Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Even During a National Medical Emergency, the Abortion Industry Still Thinks It’s “Essential”

As part of their COVID-19 response, the U.K. initially approved new measures to allow women to take the complete abortion pill regimen at home. Now, it appears that this measure has been reversed. The reasoning given was, “This was published in error. There will be no changes to abortion regulations.”
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Abortion Activists Want Us to Look at Abortion More Expansively
Great Idea! Let’s Help Them

The number of “tourist” abortions carried out in Illinois nearly doubled from 2014 to 2018. Reporter Natalie Moore of Chicago's NPR station WBEZ recently praised this development, as she see this as a strength. Illinois has become a go-to state for abortion.
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Great Idea! Let’s Help Them

Margaret Sanger and the Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood

Margaret Sanger, her sister, Ethel Byrne, and Fania Mindell opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York on October 16, 1916. The clinic was later raided by the NYPD, and all three women were arrested and charged with violating the Comstock Act for distributing obscene materials. After laws governing birth control were relaxed, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
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Did You Know? Pro-Family Trump Administration Victories

The Trump Administration has rolled back a number of federal rules instituted by the Obama Administration and has instituted others, including these amazing policy victories:
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Church Has Stemmed the Tide of Evil Throughout History

Cambridge Professor C.F.D. Moule once said, “The gospel is more than a declaration … It is something which we do not merely know but experience.” He continued, “The action of Christ in our world is not a dead and static thing,” but on the contrary, “a great flowing stream, not a separate draught of water; the apex of a pyramid, not an unattached point in mid-air.”
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The Ghastly Practices of Planned Parenthood

Truth is not only stranger than fiction. Truth is also more disturbing than fiction. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the abortion industry, where baby parts are meticulously collected and systemically labeled for immediate, profitable sale. Not only so, but all this takes place without the knowledge of the mother, who recovers in a waiting room nearby. And, if the reports are accurate, some of the slicing and dicing is done while the baby is still alive.
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What All Conservatives Must Learn from District 211 “Trans” Activism

Folks, if you hope to defeat “trans” activism in your public schools, public libraries, the Springfield Swamp, and halls of Congress, you must first find those old rubbery spines that have been gathering dust in your attics. Then muster some courage to speak truth to Leftists who have been winning gold medals in epithet-hurling. Their tongues are now the strongest part of their bodies, while apparently their brains are the weakest. Try getting them to answer a few foundational questions that emerge from their incoherent, science-denying “trans”-ideology and watch them bob and weave, evasively changing subjects in between screeching “hater” …

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When Abortion Politics Overrode Women’s Health

In 1996, Dr. Joel Brind along with colleagues at Penn State Medical College published a meta-analysis of peer-reviewed literature on the connection between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer. Based on 23 studies, it found a 30 percent higher rate of breast cancer for women with abortion histories. Six years later, in February 2003, the National Cancer Institute officially declared the abortion breast cancer link nonexistent. Clear-thinking people know risk factors are complex and that study results are subject to interpretation, but which is it? Some say the abortion-breast cancer link is real; some say it’s not. Who should we believe? Hold that thought.
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Illinois Needs Prayer

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Flossmoor 40 Days for Life Leaders Luncheon

Forty-six years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in America through a 7-2 decision in Roe v. Wade. Then in 1992, in a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the right to terminate preborn babies in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Over the past 45 years, over 60 million innocent human lives have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience and the non-existent constitutional “right to privacy.”

There is a large Planned Parenthood surgical abortion center located in Flossmoor that is open 5 days a week, ending innocent lives right in your back yard. Christians and non-Christians …

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Planned Parenthood Lives Up to Its Bloodthirsty and Racist Reputation

When an organization makes billions of dollars killing babies in the womb, it is clearly a bloodthirsty organization. And when a disproportionate number of those babies are black and Hispanic, it is clearly a racist organization.

All this is self-evident when it comes to Planned Parenthood, but recent events – the firing of Planned Parenthood’s president and a blatantly racist tweet – underscore just how deeply Planned Parenthood is a bloodthirsty and racist organization.

First there was the unexpected firing of president Leana Wen.

Her primarily failing, it appears, was that she did not have the cold-blooded killer instinct …

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Planned Parenthood and the “Trans” Cult

As many have heard, Planned Feticide (known euphemistically as Planned Parenthood) just gave the heave-ho to Dr. Leana Wen as its president. One of the reasons for the unceremonious dumping of Wen after only 8 months on the job is reportedly that she was disinclined to use politically correct language for people who pretend to be the sex they are not and never can be. Perhaps recently elected member of the Planned Parenthood National Board of Directors "Meghan" Stabler—who was elected six months after Wen’s appointment—had a little sumpin' sumpin' to do with that.
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PODCAST: Planned Parenthood and the “Trans” Cult

As many have heard, Planned Feticide (known euphemistically as Planned Parenthood) just gave the heave-ho to Dr. Leana Wen as its president. One of the reasons for the unceremonious dumping of Wen after only 8 months on the job is reportedly that she was disinclined to use politically correct language for people who pretend to be the sex they are not and never can be. Perhaps recently elected member of the Planned Parenthood National Board of Directors “Meghan” Stabler—who was elected six months after Wen’s appointment—had a little sumpin’ sumpin’ to do with that.

Read more…

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Pritzker, Cassidy and Bush Celebrate Baby Snuff Bill

It’s official. Illinois is the now the most pernicious state in the country. Governor Jay “Baby Butchery Booster” Pritzker signed into law the Kill-Babies-Bill—euphemistically named the Reproductive Health Act—which has nothing to do with reproducing and nothing to do with health. Instead it enshrines in law that the smallest, weakest, most vulnerable humans have no legal rights and that larger, stronger, arrogant people have an absolute right to kill them. Illinois is now the nation’s bloody altar on which babies are sacrificed to the god of Autonomy that America worships.

At an obscene press conference/celebration of his signing into law …

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Progressives Seek to Rush Human Slaughter Bill Through House

With a cringe-worthy, faux-earnest expression, State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) explained at Thursday's press conference to promote her radical abortion bill the meaning of the necklace she prominently wore—a necklace adorned with a coat hanger:
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