Donald Trump, the Johnson Amendment, and the Question of Christian Cowardice
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   01.13.17
If President Trump succeeds in removing the oppressive Johnson Amendment, which limits freedom of speech from the pulpits, will Christian leaders be more outspoken on controversial moral, cultural, and political issues? I have my doubts, since I don’t believe it...
High Hopes Federalism & Freedom will Trump in 2017
By Monte Larrick   |   01.11.17
One of Illinois' top legal minds says he expects the Donald Trump administration to a friend to religious freedom in America.
Taking Bible Colleges’ Freedom to a Higher Degree
By Monte Larrick   |   12.26.16
Bible colleges in Illinois say they should be allowed to grant religious degrees without government interfering in the content of their religious teaching or religious faculty members. A court ruling will have an impact on religious liberty in post-secondary education.
Pregnancy Care Center of Rockford Wins Injunction
By John Biver   |   12.21.16
It seems that our nation's founding fathers were not clear enough with their use of language in the First Amendment, which protects some of our God-given rights. That "make no law" thing is confusing for many, and that "abridging" business, well, that's way over the heads of Illinois Leftist lawmakers.
12 Recent Cases Where Christians Were Punished for Their Beliefs on Marriage
The Family Research Council has compiled a reporting listing 12 cases this past decade in America where Christian business owners have been punished or threatened with punishment for holding traditional beliefs about marriage in order to comply with anti-discrimination laws regarding gay people.
Baby Jesus Goes to Springfield
By Monte Larrick   |   12.19.16
The very secular home of state government in Illinois is now the site of a nativity scene and it is all so legal for it to be there.
More Questions About Dubious Illinois Human Rights Commission
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.02.16
Yesterday, I wrote about the profoundly unjust decision of the ideologically imbalanced three-member panel of commissioners from the Illinois Human Rights Commission who decided that Christian bed and breakfast owner Jim Walder should pay $80,000 for refusing to rent his facilities to a same-sex couple for their civil union ceremony. But there is more!
Homosexuals & Corrupt Illinois Human Rights Commission vs. Christian Business Owner
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.01.16
A three-person panel of commissioners from the 13-member Illinois Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has decided not to review the egregious decision of IHRC administrative law judge Michael Robinson in the discrimination complaint filed by homosexuals Todd and Mark Wathen against Christian bed and breakfast owner Jim Walder.
Freedom = Discrimination
I hear a lot of faulty rhetoric these days repeated ardently in the public square - rhetoric that is often self-contradictory and so intellectually weak that it hardly merits retort. Among the clearest examples of this sort of rhetoric can be heard all around us in the following phrase, or similar versions thereof: “Discrimination is discrimination, period, and discrimination of any kind is wrong.” Without exception, this statement is followed up with: “Therefore, the government should prevent and/or penalize all forms of discrimination.”
The Crucifixion of Judge Roy Moore
By   |   10.21.16
Under the “progressive” leadership of Barack Obama and his like-minded “social justice” warriors throughout all levels of government, we have entered an era of lawlessness unprecedented in American history. This is no more apparent than in Alabama where Chief Justice...
Support the Free Speech Fairness Act
By John Biver   |   10.18.16
Some of our best voices in the nation are being silenced when it comes to discussing the critical issues facing the country. It just so happens that every Sunday you can hear one of these voices speaking from the pulpit...
Five Things to Know about the New Johnson Amendment Fix
Late last month, U.S. Representatives Steve Scalise (R-LA) and Jody Hice (R-GA) introduced a bill in the U.S. House called the Free Speech Fairness Act. The bill is aimed at fixing the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 addition to the tax code that gives the IRS the ability to censor the speech of pastors, churches, and other nonprofit entities on issues related to candidates and elections. Here are five things you need to know about the bill:
In the nation birthed out of a determined quest for religious freedom, it is impossible today not to notice how faith-based Americans are increasingly marginalized, if not openly opposed, by a growing strain of anti-religious sentiment. In particular, it is Bible-believing Christians whose faith is relentlessly being pushed out of every part of public life.
Congressman Goes After Johnson Amendment
By   |   10.06.16
A member of Congress is asking for the public's help to gain free speech rights for pastors and religious organizations.
Politicians Bowing to Tech Companies May Be Pointed in the Wrong Direction
By Micah Clark   |   09.22.16
Over the past few years Hoosiers have witnessed a rather obvious groveling of political leaders at state and local levels who bend over backwards to please high tech companies in meeting their political demands.  One only need to remember the...
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