Tag Archives: Barack Obama
A Black-Robed Counterrevolution
Federal judges sit on the bench for life and can either uphold the law or rule like tyrants. This puts judicial appointments right near the top of the most important things a president can do.
The newest U.S. Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch, has already shown what a difference a constitutionalist can make. But we need many more to counter the hundreds of Clinton, Obama and Jimmy Carter-appointed judges who issue zany rulings that override common sense and thwart democratically enacted popular will.
A case in point is U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves, a 2010 Obama appointee. In …
Barack is Immune to Embarrassment about the Obama Library Boondoggle
Here is U.S. News and World Report (yes, it’s still in business) introducing our topic, the Obama Library:
Chicago: Obama Library Infrastructure Could Total $175M
CHICAGO (AP) — Private dollars will pay for building former President Barack Obama’s library, but road and other work near the Chicago site could cost taxpayers.
The city’s transportation department estimates that the cost of widening streets and building at least four new underpasses near the site in Jackson Park may total $175 million.
From the same article (This is embarrassing):
…In January, more than 100 University of Chicago faculty members signed a
Coalition Letter Urges Trump Administration to Resist Courts on “Transgenders” in Military
‘Trillions of Dollars Are at Stake’: It is a Battle Over ‘The Future Wealth of the United States’
Is that headline dramatic enough for you?
Since writing the four part series focusing on trade and manufacturing jobs (one, two, three, four), Jim Dicks at American Thinker added some interesting political information to the mix.
Steve Bannon, Jim Dicks wrote, has begun an
…epic confrontation between the multinational corporations on one side (and their congressional politicians, to whom they have lavishly contributed) and the newly emerging Republican Party of the Little People on the other — the forgotten working class, championed by Donald Trump in his successful presidential run.
It is a crucial struggle,
‘Identity Politics Aim for the End of America Itself’
The above title was used as a subheading in this article by Elizabeth Kantor at The Federalist: “Donald Trump Isn’t Fighting a Culture War but A Cultural Revolution.”
Underneath that subheading, Kantor writes:
…[T]he genius and the miracle of America was that our identity as Americans was once inextricably tied to abstract principles about the rights of all human beings. To identify as an American was to believe in the Bill of Rights. To be an American patriot was to defend the God-given equality of all men as articulated in the Declaration of Independence.
The rights the American
Lord Willing, This is the First of Many
Let’s flash back 10 years ago…
This was a time when a majority of states had constitutional marriage amendments defining marriage s the union of one man and one woman – a time when support for this definition was bipartisan: from John McCain to Barack Obama, most politicians would confess their support for marriage.
As you may recall, at that time supporters of redefining marriage had a favorite talking point: what does my marriage have to do with you? Why can’t we live and let live?
This was a persuasive argument to a lot of people (And at another …
Is Our Constitution Going to Pot?
Combating the Politics of Fear
The United States of America was founded as an extraordinary experiment in freedom balanced by an almost universal worldview — the Christian or biblical worldview — which supplied inward moral constraints and rendered heavy handed government unnecessary and even repugnant.
But today, over 240 years later, America is a battlefield of opposing worldviews: secular humanists who have no transcendent truth to constrain them, versus people of faith who still embrace a biblical worldview. That biblical worldview includes exhortation to all manner of good and godly works and attitudes.
But what of The Left? Those with no moral compass who subscribe …