The One-Sided Din Over Taxes
By Robert Knight   |   01.11.18
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, a phrase from Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Boxer” sums up why America’s division into two warring worldviews seems to be widening. “A man hears what he wants to hear...
Women in America: Once Protected and Honored, Now Objectified
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   12.18.17
Once upon a time in America, society demanded civility and honored women and motherhood. But honor seems to have been tossed by the wayside in this modern era and exchanged for a cheap view of the female sex.
Patriarchy, Gender Roles and Marxism: An Educational Campaign to Destroy the Family
By Oliver Perry   |   12.12.17
Feminist writers claim American society is fundamentally flawed because of “patriarchy.” Whether by accident or design, this claim coincides with the Marxist goal to destroy the concept of family. This destruction is needed to implement the theft and redistribution of...
Our Parents, the State
Mississippi has become the latest test case for determining parental rights of same-sex couples where one of the adults has no biological relation to the child. Nationwide, disputes are raging about what the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to impose its redefinition of marriage on all 50 states now means for designations of parenthood, which prior to its opinion, rested on a paradigm that recognized children as the biological creation of a male (i.e. “father”) and female (i.e. “mother”).
A Return to Virtue in the Wake of Scandal?
By   |   12.09.17
The consequences of the secular worldview on sexuality are now coming to light as sexual harassment scandals explode into public view. As Christians, we can use this moment to encourage those in our spheres of influence to “rethink sex” in terms of human flourishing—and to point them to the One who gave us this gift in the first place.
Cultural Marxism and Its Discontents
By Robert Knight   |   11.16.17
The deadly Islamic terrorist truck attack in New York City on Halloween exposed a cauldron of issues, from national security to immigration policy. But it’s about much more than that. The attack and its aftermath have shone a light on the Left’s campaign to radically transform America through cultural Marxism. That’s the revolutionary philosophy that aims to cure inequality by destroying traditional Western culture.
Tell Corporations to Stop Funding the Far Left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center
By David E. Smith   |   11.15.17
The evidence against the far Left-wing agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is overwhelmingly plain. Yet, this sinister agenda is ignored by many corporations, politicians, academics and the so-called "news" media. With their assistance, the SPLC regularly maligns conservative voices, especially Christian organizations that promote traditional sexual morality.  Illinois Family Institute has been targeted by the SPLC since 2008.
Kneeling Down for Our Anthem is Standing Down on Our Responsibility
One could make the argument that the most important documents of the United States, hailing it as the most unique and blessed nation in the world, are The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. However, most Americans are more familiar with and can recite our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. A musical essay of words that reminds us of the love Americans have for this unique country.
Conservatives and Culture: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   11.01.17
The culture of America 2017 seems to be, in the words of stalwart conservative thinker and jurist, Robert Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah. Our society has become a living metaphor of Israel, circa 200 B.C.: In those days there was no...
Shoppers Willing to Vote With Their Feet
A growing number of companies are publicly backing social causes but they might want to do so cautiously, warns a well-known pollster.
Dependable vs. Deplorable
The 'deplorable' reports keep flowing out of Hollywood, including the sophisticated cover-up which afforded a powerful predator, Harvey Weinstein, to stalk and then silence dozens of victims. One would assume that the "are you kidding me?" response given to Vice President Mike Pence’s personal ethical guidelines earlier this year, regarding his treatment of women other than his wife, might get a more favorable reconsideration in light of the Hollywood ethic. Reporters, academics, entertainers, and art enthusiasts claim to envision a 'respect women' ethic. I can only wonder which vision best aligns with their's - Weinstein or Pence?
Manufacturing and Trade as a ‘Moral Crisis’
By John Biver   |   10.20.17
Both as a candidate, and now as president, Donald Trump knows how to intensify attention on a topic. Since he launched his presidential campaign two years ago, manufacturing jobs and fair trade have been the focus of a massive debate...
The Uses and Abuses of Hate
By Robert Knight   |   10.19.17
Given its prominence in current public discourse, one would think that hate, not love, is a many splendored thing. The perfectly good word, which oozes out of every media pore, is now so overused that it means next to nothing.  ...
How The ‘Revolution’ Is Eating Its Own
By Robert Knight   |   10.13.17
At a forum at the College of William & Mary on Sept. 27, the ACLU got a sample of what conservatives have been experiencing on campuses for years. As Claire Gastanaga, executive director of the ACLU of Virginia, began speaking...
Detaching Sex From Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   09.29.17
Sociologist Mark Regnerus has a new in-depth study of how our culture’s lack of sexual morality is impacting relationships in ways not seen in previous generations.  There was a fascinating, if not disturbing, review of Regnerus’ new book (Cheap ...
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