The New Federal Conscience and Religious Freedom Division
By Nancy Valko   |   03.02.18
As a nurse threatened with termination for refusing to participate in an unethical health care decision years ago, I have a special interest in conscience rights for health care professionals. Over the past several decades, new threats to conscience rights...
Defend the Unborn, Restore the Family, Through His Loving Eyes (Video)
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   02.08.18
Sometimes, in 21st century America, we lose sight of the preciousness of human life. But God admonished us to choose life: I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death,...
Love Saves Lives
I’ve attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. every year for the past eight years. Usually the weather is cold, dismal, miserable, and snowy. This year the sun was shining bright, and coats were carried instead of worn. The warmth of the sun matched the energy of the crowd of hundreds of thousands of people there to declare that “Love Saves Lives.”
Snowflake Babies: More Precious and as Unique as Their Namesake
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   01.26.18
“Snowflake Babies” – Care and adoption of frozen IVF embryosSnowflakes babies is a termed coined to describe the over half a million frozen embryos who are stored in cryogenic containers in fertility clinics as the “extras” of IVF treatment.
Victory: God’s Battles Fought God’s Way
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.20.18
If you are involved in the pro-life battle, you are most likely already on fire over the barbarity of abortion.  The natural response of any compassionate heart to the destruction of these little ones is rage, and anything less seems...
Murder Is not Healthcare
When I was in high school, I sat next to a young lady in class who quietly mentioned to her friend that she’d had an abortion. At the time I didn’t completely grasp the heartache that she must have been experiencing though I could see the pain in her eyes. The only other detail I remember is that she said it was physically painful. It was a haunting conversation.
Swedish Citizen Unmasks a Main Physician-assisted Suicide Propaganda Point
By Nancy Valko   |   01.19.18
Oregon, the first US state to legalize physician-assisted suicide, is routinely promoted by advocates as having the model law for assisted suicide. Now the debate has come to Sweden.
Thousands March for Life in Chicago
By Monte Larrick   |   01.16.18
Life advocates are calling for an end to taxpayer funding of abortions and dream that one day abortion will not only be illegal, but also "unthinkable."
Women’s March Plans New Event, But Rejects Human Rights
On January 21, 2017, the Women’s March on Washington became the largest march in American history. On January 21, 2018, Women’s March, the organization behind last year’s historic protest, will hold an anniversary event in Nevada. Like last year, similar events will be held in cities around the nation.
Illinois Pregnancy Centers Take Stand Against Compelled Abortion Advertising
WASHINGTON—today twenty-three Illinois pregnancy centers filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra. Their brief defends their right to not promote abortion and a woman’s right to choose life for her unborn child. The NIFLA v. Becerra case out of California deals with whether the government can force pro-life pregnancy care centers to provide free advertising for the abortion industry. The Illinois centers contend...
Planned Parenthood: This Evil, Baby Murder Mill Must Be Defunded
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   01.09.18
Cecile Richards, the abortion champion and president of Planned Parenthood, is on record lauding abortion activists as "troublemakers, and hell-raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened Planned Parenthood health centers in their communities, and demanded the right to control their own bodies" at the Women’s March in Washington D.C. last year. This wicked organization receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds.
What’s at Stake in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Forced Abortion Speech
By Andrew Willis   |   01.08.18
Roe v. Wade may have locked the “right” to abortion in American caselaw for the present future, but the courts have generally been respectful to medical professionals who wish to abstain from any affiliation with abortion. If doctors, nurses, or...
Emergency Injunction Against Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Sought in Lawsuit Against Illinois Officials
The Thomas More Society has now moved for an emergency injunction to be heard on Thursday, December 28, to stop State of Illinois officials from providing tens of thousands of taxpayer funded abortions in the New Year. Additional legislators and groups will also seek to join the suit that day, including State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island).
Planned Parenthood Losing Some Big Donors
By   |   12.26.17
An organization that rates corporations based on conservative values has some good news, but acknowledges there's more work ahead.
The Sanctity of Life Goes to Court
By Monte Larrick   |   12.24.17
While the courts decide on taxpayer funded elective abortions and compelled pro-abortion speech, Springfield Right to Life will fight for women and their unborn babies next door to Planned Parenthood.
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