We recently read a great little sermon illustration in which a young boy asked his father, “Dad, I was watching a TV show about marine biologists. Why do scuba-divers jump backwards into the water?” His father wittily responded, “Because if they jumped forward, they'd still be in the boat!”
Posted in Faith
Tagged 40 Days for Life, Abortion, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Ceasar LeFlore, Clarence Thomas, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Elena Kagan, Health Care Rights of Conscience Act, IFI Prayer Team, Illinois Parental Notice Act, John Roberts, Neil Gorsuch, Qualified Immunity, Rescuing Our Children, Samuel Alito, SCOTUS, Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, U.S. Supreme Court
Last Friday, by a vote of 218 to 211, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a radical pro-abortion bill that would essentially codify Roe v. Wade. The so-called "Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021" (H.R. 3755) would create an absolute right to abortion in federal law, superseding all state laws. The vote fell along party lines, with only one Democrat—U.S. Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX)—voting against the bill.
Posted in Federal, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Bill Foster, Bobby Rush, Brad Schneider, Cheri Bustos, Chuy Garcia, Danny Davis, Dick Durbin, Doe v. Bolton, Jan Schakowsky, Lauren Underwood, Marie Newman, Mike Quigley, Mitch McConnell, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Robin Kelly, Roe v. Wade, Sean Casten, Susan Collins, Tammy Duckworth, Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021
Paxton Smith, a card-carrying member of the Cult of Self, just revealed her narcissistic bona fides in her valedictory diatribe advocating for human slaughter at Lake Highlands High School in Richardson, Texas. She dumped her pre-approved speech and replaced it with a controversial political polemic.
In an act of surpassing selfishness and presumptuousness, Smith used a once-in-a-lifetime family celebration to spread her poisonous belief that women’s rights depend on their ability to have their children killed, and she did that in front of the young siblings, grandparents, and parents of her classmates.
To make a contemptible story worse, in …
This article was originally published in April 2020.
Very few people realize that the reason children today are being sexualized at school is because pedophiles sexually abused hundreds of children, then claimed that the victims enjoyed it. That’s a fact, and the documents prove it.
In government schools all across the United States today, young children are literally being encouraged to experiment with fornication, masturbation, sodomy, oral sex, and all manner of sexual activities. It often begins as early as kindergarten and elementary school.
In fact, what passes for contemporary “sex education” in the United States and around the Western …
Posted in Education, Sexuality
Tagged #MeToo, Abortion, Alfred Kinsey, and Cultural Organization, Bela Kun, Bolshevik Revolution, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, Communism, Comprehensive Sex Ed, Dr. Charles Rice, Dr. John Bancroft, Dr. Judith Reisman, Dr. Mary Calderone, Dr. Melvin Anchell, euthanasia, feminism, fornication, Frankfurt School, G. Stanley Hall, Gyorgy Lukac, homosexuality, Institute of Sex Research, Kinsey Institute, Kinsey Reports, Magnus Hirschfeld, Marxist Utopia, masturbation, NAMBLA, New Soviet Man, North American Man/Boy Love Association, oral sex, pedophilia, Planned Parenthood, population control, Scientific, sex education, sex research, Sexology, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, SIECUS, sodomy, The Epoch Times, U.N. Educational
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is back in Congress -- back from the dead that is. This proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with helping women and everything to do with 1.) the unencumbered “right” to kill babies while in utero—including baby girls; and 2.) the transgender agenda: more specifically, those who pretend they are members of the opposite sex and want the entire country to play along.
Back in 1994, a worried Delaware taxpayer sent a message to his senator. "Please don't force me to pay for abortions against my conscience," he said. Joe Biden sent an unambiguous response.
"I will continue to abide by the same principle that has guided me throughout my 21 years in the Senate: those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them," he wrote.
Posted in Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, American Rescue Plan, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chris Smith, COVID–19, EWTN, House Ways and Means Committee, Hyde Amendment, Jackie Walorski, James Lankford, Joe Biden, Jose Gomez, Justice Department, Owen Jensen, Planned Parenthood, Pro-Life Caucus, Roe v. Wade, tax funded abortion, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, U.S. Supreme Court, Virginia Foxx
This January marked the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion across America. And recently, President Joe Biden rescinded the Mexico City Policy, which bans U.S. foreign aid to organizations that provide or promote abortion. Both serve as grim reminders of the millions of unborn children whose lives have been aborted – currently an estimated 44 million worldwide each year, with an annual average of more than 1.3 million in the U.S. since 1973.
