Tag Archives: Twitter
Nearly five years ago, the documentary “The Social Dilemma” (available on Netflix) took direct aim at social media, charging that companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter (now X), Snapchat, and others intentionally designed their products to addict users, especially children, and knowingly wreaked emotional harm on them.
Posted in Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Daniel P. Todes, depression, Facebook, Google, Ivan Pavlov, Jean M. Twenge, Snapchat, social media, Twitter, X
For years now, we’ve heard the legacy media lament the spread of “misinformation” and “fake news.” These self-proclaimed arbiters of truth are quick to demand the censorship of conservative perspectives and dissenting views – especially on social media. Wringing their hands, left-wing media types declare conservative news and opinion as “dangerous,” “hateful,” and full of conspiracy theories.
Posted in Media Watch, Pornography
Tagged Android, BBC, CNN, Covenant Eyes, Don Lemon, Elon Musk, Facebook, Family Research Council, iPhone, James Clayton, Meg Kilgannon, Net Nanny, Netsanity, pornography, Qustodio, The Washington Stand, Thomas Hampson, Twitter, X
Most parents and teachers have noticed the severe increase in depression and anxiety among young children and teenagers over the last decade. Many have speculated that smartphones and social media cause these mental health and behavior problems. It turns out that they were right.
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged American Privacy Rights Act, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, children, Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act, Clare Morell, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Instagram, Jonathan Haidt, Kids Online Safety Act, legislation, mental health, New York Times, Pinterest, Protecting Kids from Social Media Act, Snapchat, social media, Spotify, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube
Three years ago, Exposure Labs created and released the documentary “The Social Dilemma,” exposing the dangerously manipulative technology that drives the wildly popular social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (now X), Instagram, and all the others. Between 2011 and 2013, researchers began to see a disturbing trend emerging. Depression and anxiety among young people began to increase.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged Arturo Bejar, Bari Weiss, David Zweig, Elon Musk, Facebook, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Lee Fang, Mark Zuckerberg, Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Sheryl Sandberg, social media, Twitter
Most schools are actively indoctrinating our children with falsehoods about all kinds of things. These falsehoods range from sexuality to racism to economics to our nation’s founding, even to math and science and medicine and the environment.
Posted in CRT/Racism/BLM, Education, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged American University, antiracist, Antiracist Research and Policy Center, BIPOC, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Boston University, Center for Antiracist Research, children, Decline of the Diversity Industry?, DEI, education, George Floyd, George Zimmerman, Henry Rogers, How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi, Jack Dorsey, Kendi, LGBT, Martin Luther King, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Parents, racism, racist, Robin DeAngelo, sophist, Stamped from the Beginning, Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Teachers, Trayvon Martin, Twitter, White Fragility
The Biden administration calls it the “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB—word on the streets is that it was going to be named the “Knowledge Governance Board,” but “KGB” was already taken).
The rest of America calls it the Ministry of Truth, a title derived from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.
In a rollout almost as wildly inept as Biden’s exit from Afghanistan, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its new effort to combat “disinformation.” After the past decade of Democrats spreading misinformation and disinformation, aided and abetted by leftist collaborators at the New York Times, Washington Post…
Posted in Federal, Media Watch
Tagged Alejandro Mayorkas, Chuck Todd, CNN, Department of Homeland Security, Disinformation Governance Board, Elon Musk, Ministry of Truth, MSNBC, New York Times, Nina Jankowicz, Ron Johnson, Twitter, Washington Post
As we head into the next presidential campaign season, it would serve us well to remember how leftist hatred and the lies they created to serve their hatred have caused ordinary Americans to suffer.
Leftist hatred of former President Trump resulted in the election of the senile mob boss Joe “Bananas” Biden, who has destroyed virtually every good thing Trump did during his four years in the White House. (Ironically, leftists consumed by hatred hurl the epithet “hater” at anyone who holds different moral views than they do.)
With his ill-conceived COVID and economic policies, Bananas Biden destroyed a …
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged 2022 Election, Adam Schiff, AOC, COVID, Donald Trump, gas prices, Hunter Biden, Jack Dorsey, Joe Biden, Mark Zuckerberg, Nancy Pelosi, Twitter
Alex Marlow, News Editor-in-Chief at the rightwing website Breitbart.com, recently made the claim that “TikTok is Chinese mind control,” pointing to how it has captivated the “increasingly A.D.D. American mind” with its constant scrolling. Is there any truth to this claim? And is TikTok more dangerous than we realize, not just because of the mindless distraction it provides but because of its content?
