Tag Archives: Biden Administration
John Kerry and WEF Argue U.S. Must Pay “Reparations”
Biden’s Marijuana Pardon Will Drive Crime Higher
Leftists Socially Constructing a Pagan World
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under Biden’s incompetent rule has decided that in order for schools to access federal money to provide lunch to needy children, schools will have to sexually integrate bathrooms and locker rooms. The USDA defended its decision with this bizarre comment:
…[A]ccording to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, more than 13% of LGBTQ respondents lived in a household that experienced food insecurity, compared to 7.2% of non-LGBTQ adult respondents. This survey also found food insufficiency – not always having enough food to eat – to be three times as common among
Resistance Grows to UN WHO & Biden “Global Health” Power Grab
Pro-Family Groups Urge SCOTUS To Rule Against OSHA Vaccine Mandate
Pushing Parents Out, Biden Administration Further Weaponizes ‘Education’
When it comes to education policy, the Biden administration is making the radicalism of the Obama years look mild by comparison.
The goal is to ultimately replace parents with bureaucrats and “experts” to facilitate the indoctrination of America’s youth. That transformation is accelerating.
Not only are the education system and America’s children being weaponized against America, federal law enforcement is now being weaponized against parents who speak out about it.
If left unchecked, catastrophe awaits. However, the more monstrous the federally directed abuses in schools become, the more outraged Americans join the fight.
The future of the nation is literally …