Tag Archives: transgenderism

Self Evident: The Sweet Poison of Lies

This episode of Self Evident features another roundtable discussion with three special guests, Maia Poet, Camille Kiefel, and Nick, who have gone through the detransition process. This discussion will involve each guest's experience with the detransition process, the damage that social transition causes, and so much more.
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Self Evident: Accepting the Truth

In this special episode of Self Evident, Jenna sits down with detransitioners Maia Poet, Ritchie Herron & Camille Kiefel. This roundtable discussion will reveal the lies that Maia, Ritchie, and Camille all believed about themselves. They will share their personal experiences with the medical world and how they came to accept the truth about their gender.
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Parents Matter

Earlier this month, the California State Senate passed a bill prohibiting schools from notifying parents if their child wants to use a different name and pronoun at school. The passage of this secrecy bill not only usurps parental rights but also fosters an "us versus them" mentality,
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American Heritage Girls: An Alternative to Girl Scouts

Near the end of May, we discussed Boy Scouts and their name change to “Scouting America.” In the article, we excitedly highlighted Trail Life USA as the Christian, conservative alternative to Boy Scouts. Unfortunately, within scouting, the influence of the left is not limited to the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, too, has been infected with a liberal agenda.  
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Biden’s New Mandate for Gender Indoctrination

Under the guise of protecting the “civil rights” of students, the Biden administration unveiled a new regulation purporting to force government schools nationwide to bow before all the invented “gender identities” and sexual perversions that now dominate the “education” system. The rule would also purport to overturn state laws banning males in girls’ sports. 
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Trans-Gendering of Children at School Exposed in “Art Club” Movie

When her 12-year-old daughter texted about staying after school for “art club,” Colorado mother Erin Lee could never have imagined how her life and the lives of her family were about to be changed forever. It turns out the “art club” was actually a “Gender and Sexuality Alliance” (GSA) meeting focused on confusing children about their gender. Now, the mom is sounding the alarm: Pull your children from public schools immediately!

After that fateful afterschool GSA meeting, despite never having shown any confusion, the daughter began to believe she was actually a boy trapped in a girl’s body. She was …

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Opt Out of Nasty Sex Ed Classes in Government Schools

When you hear the terms “comprehensive,” "medically accurate" and "age appropriate" as ways to describe the content of what is being taught to your children in government schools, alarm bells should sound in your head. “Comprehensive sex education”  is a one-size-fits-all approach to sex education and is anything but “age- appropriate” curriculum.
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Chloe Cole Warns: “Gender-Affirming Care” is Child Abuse

Chloe Cole is a self-described “former trans kid” who de-transitioned after undergoing years of puberty blockers and an irreversible double mastectomy at the age of 15.
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Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide

America’s children are being targeted by sex predators. Their recruiters are already in our schools and libraries. These “transgender” people need your children as converts. Consider: Children returning from school carrying "gender unicorn lessons," which teach strange ideas of sex and gender; Public libraries are conditioning your children through “drag queen readings" to get children familiar with these recruiters; Schools are hiding from parents that they're giving puberty blocking drugs to their children.
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The Trans Quagmire – How We Got Here

The controversy over transgenderism arose a few years ago seemingly out of nowhere. But when it did arise, it erupted like a cultural Mount St. Helens. The transgender cause has not been part of the LGB agenda until recently. When Kirk and Madsen wrote their book, published in 1990, “After the Ball," I don't recall they made any mention of the transgender issue. At that time, there were transvestites—men that dressed as women who were a recognized part of the community.
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Dr. Carl Trueman: Transgenderism and Expressive Individualism

Pastor Derek Buikema asks professor, theologian, and author Dr. Carl Trueman to explain a bit about “expressive individualism,” the subject of Dr. Trueman’s important book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution.
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Teachers Urged to “Transition” Children Behind Parents’ Backs

State “education” authorities in Michigan are under fire nationwide after getting caught red-handed encouraging teachers to, among other absurdities and crimes, “transition” children to new “genders” without the consent or even knowledge of their parents. The trainings are almost too outrageous to believe, and yet officials are publicly defending it all.
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Elite U.S. Private Schools Join Forces with Sex Change Peddlers

A prominent organization that accredits hundreds of elite private schools across America has joined forces with a fringe leftwing organization that promotes transgenderism and even castration of children. The news is fueling concern among critics even as millions of families flee government schools over similar indoctrination of children in tax-funded “education.”
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Biden Edict Imposes More Trans Extremism on School Children

As state governments respond to public pressure and work to rein in LGBT extremism in schools, the White House issued an executive order seeking to impose more gender confusion and homosexual activism on school children across the nation and beyond. The effort puts parental rights squarely in the crosshairs.
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Finally, a Sports Association Commits to Fairness

The infamous William “Will” Thomas, who now pretends to be a woman and goes by the name of “Lia,” has had a long-time goal of swimming in the Olympics—a goal thwarted by the fact that he is not fast enough. A little thing like insufficient speed, however, is no obstacle for a man who thinks he can become a woman by wishing really hard. Superstitions die hard, especially in a science-denying culture that worships the self and believes fentanyl use is “empowerment.” So, Thomas soldiers on wearing womanface and a woman’s speedo covering his man parts, hoping to make Olympic trials in 2024.
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