Tag Archives: Jeanne Ives

Critics Slam “Racist” Illinois Plan to Fund Colleges Based on Skin Color

Critical Race Theory and systemic racism in education are going to a whole new level in Illinois. In fact, under a proposed new scheme supposedly aimed at fighting alleged “disparities” in higher learning, people with darker complexions (or lower grades) will literally be worth more than those with lighter skin.
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March for Life Palatine

With the passage of the Illinois Reproductive Health Law there was a blatant attempt to declare life worthless, having absolutely no value.  If life in the womb can be thrown away up until the moment of birth, then all life is made cheap, meaningless, and worthless.  Yet that same law has had an unintended effect;  we have seen an awakening of the pro-life community as never before.  We are rallying together, working to unite, combining our time, treasure, and talent for a common cause.  Please join us!
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Shocking Information About Illinois Medicaid and Pregnant Women

Maybe everyone knew this but me. If not, you better be sitting down for this one.

Though not required by law, Illinois provides a program of benefits called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility(MPE). MPE “offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for pregnant women…. There are no co-payments or premiums in MPE.” MPE, which takes effect immediately and remains in effect for 30 days after the month in which it takes effect, provides “outpatient services like prenatal checkups, doctor visits, lab tests, prenatal vitamins, medicine, specialty medical care, eye care, dental care, emergency room care, mental health and …

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What A Great Opportunity!

Last night, IFI hosted its annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet. Hundreds of supporters from across the state gathered to enjoy a good meal and fellowship while being informed, encouraged and edified by our emcee, State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and our keynote speaker, George Barna. Together we are working for the common good.

In my short presentation, I reminded attendees that we are called to be steadfast and immovable while abounding in the work the Lord calls us to do and to remember that our labor is not in vain. God’s truth is marching on. We are His …

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Illinois House Ratifies the ERA

On Wednesday evening, the Illinois House of Representatives voted 72 to 45 to ratify SJRCA 4, a completely unnecessary proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to eradicate sex as a legitimate characteristic on which to base reasonable distinctions. Illinois House GOP Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) and ten House Republicans voted for the ERA, while five Democrats voted against this resolution.
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Illinois is Insolvent and It is Time to Admit It

Many will see the proposal outlined in my previous article as a ridiculous fantasy and politically impossible. To them I’d say that almost everything is politically impossible until it is made politically possible. Selling a plan will be hard work, so we will need leaders with a genuine work ethic to start the process. (They can learn that political work ethic by watching President Donald Trump.)

You know what’s already politically possible and, in fact, quite easy? Bowing to the powers of the government unions, keeping the public in the dark about just how bad things are, and allowing …

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Emergency Injunction Against Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Sought in Lawsuit Against Illinois Officials

The Thomas More Society has now moved for an emergency injunction to be heard on Thursday, December 28, to stop State of Illinois officials from providing tens of thousands of taxpayer funded abortions in the New Year. Additional legislators and groups will also seek to join the suit that day, including State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island).
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PODCAST: District U-46 Board Member’s Dishonest FB Post About Rep. Ives

Traci O’Neal Ellis, the school board member in Illinois School District U-46, which was embroiled in a controversy last spring over the superintendent’s secret decision to sexually integrate restrooms and locker rooms, has joined the fracas over the Chicago Tribune’s biased reporting about State Representative Jeanne Ives. This is the twisted comment Ellis has offered on her school board member Facebook page, accompanied by a link to the dishonest Trib article…

Read more…

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Tax Increases, More Spending and ‘A Disaster’ of a Budget for Illinois

State government summer re-run season is underway at the Illinois capitol building where both political parties are cooperating to send our state further into the fiscal abyss. Midnight came and went as we closed out the month of June without a budget being signed into law, so Illinois has begun its third straight year without one.
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Illinois Lawmakers Pass Legislation to Coerce Speech

This afternoon, the Illinois House took up this SB 1564, debated and passed this ominous new mandate by a vote of 61-54. We are asking for a flood of calls to the Governor's office, asking him to VETO this terrible legislation: (217) 782-0244 or (312) 814-2121
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Sixth Planned Parenthood Video

The Center for Medical Progress released its sixth video earlier this week titled Human Capital – Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site. The video features a former StemExpress procurement technician explaining how women are manipulated to “donate” to research parts of their babies’ bodies after abortion for Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s (PPFA) profit.

“If it seems disturbing and repulsive to proudly flaunt participation in the killing of a human life, that’s because it is,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. “In previous videos, that’s exactly what we’ve seen Planned Parenthood officials doing–with total …

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Illinois House Resolution Calls for Planned Parenthood Investigation

As a result of three videos from the Center for Medical Progress that have exposed the dark, sickening underbelly of Planned Parenthood, 31 Republicans and 1 Democrat have filed a resolution (HR 671) urging “the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois Executive Inspector General, the Illinois Attorney General, and the Illinois Depart of Revenue to investigate Planned Parenthood’s procedures for abortions, obtaining informed consent, and sale of donation of human fetal tissues across the state.”

Moreover, the resolution urges these same government bodies to “investigate which organizations across the state are involved in purchasing or accepting human …

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Ultrasound Opportunity Act in Springfield

IFI is working with other Illinois pro-life groups in advocating for an important pro-life bill sponsored by State Representative Barbara Wheeler (R-Crystal Lake).  If passed, HB 2701 would require abortion providers to simply offer an ultrasound picture to women considering abortion.  The choice of whether or not to view the ultrasound picture is still hers.  Research has proven that between 80 and 90 percent of “abortion minded” women who see images of their unborn children choose life.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email or a fax to your state representative to ask him/her to support HB 2701.  Informed …

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Marriage Redefinition Passes in the House

Sixty-one state representatives in the Illinois House cave in to pressure from Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and the LGBTQ lobby.
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