Big Brother Is Coming for Your Kids, and He’s Wearing a Dress
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.08.18
You want to know where the “trans” insanity is taking us—I mean, besides co-ed private spaces everywhere, which means no private spaces anywhere? Look no further than Regulation 225, a proposed amendment to the Delaware school code, which, if passed,...
The First Amendment Is In Far Greater Danger Than The Second
Our nation’s elites are waging war on the American people, wielding the institutions they’ve spent several decades capturing to punish those who disagree with their preferred positions and to deny them the ability to speak publicly, all in an effort to stifle free and open debate. And no, this isn’t a George Orwell novel — this is the United States of America.
Wait Till You See What LGBTQQAP Activists Have Planned for Illinois Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.27.18
While conservatives squeak “uncle” about the “social issues” from the dark recesses of their homes and churches where they hide, the jackbooted Left marches boldly forward obsessed with making the “social issues” the central plank of everything. They’re especially obsessed...
Identity Politics: Is America and the World Running Out of Patience with LGBTQIA Activism?
By John Biver   |   02.22.18
The topic of identity politics and the widening opportunity it presents to conservatives continues to be a hot topic. Here are just three examples from recent op eds. First up is Glenn Stanton writing at Public Discourse: Is America Running...
The Walgreens Restroom Kerfuffle
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.10.18
In case you haven’t heard, Walgreens has revised its restroom-usage policy for patrons at the request of the ACLU of Southern California. No longer will restrooms correspond to objective, immutable biological sex. From now on, restroom usage will correspond to...
What’s the Difference Between Transgender, Transabled, Transracial, Transspecies and Transage?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.03.18
If it is far from ideal to mutilate healthy body parts to accommodate someone who identifies as transabled, then it is far from ideal to do the same for someone who identifies as transgender.
Prager University’s Troubling Video with Homosexual Christian Guy Benson
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.25.18
Prager University (PragerU) was started in 2009 by Dennis Prager as a way to circumvent the left-leaning educational universe and bring conservative ideas to the public in general but especially to young people. This week, PragerU released a deeply disappointing video featuring Guy Benson, political editor for Townhall Magazine and frequent contributor on Fox News Channel.
“Trans”-ing the Little Ones
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.24.18
The culture is mainlining poison into the veins of children, and no one is protecting them. As parents facilitate the poisoning of their own children and post their crimes on YouTube, no one is rescuing the little ones. The perverse...
Unmasking the Folly of Today’s Emperors
By Robert Knight   |   01.15.18
One of my hopes for the New Year is that more people will find the courage to ignore or even speak up against cultural and moral insanity instead of going along with it. It’s difficult in many circumstances, such as...
Heresy Infecting the Evangelical Covenant Church
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.12.18
There’s something rotten in the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). It’s rotting from the inside due to the presence of wolves in sheep’s clothing like Peter Hawkinson, pastor of Winnetka Covenant Church; Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom, North Park Theological Seminary professor; and...
Documentary Features Homosexuals Restored by the Grace of Christ
Four years ago, Pure Passion Media released a life-changing, 2-hour-long film which featured the compelling story of 26 former homosexuals who were transformed by the power of God. Winner of five professional and festival awards, including “Best Documentary”, the film features Drs Michael Brown, Robert Gagnon, Neil T. Anderson, Julie Hamilton as well as Kay Arthur.
Paraphilias of the Day: Autovampirism/Vampirism and Auto-haemofetishism
By John Biver   |   01.10.18
The letters LGBTQIA were only the beginning. Whether falling under the category of “genders” or “paraphilias” (or both), various efforts are underway by Leftist organizations to keep up with the letters being added to LGBTQIA, and their definitions. The list of “genders” continues to grow. Don’t laugh. People who believe that there more than two genders are resolutely sincere.
Judge Alonso: Worker of Lawlessness
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.04.18
Another feckless judicial decision from another feckless judge. In a 15-page decision, Federal Judge Jorge Alonso—an Obama appointee—explained his reasoning for refusing to stop Township High School District 211’s co-ed restroom and locker room practices. District 211, the largest high...
Homosexual “Catholic” Gets Scripture and Jack Phillips Wrong
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.15.17
A cursory look at recent words from prominent homosexual writer Andrew Sullivan who self-identifies as Catholic illustrates the ways homosexual Christians attempt to remake Scripture in their own image to serve their own desires.
A Return to Virtue in the Wake of Scandal?
By   |   12.09.17
The consequences of the secular worldview on sexuality are now coming to light as sexual harassment scandals explode into public view. As Christians, we can use this moment to encourage those in our spheres of influence to “rethink sex” in terms of human flourishing—and to point them to the One who gave us this gift in the first place.
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