“Highly Unlikely” They Say
“Gene Editing for ‘Designer Babies’? Highly Unlikely, Scientists Say” That’s the title from a recent New York Times piece highlighting last month’s successful modification of DNA in a human embryo by scientists for the first time in the United States.  
Pres. Trump Restores Sanity for Military Personnel
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.26.17
At 5:55 (CDT) this morning, President Donald Trump tweeted the following: After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.
Massive Tax Bill Rejected by Governor Rauner; Back to the House
By David E. Smith   |   07.05.17
Yesterday, the Illinois Senate took up the misguided proposal to massively increase the income taxes of citizens and corporations in Illinois. It is ironic that the General Assembly voted to impose oppressive government taxes on Illinoisans during Independence Day weekend.
Catholic Troubled by Cupich’s Statement
The Illinois Family Institute has warned repeatedly about the failure of faith leaders to lead properly on matters related to homosexuality and the “trans” ideology. These failures are found in most Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church. A recent interview...
Americans Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior in U.S.
More than eight in 10 Americans admit that they have some level of concern that the morality in America is declining, a new survey by LifeWay Research shows. The Nashville-based Christian polling group's survey, released Tuesday, found that 81 percent of Americans either agree or strongly agree with the statement: "I am concerned about declining moral behavior in our nation."
Contact Congress: Vote NO on Continuing to Fund Planned Parenthood
By John Biver   |   05.02.17
Today’s fiscal and social conservatives are feeling what the late baseball legend Yogi Berra described as “deja vu all over again.” The Daily Signal is reporting that “Congressional negotiators agreed late Sunday on a broad spending plan to fund the...
The March for Science is Really a March for Conformity
I am a scientist, but I won’t be joining the worldwide March for Science April 22. That’s because it’s really a march for something that undermines good science. March organizers say “our diversity is our greatest strength.” They say “a wealth of opinions, perspectives, and ideas is critical for the scientific process.” But they don’t really mean it. Their passion for diversity extends to race, religion, nationality, gender and sexual orientation, but not to opinions, perspectives and ideas.
Lawmakers Want to Put POT SHOPS in Your Neighborhood
By Kathy Valente   |   04.13.17
Illinois State Senator Heather Steans (D-Chicago) and Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) believe that legalizing marijuana for recreational use will be good for Illinois so they have introduced introduced SB 316 and HB 2353 and, as part of the...
End of March Springfield Update
By Kathy Valente   |   03.31.17
First, we wanted to let you know the good news.  Our lobbyist reports that SB 912 is not going to move forward. This is the proposal that we sent out an alert about earlier this week which would force religious...
900 Absentees on New Trier’s Progressive Dogma Day
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.06.17
In an October 2015 article about attendance rates in Illinois School District 60, the Chicago Tribune reported that "average daily attendance is up from 92 percent in 2010 to around 94 percent in 2014, and it hovers about equal to the state average, according to state board of education data."
Telemedicine Expands Medical Abortion, Now Potentially Even to Abortion by Mail
By Nancy Valko   |   02.22.17
Abortion clinics have been closing at a record pace. Since 2011, at least 162 abortion clinic have shut or stopped offering the procedure while just 21 have opened.[1]  Five states now have just one abortion clinic still open. New pro-life...
The Audacity of Obama
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.20.17
Last week President Barack Obama delivered his farewell address. Aside from his lovely tribute to his family, there were more than a few portions of his address that raised eyebrows, hackles, and dander.
Massive Gambling Expansion in SB 7
By   |   01.18.17
Democratic Senate President John Cullerton and Minority Leader Christine Radogno negotiated an ambitious plan to end the budget impasse. Promising to act on a package by month's end, they introduced 13 measures that included sweeteners that are not budget-related for both sides.
2017 March For Life Chicago
By Chris Iverson   |   01.18.17
Thousands gathered at Federal Plaza in Chicago on Sunday, January 15, 2017 to stand for LIFE!  Pro-life speakers at the march included Pat McCaskey of the Chicago Bears, three representatives from Congress, an abortion survivor, religious leaders, and pro-life students!  ...
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