Tag Archives: Thomas Jefferson

Playing with God’s Patience

Because people do not immediately suffer the just consequences of their evil actions, most will continue in their wickedness! All claims that people are fundamentally good are proven false by this reality.
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Separation of Church and State

I heard of a man who was tired of having gasoline stolen from his garage, so he poured sugar into his gas can and waited. Sure enough, a few days later he heard there was a young man from the neighborhood  looking for a new engine. Gasoline engines are not designed to burn sugar!
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What Are They Teaching Our Children?

In recent decades the quality of American education has plummeted. When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize how far we have fallen...
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Whom Should We Distrust: Parents or the Government?

This past week, I’ve been dealing with a lot of media being interviewed by publications like The Washington Post, The Detroit Free Press, a CBS TV affiliate, an ABC radio affiliate, etc.
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Mike Johnson and the Separation of Church and State

With Mike Johnson’s selection as the new Speaker of the House, the attacks were instantaneous. One criticism directed at the new Speaker was that he routinely violates the “separation of church and state.”  If the accusers had any knowledge of American history, they would not quickly raise such an issue against a Baptist.
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What’s a Library For?

The British destroyed our original Library of Congress and the 3,000 books it housed, in 1814 during the War of 1812... Today, the Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and holds 173 million items, 39 million of them are books. Every day 15,000 items are added to the collection by the library's 3,000 employees.
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The Greatest Story Ever Distorted

A powerful story of forgiveness is found in John 8, involving Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, wherein He famously said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Her accusers quietly leave, one after another. Jesus then tells her that neither does He accuse her, “But go and sin no more”—a part often ignored today by our “tolerant” society.

But now, if the Chinese Communists have their way, the whole story of Jesus and the adulterous woman will be completely turned on its head.
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Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death?

Kings and others have used the Bible and assumptions based upon narratives in it to support the divine right of monarchs, but their arguments were weak. History is largely the story of governments coming and going, kings and rulers rising and falling. It is a rather bleak narrative and is not complimentary to humanity. It begs the question, “Does the Bible address human government?”
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Parents and Education

Parents will be held responsible by God for their children’s education, says the Bible. This was a view shared by the majority of America’s founders. But today there is a great defiance against this on the part of many in our educational establishment. Many leaders in the educational system seem to think they know better than the parents as to what should and should not be taught.
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No God, No Rights

When Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech on the 50th anniversary of “Roe v. Wade” about a week ago, she infamously left out the Creator—when talking about our rights. One wag told me, “Hey, at least Kamala didn’t say, we ‘are created by … you know, the thing,’” as did her boss on the campaign trail.
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The American Experiment

Is the Biden administration governing in a way that takes into consideration the will of the American people? Based on his plummeting poll numbers and crude anti-Biden chants filling sports stadiums, the answer would seem to be no.

The recent defeat of the left at the polls in Virginia and elsewhere was a reminder of the pushback of “we the people.”
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Opponents’ Blueprint for a “Secular” Constitution Would Be Unrecognizable to America’s Founders

Recently, an activist group known as the Secular Democrats of America (SDA) sent a document to the president and the administration with a directive “to take back the mantle of religious freedom and pluralism.”

On the surface, the title—Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House—makes the SDA’s mission sound appealing.
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No Politician Has the Right to Dictate, Contradict or Contravene Religious Beliefs

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, (working through her city’s director of public health), declares a Romanian church a “public nuisance.” “We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you, and we will take you to jail,” she tells this small group of former Soviet bloc Christians who refuse to bow to her power.
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Chicago Public Schools Want to Replace Columbus Day

The Chicago Board of Education voted 5-2 on Wednesday, February 26, 2020, to stop celebrating Columbus Day and replace it with “Indigenous Peoples Day.” This latest example of political correctness comes on the heels of calls for paintings in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) that contain images of white people to be removed. CPS has the largest collection of early 20th century murals in the U.S. Most of them were commissioned by the Work Projects Administration as part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.

CPS has created a new educational steering committee to evaluate all future artwork displayed …

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Are Politically Engaged Conservative Christians Idolaters?

In his recent Christianity Today (CT) blog post, New Testament scholar Scot McKnight defends recently retired CT president Mark Galli’s hubristic diktat about the necessity—in Galli’s view—of Trump’s removal from office:

Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.

Trump’s removal from office would inarguably result in the election of a man or woman who endorses, among other things, human …

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