Tag Archives: Donald Trump

PODCAST: School Board Member’s Adolescent Statement About American Flag

If Illinoisans want to know what’s wrong with public education, look no further than School District U-46, more specifically to the arrogant, self-righteous school board member Traci O’Neal Ellis who never misses an opportunity to insult conservative values through bigoted, divisive, uncivil language.  She is the school board member who has twice gleefully referred to the Republican National Convention as the “Klanvention.”

Evidently wanting to outdo herself in offending a segment of the diverse community whose interests she laughingly claims to represent, she just posted this on her Facebook page:

I’m proud to stand with the sons of bitches on

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As Evidence of Election Fraud Emerges, the Media Wants to Keep You in the Dark

If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised. Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive left’s mantra that the commission is a “sham.” Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system.
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What Have Liberals Got to Hide?

Progressives are in an uproar over the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, and we have to ask why? They claim creating an election integrity commission is a way to advance voter suppression. They truly fear the findings of this commission, and want to disband it as soon as possible.
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What has President Trump accomplished?

As I listen to the main stream media daily and hear what they determine to be the “news stories” of the day, I have asked myself on numerous occasions, “What has President Trump accomplished in his first eight months of office?”
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A Biblical View of Climate Change

Last year I was at lunch with an evangelist. After the meal, he handed our waitress a Gospel tract. I wanted to reinforce his compassion, so I told the young lady that her relationship with God was the most important thing in the world. She responded, “Yeah, that and global warming!” She proceeded to tell us that she wakes up in fear of what may happen to the earth during her lifetime. I was shocked.
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Play Hard and Work . . . Some?

The election of Donald Trump was often attributed to a reaction to the declining economics of middle-aged men.  However, a new study of young men finds that they have their own share of economic struggles today, too.   According to data from the National Bureau of Economic Research:

“Between 2000 and 2015, market hours worked fell by 203 hours per year (12 percent) for younger men ages 21-30, compared to a decline of 163 hours per year (8 percent) for men ages 31-55 . . . Not only have hours fallen, but there is a large and growing segment of this

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Military Lethality Demands Rigid Standards With No Exceptions

Those first courageous settlers in the new world — circa 1607 — faced peril and hardship to make a new home in this country. They steeled themselves, ready to fight predators and all who would threaten their loved ones and property.

Within 175 years America faced the British and their allies in the Revolutionary War  (1775–1783), battling King George’s Redcoats, necessitating the formation of regular military. The United States Army was founded on 14 June, 1775, the Navy on 13 October 1775, the Marines on 10 November 1775, the Coast Guard on 4 August 1790, and the Air Force on …

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Pres. Trump Restores Sanity for Military Personnel

At 5:55 (CDT) this morning, President Donald Trump tweeted the following: After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.
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Culture War Victory Still Possible for Conservatives

What we call the pro-family movement is a component of the larger conservative movement and deals with matters of sexuality and the natural family. Its American roots are in the cultural backlash to the Marxist revolution of the 1960s that turned family-centered society on its head and swapped the Judeo-Christian morality of our founding for Soviet-style “political correctness.”
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Conservative Gets Under Thin Skins of Petulant Progressive News Anchors

Next time Leftist journalists take umbrage over President Trump’s criticism of the mainstream press, pretending they think his criticism of bias is an attack on the foundation of our republic, or when a “progressive” talking head goes all middle-school snotty on a guest for his or her criticism of press bias, remember their responses to these comments from Obama and his water-carriers who routinely accused Fox News of being a fake news network and shill for the GOP...
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Lawmakers Avoid Discussions of First Principles

Recently Ben Shapiro, writing for National Review, exposed a fundamental failure of lawmakers that partisan debates conceal. Partisan debates conceal that fundamental, first-principle policy arguments about governance are avoided like the proverbial plague by politicians of all political stripes.
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Help Stop the Deportation of Iraqi Christians!

Donald Trump won the 2016 election for many reasons, not the least of which were promises to secure America's borders and deport illegal aliens, prioritizing any known criminals (for crimes in addition to breaking national immigration laws)... But there's one significant issue which must be addressed and remedied quickly...
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Big Illinois Government’s Insatiable and Impossible Demands from Taxpayers

It’s a sad tale of two cities.

The news out of Washington, D.C. this spring is that President Donald Trump and the Republican majorities in Congress plan on cutting taxes. The unsurprising news out of Springfield, Illinois is that General Assembly Democrats are planning to raise taxes.

Also not surprising is that there is a hot debate about whether the GOP tax cut efforts in D.C. can succeed. There is no debate, however, about Illinois Democrats’ accomplishing their mission. Especially when Republicans, including Governor Bruce Rauner, appear poised to help the Democrats.

What is also not debatable is whether …

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There’s a Method to the Political Correct (PC) Madness

Many years ago, I witnessed what happens when people who prevent others from speaking are not dealt with promptly. During a “Firing Line” taping with William F. Buckley at Bard College in New York State on the topic of “Resolved: The ACLU is full of baloney” (the short answer is “yes”), two female activists stood up and started chanting “women of color have no voice.”
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Good News: President Trump Signs Executive Order to Promote Religious Liberty

Fulfilling a campaign promise to get rid of the “Johnson Amendment,” President Donald Trump, according to Liberty Counsel, “signed an executive order today that promotes religious liberty throughout the federal agencies in general and in certain specific areas”:

The executive order declares that it is the policy of the Administration to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty, directs the IRS to exercise maximum enforcement of discretion to alleviate the burden of the Johnson Amendment, and provides regulatory relief for religious objectors to Obamacare’s burdensome preventive services mandate.

The Johnson Amendment, named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas

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