of lesser donations from the true believers.
The total received by the Center and how it has been spent is not clear. Both financial issues and the operations of the center are shrouded in secrecy.
One thing is certain. The Center has not done what it was established to do—develop a database of racial disparities. The Center did create a COVID Racial Data Tracker, but stopped collecting data in 2021. And only two research papers have been published by the Center in its three years of existence.
Reportedly, because of poor performance some of the large funders have said they will not continue their support.
Because of complaints by former and current staff of the center, many of them professors, and because of the subpar performance, Boston University has initiated an investigation into Kendi’s Center. The decision to conduct an investigation of the finances and leadership of the center could mark the beginning of the end for Kendi, and hopefully for all those getting rich by promoting racial division.
Kendi is not alone in selling the idea that racism is systemically ingrained in America. It remains to be seen if the likes of Robin DeAngelo—of White Fragility fame—and Nikole Hannah-Jones will decline in their influence any more than they already have.
DeAngelo, who teaches that white people are born racist (and that if they deny they are racist it proves they are), and Hannah-Jones, who teaches that the USA was established for the purpose of perpetuating slavery, are top-tier influencers in the same circles as Kendi.
These three, along with Ta Nehisi Coates and others, have had a profound influence on what is being taught in our schools about race, on the establishment and direction of corporate Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, and even on how our churches view race relations and racial reconciliation issues.
The organization, Black Lives Matter (a Marxist organization that was founded in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin) grew to enormous heights in 2020 raking in tens of millions of dollars in donations. Recently the group has been discredited and lost favor after it was discovered the leaders looted millions of dollars of the organization’s money, diverting it to personal use.
Many millions remain unaccounted for.
In part because of the exposed BLM scam and in part because of internal conflict about the programs, some corporations are already starting to defund or dismantle their DEI programs, but schools remain full speed ahead on teaching children that our nation is systemically racist and that white children were born racist. Black, indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) are all victims of white racism. Whites are the oppressors and BIPOC are the oppressed.
It has now become more than that.
Sexual identities have been added to the oppressor/oppressed classes. Like the BIPOC community, the LGBTQ+ community also are victim of that same kind of oppression. So now we have to evaluate the intersectional elements of the oppressor/oppressed classes. An old, rich, straight, able-bodied, white, male is the apex oppressor. A poor, young, black, disabled, female, lesbian is the most oppressed. There are infinite variations in between.
For example, a middle-aged, white, lesbian, woman has elements of both oppressor and oppressed. Theoretically, you can rank people from the most oppressive to the most oppressed. And in many schools, they are doing just that.
A fairly common exercise is for students to line up and the teacher tells students to move one step forward, or backward, depending on whether they fit in some category. Boys step forward, girls step back. If you are LGBT step back, if straight step forward. If you are white step forward, person of color step back, and so on.
At the end of the exercise, the teacher points out the location of every one. Some are at the front, others at the back and others scattered in between.
Children are being taught that this exercise shows the systemic racism we all live under, that children are handicapped by things beyond their control. Unless the government intervenes, they will never be able to make up the difference.
Children are being taught that equity—equality of outcome—should be the goal for all of us.
Many churches have taken up this cause as well.
The George Floyd riots supercharged the trend toward creating “diverse” congregations and church staff. Racial reconciliation was heavily promoted in churches all over the country even while most remained shut down for in-person visits by government edict.
The obsession with the number of congregants and staff identified by race continues to this day. If our numbers—staff and congregants—do not reflect the same proportions as the numbers in the community, we must be doing something wrong.
In order to achieve equity in schools, instructional material by, or drawn heavily from Kendi, DeAngelo, Coates, and Hannah-Jones are used. With businesses, it is the same, except in some cases they hire these “experts,” for huge fees, to speak to the staff. And in churches, their books have become suggested reading in order to achieve “racial reconciliation.”
Selling DEI has become a multi-billion dollar publishing business.
It would be one thing if the prescriptions of Kendi, et al were making things better, but they are not. Society is becoming more fragmented.
In schools, imagine how much time it takes away from teaching math, science, English, engineering, history, in order to teach the hierarchy of oppression to eight-year-olds. How is this a good use of time? How is this helping children to navigate an increasingly complicated world?
With churches, it is the most absurd. Certainly, we want to be in harmony with one another. We want to be reconciled. We want everyone to be treated equally and respectfully. The way to accomplish that is not by tracking the numbers. It is by claiming what we already have been told.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
How are the teachings of Kendi, DeAngelo, and others promoting unity? How is it affecting our children? Not only are they being instructed in sophistry, but they are also observing the same ideology promoted in government, in businesses, and in churches. And they are watching those who promote division make millions.
Martin Luther King said that he dreamed of a day when we would be judged by the content of our character instead of the color of our skin. Kendi claims King’s vision is a racist outlook.
It is Kendi’s view that dominates what is being taught in our public schools.
The views of Martin Luther King are no longer valid.
Hopefully, BU’s investigation into Kendi’s management of the Center for Antiracism will help further dismantle this empire of division. The decline of BLM is a good start, but there is a long way to go. And there is not much hope the decline will lead to a collapse unless the church begins to weigh in with biblical principles.
The church needs to start promoting principles like those that drove Martin Luther King and his Civil Rights movement during the 60’s, the principles that led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, instead of the divisive principles espoused by Kendi, et al.
All of the DEI, oppressor/oppressed, playing “who’s a racist” games, all of it has to go.
As Paul teaches in Galatians we are already one in Christ.
What we have to do is claim that, and start acting like it.