Tag Archives: Dr. Everett Piper

Compromising Truth, Partnering with Unrighteousness, and Promoting Division… for what?

It is easy to claim you stand under God’s truth, but the real test of faithfulness comes when God’s Word is being contradicted and you are called upon to act on the courage of your convictions.
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Dr. Everett Piper on Truth: The Only Rebellion Left

Many Americans have concluded that truth is nothing more than subjective opinion, shaped by “lived experience.” In his IFI presentation,  Dr. Everett Piper dismantles society’s beliefs about truth through a biblical lens and makes clear the consequences these beliefs will have. His unwavering and unapologetic defense of truth provides the information needed to dismantle the Left’s arguments.

Dr. Piper, an author and former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, shares the importance of truth in our world. He explores how the denial of truth has led to an increase in tyranny. The Bible says that the truth will set us free. …

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No Politician Has the Right to Dictate, Contradict or Contravene Religious Beliefs

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, (working through her city’s director of public health), declares a Romanian church a “public nuisance.” “We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you, and we will take you to jail,” she tells this small group of former Soviet bloc Christians who refuse to bow to her power.
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Who Are the Science Deniers?

The National Assessment of Educational Progress has issued its “Nation’s Report Card” on America’s schools and the data is clear. Private schools — which are mostly religious — outperform their public-school counterparts in science scores in almost every subcategory, including physical science, life science and earth science.
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Combating the Politics of Fear

The United States of America was founded as an extraordinary experiment in freedom balanced by an almost universal worldview — the Christian or biblical worldview — which supplied inward moral constraints and rendered heavy handed government unnecessary and even repugnant.

But today, over 240 years later, America is a battlefield of opposing worldviews: secular humanists who have no transcendent truth to constrain them, versus people of faith who still embrace a biblical worldview. That biblical worldview includes exhortation to all manner of good and godly works and attitudes.

But what of The Left? Those with no moral compass who subscribe …

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