Tag Archives: U.S. Supreme Court

Demise of the Administrative State

Despite the seemingly mundane nature of regulations, the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Chevron Deference is poised to have a profound impact on our daily lives. This decision will touch each and every one of us, shaping our daily experiences and interactions.
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Critics Slam “Racist” Illinois Plan to Fund Colleges Based on Skin Color

Critical Race Theory and systemic racism in education are going to a whole new level in Illinois. In fact, under a proposed new scheme supposedly aimed at fighting alleged “disparities” in higher learning, people with darker complexions (or lower grades) will literally be worth more than those with lighter skin.
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Saving Lives with Every Sip

Starbucks is, most likely, the most popular coffee chain in America today. Starbucks has become popular not only for its coffee shops, but also for its coffee gear (like mugs) and affordable roasts you can purchase at many local grocery stores.
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Attention Pastors: The “Lemon Test” Was Overturned

Did you know? When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Joe Kennedy, the high school football coach who fought for his right to pray after games, they overturned a decision that had long restricted religious expression in public schools. This was a historically significant ruling that restores the civil rights of teachers, coaches and employees across America to live out their faith and pray on a public school campus.
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How Companies Can Update Religious Accommodation Policies

The landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Faithful Carrier case (Groff v. DeJoy) changed the legal standard for religious accommodation at work. This will impact all businesses with 15 or more employees.
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Why Are SO Many People SO Angry?

If there is one emotion that has risen to the surface in recent years in America, it is anger. There is anger on the streets. There is anger online. There is anger wherever we turn. What is the source of it?
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King Manasseh and Mayor Brandon

The Old Testament chapter of 2 Kings 21 is dedicated to the most wicked king of Judah/Israel, who was named Manasseh. His father, Hezekiah, had been one of the greatest and most faithful kings. What a horrible reversal in just one generation... I share this history as a sad illustration and comparison to Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago....
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Updates on Major Religious Liberty Cases: Groff at SCOTUS and Catholic Charities Bureau in Wisconsin

On Tuesday, April 18th, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments for a monumental religious liberty case known as Groff v. DeJoy. At the heart of this case are the questions: do American citizens have Constitutionally protected rights under the First Amendment to the "free exercise" of their faith in the workplace, and; are employers obligated to grant reasonable religious accommodations.
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Vulnerable Moms and Babies Denied a Hearing

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, little if anything has changed concerning abortion in Illinois. You would think radical pro-abortion activists and legislators would be satisfied to know the status quo remains, but sadly, you would be wrong. Even though Illinois' abortion law is one of the most liberal in the nation, pro-abortion forces are not content with unfettered access to abortion, and they are now coming after crucial pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).
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As Nearby States Protect Baby Lives, Abortion Explodes in Illinois

With more and more states in the region and beyond moving to protect the lives of unborn babies or at least restrict the mass killing, abortionists in Illinois are busier than ever, according to the abortion industry in the state and news reports about the gruesome phenomenon.
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Comments from Some Pro-Life Leaders on 50 years of “Roe v. Wade”

“Roe v. Wade” turned 50 years old on Sunday, January 22nd. This is the infamous U.S. Supreme Court decision that effectively gave us abortion on demand (when you add the impact of its companion decision of the same day, “Doe v. Bolton.”) Here are some comments from some pro-life leaders on the fallout from 50 years of “Roe.”
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Killing Newborn Babies

America’s two founding documents have important bearing on the subject of abortion. The Declaration of Independence acknowledges that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. The first right enumerated is the “right to life.” The founders didn’t grant this right. They simply acknowledged it and spelled it out in our founding documents.
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Compelled Speech? The 303 Creative SCOTUS Case

Not much time has passed since Christian baker Jack Phillips fought to defend his choice not to make cakes celebrating homosexual unions (2018), and Christian florist Baronelle Stutzman dealt with multiple lawsuits regarding her choice not to arrange flowers for similar functions (2021). Yet, earlier this December, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments for 303 Creative v. Elenis, a case which is shaping up to be the next high-profile skirmish between the homosexual movement and Christian providers of wedding services. The civil rights snipers are at the same old game again—this time zeroing in on Christian wedding website …

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Leftists Want to Enshrine a Right to Exterminate the Unborn in Illinois’ Constitution

Leftist boomers and their ideological spawn together have created the worst generations, shameful heirs of a noble legacy hard-won by our forebears. Leftist boomers, taking their cues from pervert Alfred Kinsey, hedonist man-child Hugh Hefner, and addled Timothy Leary, ushered in the drug and sexual revolutions... They believe their Deep Thoughts, intense feelings, and overactive groins determine morality...
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Now What? Thoughts On The 2022 Midterm Elections

If you are like me, there are three primary thoughts running through your mind following this election: “What happened to the red wave?”  “How can so many people be so fooled by the party of death?” and “What is God doing?”
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