Tag Archives: Stephen Colbert

Testing For Truth

I often wonder why I torture myself. Each weekday afternoon, I try to stay somewhat literate in what is happening in our world by watching the evening network news. Most every day, I regret it. 
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Actress Ellen Page, Catholic-in-Name-Only Stephen Colbert & Marriage

Lesbian actress Ellen Page just posted an Instagram photo of her and her “wife” topless and kissing in honor of LGBTQ “pride” month, providing symbolic evidence that the cultural movement to normalize homoeroticism is chiefly about sex—not love—at least not love in its true and complete sense.

Page is the young actress who in early February delivered an anti-Christian screed on The Late Show with arrogant Catholic heretic Stephen Colbert in which she attacked Vice President Mike Pence over his theologically orthodox views on marriage. In her diatribe, Page demonstrated—again—that cultural regressives can’t distinguish between moral disapproval of acts and …

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Michelle Wolf’s Lewd Lupine Pasquinade

Full disclosure: I hate roasts of any kind.

White House Correspondents’ Dinner gut-busting pasquinade by jokester Michelle Wolf makes it difficult to refrain from being as despicable as she was.

First, some of her jokes:

“Of course, Trump isn’t here…. I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one p***y you’re not allowed to grab.”

“I know there’s a lot of people who want me to talk about Russia and Putin and collusion, but I’m not gonna do that because there’s a lot of liberal media here, and I’ve never

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