Michelle Wolf’s Lewd Lupine Pasquinade
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.30.18
Full disclosure: I hate roasts of any kind. White House Correspondents’ Dinner gut-busting pasquinade by jokester Michelle Wolf makes it difficult to refrain from being as despicable as she was. First, some of her jokes: “Of course, Trump isn’t here…....
You Don’t Want to be a Burden, Do You?
By Nancy Valko   |   04.30.18
An April 13, 2018 USA Today op-ed titled “Make an End-of-life plan or Lose your Money and Choices in your Dying Days” begins with the statement “End-of-life care can bankrupt your family and rob you of choices. End the denial about dying. Make a plan in case you end up seriously ill and frail.” Ms. Bryant is very upfront about using the economic argument about aging and the enormous toll it can take financially and personally on the family as well as medical costs.
‘Net Neutrality’ in Illinois: Just One More Leftist Act of Deception
By John Biver   |   04.17.18
Last year the Federal Communications Commission overturned the Obama-era policy (referred to as “net neutraliy”) that “had placed Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon under the strictest-ever regulatory oversight.” The “net neutrality” debate has gone for several years but...
Defying Hollywood, ‘I Can Only Imagine’ Soars at the Box Office, Resonates with Viewers
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   03.23.18
Hollywood stands as an eclectic, self-congratulatory private club, whose mainline members flaunt wealth and hedonism, pontificating re guns and violence and the #MeToo scandals, while simultaneously producing films overflowing with guns and violence and promiscuous and perverse sex. That coastal...
Aborting Down Syndrome People and the Monster That is Us
By   |   03.12.18
I have had two children; I was old enough, when I became pregnant, that it made sense to do the testing for Down syndrome. Back then, it was amniocentesis, performed after 15 weeks; now, chorionic villus sampling can provide a...
Lunacy On The Left
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.10.18
There are certainly times when we Christian conservatives feel that all is lost, that the Left with its irrationality is in control and that reasonableness has disappeared.  It seems that the entire country is oblivious to the fact that the...
The Left Really Is Trying to Silence Us
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   03.05.18
Maybe you once thought that the left wanted tolerance and diversity, but in reality, tolerance and diversity have never been the goals of the left, especially the radical left. Instead, it wants to suppress and silence opposing views, and the...
Virtue-Signalling from Leftists on Arming Teachers
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.01.18
Leave it to Chicago Tribune lifestyle expert Heidi Stevens to come up with another dumb idea. In an essay titled “Who do we become if we give teachers guns,” in which she ruminates on the proposal to allow teachers to volunteer to be trained to use a gun in those rare instances when a gunman starts killing school children, Stevens offers this...
Sports Illustrated Strippers
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.21.18
Aly Raisman, former Olympic gymnast and one of the many victims of serial abuser Larry Nassar, offered this troubling defense of her appearance the in Sports Illustrated (SI) soft-core porn “swimsuit” issue wearing nothing but dumb slogans written on her...
2018 Dirty Dozen List: 12 Leading Facilitators in Sexual Exploitation
No corporation should profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation. Unfortunately, many well-established brands, companies, and organizations in America do just that. Since 2013, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has published an annual Dirty Dozen List to name...
Winston Churchill’s Darkest Hour
Last Saturday I dropped off my two oldest sons and their friend at the theatre. I planned to kill a couple of hours at the bookstore, on my laptop, at a coffee shop, whatever. When I got out of the car the balmy two-degree temperature in Pittsburgh prompted second thoughts. Instead, I strolled into the theater complex, looked around, and saw a poster for “Darkest Hour.” I vaguely knew it was a movie about Winston Churchill. I bought a ticket and went in.
What is the Conservatives Movement’s Answer to Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube’s ‘Viewpoint Discrimination’?
By John Biver   |   01.22.18
Last year brought a flurry of news reports about how Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been actively working to suppress the conservative message. Their actions are not new -- all the big four tech/social media giants are run by Leftists. Some speculate that the election of Donald Trump increased their motivation to step up their efforts.
Swedish Citizen Unmasks a Main Physician-assisted Suicide Propaganda Point
By Nancy Valko   |   01.19.18
Oregon, the first US state to legalize physician-assisted suicide, is routinely promoted by advocates as having the model law for assisted suicide. Now the debate has come to Sweden.
Chicago Tribune Columnist Wants to Outlaw Spanking
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.18.18
Chicago Tribune columnist, lifestyle expert, and purveyor of deep thoughts, Heidi Stevens, is taking singer Kelly Clarkson to task  for Clarkson’s admission that she spanks her children. Stevens makes her argument by use of an analogy...
The One-Sided Din Over Taxes
By Robert Knight   |   01.11.18
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, a phrase from Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Boxer” sums up why America’s division into two warring worldviews seems to be widening. “A man hears what he wants to hear...
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