Ironically, although TikTok was developed by a Chinese company and is owned by a Chinese company, it is banned in China, along with a number of other, major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and …
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged Alex Marlow, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Facebook, Gender Confusion, Gender dysphoria, Good Morning America, Instagram, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, Multiple Personality Disorder, New York Post, Newsweek, social contagion, TikTok, Twitter
A recent Wall Street Journal investigation offered a glimpse into the world that a minor when scrolling through Tik Tok, the most popular social media platform among America’s teenagers. It wasn’t pretty. The journalists set up 31 fake Tik Tok accounts posing as 13–15-year-old users and discovered that the algorithm very quickly started showing them sexually explicit content, sexual violence, and links to OnlyFans. The fact that the age set on each of the 31 accounts was set at 15 or younger made no difference as pornographic content and links made their way into each account’s feed.
Speech suppression is a habit that the Biden administration and its liberal supporters can't seem to break. Many staffers may have picked up the habit in their student years: Colleges and universities have been routinely censoring "politically incorrect" speech for the last 30 years. As Thomas Sowell noted, "There are no institutions in America where free speech is more severely restricted than in our politically correct colleges and universities, dominated by liberals."
Posted in Education
Tagged Cardinal Bellarmine, Facebook, Galileo, Google, Hunter Biden, Jen Psaki, Joe Biden, Michael Goodwin, New York Post, New York Times, Nicholas Wade, Speech Suppression, Stephen L. Miller, Thomas Sowell, Twitter
Following the January 6th lawlessness at the Capitol in Washington D.C., Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump’s account and thousands of other conservative users began reporting their accounts were suspended or they had lost large numbers of followers. The migration that had already begun to an upstart competitor, Parler, gained tremendous speed until Amazon dropped the new platform from its server. The big tech censorship of conservative voices supporting Trump was underway.
Mainstream media went from calling the events on January 6th a riot, to an insurrection. Any person or platform who disagreed with their version of what took place …
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Day Gardner, Donald Trump, Facebook, Jack Dorsey, Joe Biden, Kohl's, Mike Lindell, MyPillow, National Black Pro-Life Union, Pinterest, Project Veritas, Twitter, Wayfair
After preaching at my home congregation Sunday morning, I got into my car in the church parking lot to check my voicemails and messages. One of my colleagues had sent me the link to his new article, which I decided to share with my Twitter followers. To my surprise, I discovered I was locked out of my account for 12 hours for violating Twitter Rules.
In the article describing “hate speech” tactics, we saw how people are called haters if they oppose the homosexual or transgender agenda. The intent is to shame the opponents into silence, that the activists’ march through American culture can continue unopposed. In this article, we’ll see how the activists try to punish those who actually do stand against them.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sexuality
Tagged Abraham Lincoln, America, America's Culture, Antifa, Apple, Cancel culture, Christianity, Culture, Facebook, George Orwell, Google Play, Harald Uhlig, homosexuals, Karen Blair, LGBT, Masterpiece Cakesho, Memories Pizza, Niel Golightly, Parler, pronouns, Robert Jensen, sexuality, social media, The Crossing Church, The Internet, transgender, Twitter
This is how it's going down, my friends—the eradication of speech rights for conservatives, that is. The stage was set years ago when "hate speech" laws were passed.
The Left argues that any rhetoric that is or may be in any distant way at any time related to acts of violence should be banned. So, if I say that volitional homosexual acts and relationships are abhorrent to God as Scripture teaches, and a lone, crazed, alienated, Godless sociopath or a few hundred alienated fatherless, Godless anarchists—people who may or may not have read my words—commit acts of violence against homosexuals—my words should be banned....
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged Abortion, AOC, Big Tech, BLM, BLM riots, Christians, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, election, Facebook, Forbes Magazine, Free Speech, hate speech, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyanne Conway, Leah Torres, Leftists, Lila Rose, Nancy Pelosi, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Parler, Randall Lane, Russian collusion, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Scripture, Sean Spicer, Stephanie Grisham, The Left, Twitter, YouTube
It is true that Google is not imprisoning dissenters in a vast network of prison camps, similar to what Alexander Solzhenitsyn described in The Gulag Archipelago. But there is a good reason that retired NYU professor Michael Rectenwald titled his 2019 book Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom.
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Basilea Schlink, Big Tech, Google, Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Michael Rectenwald, The Gulag Archipelago, The New York Post, Twitter, YouTube