Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Jan Schakowsky Wants Americans to Fund the Offing of Babies of Color Everywhere

Jan Schakowsky, the U.S. Representative from Evanston, Illinois, diminutive in intellectual and moral stature, has sponsored a bill to repeal the Helms Act. Her bill, H.R.1670, is titled “Abortion is Health Care Everywhere Act,” and if passed, would open the floodgates of American money to fund abortions overseas.

According to the liberal Guttmacher Institute, the repeal of the Helms Act will result in Americans funding the slaughter of 19 million babies every year, mostly black and brown babies. And Schakowsky has the audacity of a lifelong politician whose conscience has shriveled up to call the Helms Amendment “…

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Biden’s COVID-19 Plan: Force Taxpayers To Pay For Abortions

Back in 1994, a worried Delaware taxpayer sent a message to his senator. "Please don't force me to pay for abortions against my conscience," he said. Joe Biden sent an unambiguous response.

"I will continue to abide by the same principle that has guided me throughout my 21 years in the Senate: those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them," he wrote.
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The Shape of Things to Come in the Biden/Never-Trumper Dystopia

Good job, David French, Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today, Lincoln Project, and other assorted Never-Trumpers. The senile, morally corrupt President-Elect of the once great United States of America just nominated a delusional man with a cross-dressing fetish to be the assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Now decent people won’t be able to teach their young children about our president's cabinet. With Dr. Richard "Rachel" Devine's appointment will come Big Brother's prohibition of “misgendering” Devine. In other words, Big Brother and his minions will command all Americans to mis-sex the burly Dr. Devine. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
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Black Pro-Life Coalition Calls on Government to Investigate Planned Parenthood for Racial Discrimination

Planned Parenthood has been called out by the National Black Pro-Life Coalition for “systemic racism” and targeting pregnant Black women in a racial discrimination claim filed against the organization. This network of Pro-Life and Pro-Family organizations wants the federal government to “investigate and hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their continuing violations of civil rights laws as their services have had a tremendously negative and lasting impact on Black women and children--and overall, the Black family.”
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40 Days for Life Fall 2020

Join other pro-life prayer warriors in the annual 40 Days For Life campaign to pray and fast to end abortion! This year’s Fall vigil begins on September 23rd and ends 40 days later on November 1.

Through peaceful prayer vigils and community outreach, 40 Days for Life has inspired 1,000,000 people to join at locations across the nation.

With God’s blessing, here are the results of 25 coordinated campaigns:

16,742 babies saved from abortion

196 abortion workers left their jobs

104 abortion centers closed

Find a vigil location near you HERE, or join one of these Illinois locations:


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40 Days for Life in 2020

Prayer, fasting, church outreach, and PEACEFUL PRAYING outside abortion clinics are powerful in helping to save lives and—we hope and pray—in ending abortion.
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They Cannot Destroy Our Firm Foundation

The COVID-19 pandemic, cancel culture, BLM, Antifia, nation-wide riots and impeachment have dominated the headlines one after the other for months. To say this year has been strange, is perhaps, an understatement of a lifetime.

However true that may be, partisan conflicts, fear, violence, and anger should not distract us from upholding and defending our first freedom, the foundation on which America was built and in which it thrived.
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Black Lives Matter is a Marxist anti-Family Group

Despite the clever marketing and the dishonest media propaganda surrounding the group, Black Lives Matter is not actually about black lives or racism. Instead, it is a dangerous organization founded by self-proclaimed Marxists that seeks to dismantle the nuclear family and the market system. If BLM gets its way, black Americans and everyone else will suffer enormously.

One does not need to dig deep to learn the truth about Black Lives Matter. In fact, BLM leaders brag about it. “We are trained Marxists,” boasted BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors speaking about the group’s “ideological frame” in an interview with The Real …

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Jared Kushner: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Hovering Too Near Trump

In an alarming May 24, 2020 article titled “Scoop: Inside the Secret Talks to Overhaul the GOP Platform,” published by Axios, political reporter Jonathan Swan exposed the behind-the-scenes efforts of the socially liberal son-in-law of President Trump, Jared Kushner, to change the GOP platform so that it reflects Democrat views. While the radical overhaul of the GOP platform—and, therefore, the GOP—is the brainless-child of Kushner, the nitty gritty of the subversive project has been assigned to Bill Stepien, second in command for Trump’s re-election campaign, just under Brad Parscale.

According to Swan, Kushner has been …

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Prayers Needed: Upholding Faith, Hope and Liberty

Late last month we sent email alerts to churches and pastors to let them know that we were organizing lawsuits to challenge Gov. J.B. Pritzker‘s illegal “shelter-at home” Executive Orders, and invite them to join us in making a case against his abuse of authority.

Big box stores, Planned Parenthood clinics, “medical” marijuana dispensaries and liquor stores are considered “essential” by the governor, while church services have been banned. This sets a dangerous precedent. The First Amendment specifically protects our religious liberties from tyrannical government forces. It doesn’t take much foresight to realize how similar future orders could be …

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APB to Illinoisans (and other Deep-Blue-State Residents): Your Pro-Life Presence is More Important than Ever

What happens when people live in an abortion-complacent culture? Hold that thought; we’ll return to it shortly.

Nanfu Wang was born in China in 1985, six years after China instituted its one-child policy. The Chinese were told that if they averaged three children per family, there would be starvation by the middle of the next century, but if families limited themselves to only one child, their standard of living would double. The government used wall-to-wall propaganda to promote this message, and where messaging failed, it levied fines, destroyed property, or imposed forced abortions and sterilization to enforce it. It was …

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Freedom Versus Tyranny on Display

Why is it safe to wait in a car for a liquor store to open but dangerous to wait in a car to hear morning prayers?
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Planned Parenthood Opens Abortuary With No Notice in Waukegan

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Planned Parenthood opened a new clinic in Waukegan, its 19th in Illinois. Like its predecessor in Fairview Heights which opened last October, it was built in secret. The clinic, called The Waukegan Health Center, is located within a 1.5-mile radius of a middle and a high school.

Bonnie Quirke, president of Lake County Right to Life, learned of the clinic’s opening when, “I read an article in our local paper. The surprise was the stealth nature of it.”

“We knew it was coming, especially after the passage of last year’s Reproductive Health …

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Leftists Say Freely Choosing Feticide Is Now Non-Elective

There’s nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the best in people. There’s also nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the worst in people. Case in point, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s idiotic defense of prohibiting doctors from performing “non-essential” surgical procedures, including joint replacements, while allowing doctors to continue to perform freely chosen, that is, elective abortions.

Before discussing Whitmer’s idiotic statement, let’s remember that abortion—i.e., the deliberate killing of a human prior to his or her delivery—is never necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. While there are emergencies that require a pregnancy …

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Abortion Battle Continues as Pandemic Rages

As the Coronavirus pandemic wears on, government officials have shut down schools and businesses while stressing social distancing. The work continues to get personal protective equipment (PPE) into the hands of medical personnel with even elective surgeries canceled for the foreseeable future. However, the pandemic hasn’t slowed down the abortion industry.
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