Tag Archives: immigration

Are Doors Insensitive?

Doors are insensitive. They just stand there, entirely filling up the entrance to their houses and obstinately obstructing the way without caring who's at the doorstep. Society would seem a lot more hospitable without doors, wouldn't it? Sure, maybe—but society would also be a lot less safe. The insensitivity of a door is precisely what protects you at night.
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I Smell a Double Standard

Recent months have seen a dramatic uptick in the number of migrants and asylum seekers crossing the southern border, and major U.S. cities are struggling to accommodate them when they arrive.
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Cancelling Christianity (Part 1)

Immigrants have long swarmed America’s shores because of the opportunities afforded to all who arrive here. Historically, a person could start a business with all the potential risks and rewards involved or take the safer route of being employed by someone else. Employment and educational opportunities have been virtually unlimited, and the choice was yours to make.
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Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned

The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
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Did You Know? Pro-Family Trump Administration Victories

The Trump Administration has rolled back a number of federal rules instituted by the Obama Administration and has instituted others, including these amazing policy victories:
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Wait Till You See What the National Education Association Is Up To

The first weekend in July, the National Education Association (NEA) held its annual Representative Assembly in Houston, an assembly consisting of “nearly 7,000 delegates.” The National Education Association is a “progressive” political activist organization that masquerades—er, I mean, identifies as an educational organization. The NEA’s Code of Ethics says, among other things, this:
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