This is how it's going down, my friends—the eradication of speech rights for conservatives, that is. The stage was set years ago when "hate speech" laws were passed.
The Left argues that any rhetoric that is or may be in any distant way at any time related to acts of violence should be banned. So, if I say that volitional homosexual acts and relationships are abhorrent to God as Scripture teaches, and a lone, crazed, alienated, Godless sociopath or a few hundred alienated fatherless, Godless anarchists—people who may or may not have read my words—commit acts of violence against homosexuals—my words should be banned....
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged Abortion, AOC, Big Tech, BLM, BLM riots, Christians, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, election, Facebook, Forbes Magazine, Free Speech, hate speech, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyanne Conway, Leah Torres, Leftists, Lila Rose, Nancy Pelosi, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Parler, Randall Lane, Russian collusion, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Scripture, Sean Spicer, Stephanie Grisham, The Left, Twitter, YouTube
I am a woman. I am also pro-life. Unfortunately, many people today see these identities as contradictory and antithetical. Over the past few decades, society has tried to force many women into a box: If you are a woman who is proud of your womanhood, you should support and advocate for abortion. If not, how can you be a true advocate for women? Supporting women has become synonymous with supporting abortion.
For many Christian conservatives, the number one voting issue is abortion. Under no circumstances will we vote for a “pro-choice” candidate, no matter how good that candidate’s other policies may be. Conversely, we will vote for a strong pro-life candidate even if that candidate does not line up with some of our other ideals. After all, we reason, what is more important than the shedding of innocent blood, especially the blood of babies in their mothers’ wombs?
Posted in Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Bible, christian, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Molech, President Trump, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Roe v. Wade, Sanctity of Life
Join other pro-life prayer warriors in the annual 40 Days For Life campaign to pray and fast to end abortion! This year’s Fall vigil begins on September 23rd and ends 40 days later on November 1.
Through peaceful prayer vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 people to join at locations across the nation.
With God’s blessing, here are the results of 25 coordinated campaigns:
16,742 babies saved from abortion
196 abortion workers left their jobs
104 abortion centers closed
Find a vigil location near you HERE, or join one of these Illinois locations:
Sometimes the smallest gesture can make a huge difference in a person’s life. A welcoming smile, a phone call or an encouraging note received at an opportune moment has the power to turn despair into hope. This fall, just one hour of prayer could make a life-changing, life-saving difference in not one, but two lives.
In June Medical Services v. Russo, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts again disappoints conservatives. Roberts voted with the politically “progressive”/morally regressive majority to strike down a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the slaughterhouse in which they kill tiny humans and occasionally end up killing or maiming their mothers. This law would have required abortuaries in which surgical procedures are performed to adhere to the same safety regulations as all other ambulatory surgical centers.
Posted in Federal, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abner Mikva, Abortion, Alan Dershowitz, ambulatory surgical centers, Archibald Cox, Clarence Thomas, Earl Warren, Edward Lazarus, Gordon Gekko, human slaughter, Jeffrey Rosen, John Hart Ely, John Roberts, Kermit Roosevelt, Laurence Tribe, Louisiana, Michael Kinsley, Richard Cohen, Roe v. Wade, Science, SCOTUS, Sophie Lewis, Supreme Court, surgery, William Saletan
In June Medical Services v. Russo, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts again disappoints conservatives. Roberts voted with the politically “progressive”/morally regressive majority to strike down a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the slaughterhouse in which they kill tiny humans and occasionally end up killing or maiming their mothers. This law would have required abortuaries in which surgical procedures are performed to adhere to the same safety regulations as all other ambulatory surgical centers.
read more…
If you have logged on to Netflix, Amazon, and other places recently, you have probably seen some of corporate America’s virtue signaling through banners in support of Black Lives Matter. By itself, it is a powerful slogan which no one can disagree with, even if you’d prefer to say all lives matter. However, there’s more to this than just a slogan.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Abortion, ActBlue, Amazon, anti-Semitism, Black Lives Matter, defund police, Democrat Party, Israel, Joe Biden, lgbt agenda, Netflix, racism, reparations