Tag Archives: Thomas More Society

IFI Prayer Team: We Must Turn Back to God

We invite you and faithful Christians across the state to join us in prayer for our state and nation. Understanding that the problems and challenges that we face as a culture are not political in nature, but primarily spiritual. As such, fervent prayer and fasting is the best way to engage in this spiritual warfare.
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Success! Sanity Prevails In Illinois!

People who’ve been around the State Capitol a while – 10, 20, or even 30 years – experienced a “first” last session. These insiders had seen lots of legislation over the years. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of legislation, in fact. And some legislation bordered on silly. Such as requiring Illinois citizens to wear blue on Mondays. Well, that was never proposed, but you get the idea. Just by sheer numbers, by default there have been some bills that would be considered laughable.
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Anti-Pregnancy Care Center Bill Signed Into Law by Gov. Pritzker

If you keep wondering how bad laws get made in Illinois, SB 1909 is a very good example. Yes, pundits have always compared law-making to sausage-making – a messy and unsavory process. But lawmaking in Illinois has reached a whole new level of butchery as a way to disguise or mask the quality of their work – it is so different from your “normal” backroom deals (which still happen, by the way).
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Peter Breen Joins Our Line-Up at the IFI Forum on Religious Liberty

We are pleased to announce that former state legislator Peter Breen has been added to our line-up of speakers for the IFI Special Forum on Religious Liberty.  In addition to being a pro-life hero, Peter leads the Thomas More Society’s Legal Team in service of its Life, Family, and Religious Liberty missions.
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Vulnerable Moms and Babies Denied a Hearing

In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, little if anything has changed concerning abortion in Illinois. You would think radical pro-abortion activists and legislators would be satisfied to know the status quo remains, but sadly, you would be wrong. Even though Illinois' abortion law is one of the most liberal in the nation, pro-abortion forces are not content with unfettered access to abortion, and they are now coming after crucial pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).
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Public Education – Transparently Opaque

Why are so many public schools in Illinois keeping so many secrets from the public? Last August, Christopher Rufo disclosed that Lurie’s Children’s Hospital, unbeknownst to parents or the general public, was collaborating with Chicago area schools to promote “radical gender theory, trans activism, and sexually explicit materials in at least four Chicago-area public school systems: District 75, District 120, District 181, and District 204.” Three of these school districts are elementary districts and one is a high school district.
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The Ongoing Attacks Against Pro-Lifers

Did you hear in the mainstream media about the scores of attacks, including some firebombings, of the Planned Parenthood facilities by pro-life extremists?

Did you hear about the harassment of the pro-abortion politicians and judges for their pro-choice stance?
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Obama Judge Ignores the Expressed Will of the Legislative Branch

Obama judicial appointee Judge John Z. Lee of the Northern District of Illinois ruled against The Beloved Church last week as they filed a federal complaint challenging Governor J.B. Pritzker‘s emergency Executive Orders. The pastor and church, located in Lena, Illinois, are seeking to have their First Amendment rights restored to them in order to host regular services of up to 80 people each week.

Judge Lee’s reasoning in his decision denying the church’s complaint was shocking:

It is difficult to see why the legislature would recognize these long-running problems as disasters, yet divest the Governor of the tools

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Thomas More Society Fights Pro-Life Discrimination in NY

A federal lawsuit has been filed against New York City and the state, too, over their effort to include abortion in civil rights protections.
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Praying for Our Enemies

We at IFI and IFA have been humbled and blessed by the words of encouragement, prayers, and support we have received over the past two weeks from subscribers. We can’t adequately express how thankful we are for such support or describe how is has bolstered our spirits and strengthened our resolve to act and speak boldly in defense of the least among us.
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Emergency Injunction Against Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Sought in Lawsuit Against Illinois Officials

The Thomas More Society has now moved for an emergency injunction to be heard on Thursday, December 28, to stop State of Illinois officials from providing tens of thousands of taxpayer funded abortions in the New Year. Additional legislators and groups will also seek to join the suit that day, including State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island).
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Gov. Rauner Kills Conscience Rights by Signing SB 1564

Despite a full-court press by IFI and many Illinois pro-life groups--including dozens of pregnancy resource centers (PRCs)--Governor Bruce Rauner today chose to sign legislation that will result in our state government requiring pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols. This is not the result for which so many hoped and prayed.
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Federal Lawsuit Filed Against District 211 and DOE Over Student Privacy

On Wednesday afternoon, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit in federal court against School District 211 and the Department of Education (DOE) on behalf of 51 district families who rightly claim that the district and the Department of Education “trample students’ privacy” rights and create an “intimidating and hostile environment” for girls who are being forced to share the girls locker room and restrooms with a boy who wishes he were a girl.

The lawsuit claims that the DOE’s reinterpretation of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, is unlawful. The DOE through …

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Court Rules Against Planned Parenthood in Abortion Clinic Zoning Case

The Illinois Appellate Court, Second Judicial District, has overturned a lower court’s dismissal of a zoning and fraud lawsuit brought by the Thomas More Society on behalf of Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood and several neighbors. The Society argued that the zoning of the mega-abortion facility (built eight years ago in Aurora, Illinois) was illegal, as it was (and remains) located in a business development district – an area which is exclusively reserved for profit-making businesses. The appellate court remanded the case for discovery and further proceedings in the circuit court focused on the nearby residents’ primary contention – …

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SCOTUS Affirms First Amendment Freedoms!

This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a highly anticipated ruling that affirmed First Amendment  protections of religious liberty and freedom of conscience.  In this particular ruling it means that our government does not have the authority to force family businesses like Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods to provide abortifacient drugs and contraceptives in their health care plans.

The Illinois Family Institute celebrates this important decision in favor of religious liberty and freedom of conscience. The Court ruled that private companies cannot be forced to comply with onerous federal government mandates that violate their religious …

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