Tag Archives: Critical Race Theory

Critics Slam “Racist” Illinois Plan to Fund Colleges Based on Skin Color

Critical Race Theory and systemic racism in education are going to a whole new level in Illinois. In fact, under a proposed new scheme supposedly aimed at fighting alleged “disparities” in higher learning, people with darker complexions (or lower grades) will literally be worth more than those with lighter skin.
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Quack “Academics” Declare War on Racist 3-Year-Olds

After claiming for years that conservatives were imagining the racial indoctrination of children in government schools, the narrative is shifting. In fact, a group of “academics” and far-left activists released a new guide to teach the Marxism-inspired sociological view known as “Critical Race Theory” to kindergarten children. Even children as young as 3 will be racist without enough “antiracist” propaganda, they suggested.
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Evangelize or Else: Defending Christian Culture

Would you like a government that reflects your Christian beliefs? If so then congratulations, you’re a threat to democracy! Or so says Rob Reiner, who produced a movie meant to alarm you about Christian nationalism, He even tweeted that Christian nationalism is “a danger to Christianity itself.” His message, and his movie, joins an already noisy crowd just dying to tell you that applying Christianity to politics is wrong.
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American Library Association Chief Says ‘Public Education Needs To Be A Site Of Socialist Organizing’

Government schools and local libraries should be used for “socialist organizing,” the self-proclaimed “Marxist lesbian” chief of the American Library Association (ALA) proclaimed at a major socialism conference last week. The library boss has also becoming notorious recently for hating on parents, families, Christians and anyone else who stands in the way of indoctrinating children.
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Biblical Manhood, Social Justice & Woke Ideology

Dr. Voddie Baucham is a husband, father to nine children, former pastor, church planter, and professor. He currently serves as Dean of the School of Divinity at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. The video interview below is a fantastic and highly recommended episode of "The Sunday Special" from Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire featuring Dr. Baucham.
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Mattel’s American Girl Goes Woke

The Bible says to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).” Put two and two together, and it just makes sense that the devil will go after children. They’re impressionable - what you teach them will remain their whole lives - and they are less able to protect or defend themselves than adults. It’s why public schools try to keep secret the woke indoctrination they’re teaching children, or why Disney’s agenda is often found in movies aimed at young kids.
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Falsely Teaching Our Children That America is Evil

For 42 years American school children have been subject to a barrage of misinformation about our American history. This has helped cause many of them to hate America. And virtually every day we read about the results.
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It Is Time to Exit Illinois Public Schools: A Businessman’s Perspective

Business leaders are tasked with developing and executing strategies that lead to desired results, namely, to maximize shareholder value in a manner that is honest, moral, and upright.  Successful businesses measure their performance in a myriad of ways and use these results to implement changes, if needed, to achieve desired results... Why is this not the case for the Illinois Public School system?
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America Needs a Great Conservative Reset

A Democrat-controlled presidency and U.S. Congress (as well as state legislatures) will further empower the arrogant, ignorant, divisive, tyrannical cancel culture that has taken root in every major cultural institution in America. Academia, the mainstream press, Big Tech, corporate America, Hollywood, and professional medical and mental health organizations collude to censor the dissemination of ideas leftists hate and oppress those who disseminate them. The power these institutions already enjoy and employ to destroy speech rights, religious liberty, and careers is not enough to satiate the unquenchable thirst for power of leftists.
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Alarming and Disarming

The Biden Administration’s efforts to trample our Second Amendment rights fall into two categories: overt and covert.

In the more overt category is the game of “changing semantics”- the evolution of word usage usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage. This trend seems to be happening at an ever quickening pace. Even words once easily defined such as “woman” have the power to stump some of our nation’s most educated–case in point– Ketanji Brown Jackson—President Joe Biden’s recent nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Another word not so easily defined …

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The Blatant Anti-Christian Sentiment of the Public Schools

We have all seen and heard many shocking stories relating to public schools, such as the Zoom video where a teacher gets offended by a 10-year-old student for saying that he admires Donald Trump, or the insane Critical Race Theory or LGBTQIA indoctrination that students are constantly fed. This following story, however, is on a whole new level of demented, even for public schools.
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Wheaton College’s A-Wokening Continues Apace

Wheaton College, once one of the finest Christian colleges in the country, proves yet again that evangelicalism has been corrupted by anti-biblical worldviews.

Recently, during a question-and-answer time following chapel, Wheaton College president, Philip Ryken, was asked if Wheaton teaches critical race theory (CRT). Presumably, the student was not asking whether professors teach about CRT as a much-criticized theory. Presumably, the student was asking if any professors promote or affirm CRT as they teach it. It has been reported that Ryken seemed uncomfortable with the question, but ultimately admitted that yes, Wheaton College does teach CRT.

As I wrote …

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Yet Again, Power Brokers Try to Suppress the Truth

It’s no secret that most of the major social media companies want to suppress speech, specifically that of conservatives, but they are becoming more emboldened and blatant in their intentions. Not only do they censor truth, but they also shamefully promote their radical, sinful agenda. In a recent interview, Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, talked about how difficult it has been to moderate the platform, specifically referring to COVID-19 “misinformation.”
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Smidge of Hope on the Education Horizon

For those who for years have been battling critical race theory-infused and sexually deviant material in public schools with little help from their friends, recent developments offer a smidge of hope.

I began opposing both types of resources in about 2005 when I was a member of the highly partisan English Department at District 113’s Deerfield High School on Chicago’s North Shore. At that time, my opposition and warnings fell on deaf ears—well, except for the propagandists. Theirs were hostile ears—very hostile.

Teachers in District 113 were pushing CRT-tainted content in the classroom and in what is loosely called …

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Salvation Army Responds To ‘Woke’ Criticism

After receiving complaints from donors and bad press, the Salvation Army has removed the guide, “Let’s Talk About Race.” The removal of the guide is a step in the right direction, and we should applaud the charity for its willingness to remove the document. Nonetheless, the organization has not disavowed Critical Race Theory (CRT) or apologized to those they may have offended with divisive statements. Christians, therefore, may praise the move to remove the guide but should remain diligent in the fight against Critical Race Theory and Marxism.

The Salvation Army has released several statements denouncing that they …

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