Written by Patience Griswold
The so-called “Abortion Care Network” (ACN) recently reported that independent abortion facilities are closing at an “alarming rate.” In the past five years, 113 independent abortion facilities have closed, including 34 since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past decade, the number of independent abortion facilities has declined by 30 percent. The rate at which these clinics are closing is not what is alarming. What is alarming is that they ever opened in the first place and that, far too often, we are numb to the daily massacre committed by the abortion industry.
It’s well past time for these clinics to close. Abortion is a grave injustice that has plagued the United States for too long, and the sooner these clinics close the doors, the better. Although Planned Parenthood continues to commit over a third of abortions in the United States, ACN reports that independent abortion facilities commit 58% of all abortions.
Meanwhile, 40 Days for Life recently celebrated the 20,00th baby saved thanks to their campaign! For 14 years, the group has held a 40-day, around-the-clock vigil outside of abortion facilities praying for the women entering and offering them hope and resources to choose life, and their annual vigil has saved an average of over 1400 babies per year! The pro-life movement is making strides, not just in passing life-saving legislation but also in changing hearts and minds about abortion and offering real care and support to women.
The abortion industry preys on fear. The impact of organizations like 40 Days for Life and other pro-life sidewalk counseling ministries shows that women do not need abortion and that, when shown the reality of abortion and offered life-affirming support, many abortion-minded women choose life.
Time and again, the pro-life movement consistently demonstrates true compassion for women and families. And time and again, the abortion industry has proven that their concern is not the wellbeing of women, as they claim, but their own bottom line. Here in Minnesota, abortion activists recently called for an end to the Positive Alternatives to Abortion program, which provides grants to organizations that offer women support and resources to choose life, including pregnancy resource centers, as well as organizations that offer housing and financial assistance, and help with adoption placement, family, pregnancy, and parental counseling, and post-abortion care. If the abortion movement truly cared about women, they would not consistently target organizations that offer compassionate care and resources to expecting mothers and their families.
Women don’t need abortion. They need the support, compassion, and resources that the pro-life movement consistently offers them. The growing number of abortion facilities closing their doors for good is excellent news for women, babies, families, and a society that has been numb to the reality of abortion for far too long.
This article was originally published at MFC.org.