Tag Archives: faith

Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet with Allie Beth Stuckey

Save the date for IFI's annual Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet featuring a very special keynote speaker– Allie Beth Stuckey!
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Playing with God’s Patience

Because people do not immediately suffer the just consequences of their evil actions, most will continue in their wickedness! All claims that people are fundamentally good are proven false by this reality.
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Speak the Truth in Love

Public discourse is frequently angry, full of yelling, name-calling, and “gotcha” statements. There’s no love and often little truth in the interaction. Christians are supposed to be different.
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Choose You This Day: Part 2

The atheistic Left began their assault on America over seventy years ago. Their progress was quite slow in the beginning, and one must give them credit for their determination. They have not quit to this day! A principal actor in this effort has been the Communist Party USA, but it is only one of numerous Leftist groups seeking to divide and destroy this great nation (They all lean Marxist).
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What to Say?

I saw a Facebook post recently re-shared by a friend I admire. You will need to read it all the way through to get the gist of it. Since it was a public post, here’s some of it:
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Total Eclipse of the Heart

The Beatles once sang, “Here Comes the Sun.” Coming up Monday, April 8th, many Illinoisans will be saying, “There goes the sun” if we’re allowed clear enough skies to witness another total solar eclipse. An Illinois government website explains that this “total solar eclipse will be visible over 128 miles of Illinois the afternoon of April 8th, 2024.” 
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The Irony of Contemporary Christmas

As a Christian and a pastor, I have spent a lot of time getting to know God. It goes with the territory! But the more I understand the goodness of God, the more difficult it is to understand the hatred so many have for God, especially as we consider that Christmas, “the most wonderful time of the year” is rooted in a knowledge of God’s grace.
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Do Not Be Conformed To This World

“My friend’s daughter went off to college, and now she’s a totally different person. It’s so sad.” How many times have you heard this story? I used to wonder how simply going to college could effect such a sudden and drastic worldview shift. I mean, going to a school couldn’t possibly change such a large thing as a worldview, especially one that has been held since childhood, right?
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Overcoming Evil

Our future depends on our children. It has for all of time so you would think that everyone would agree we need to protect them at all costs. While some people are indifferent, most are not, although there is a wide divergence of opinion on the meaning and method of protecting them.
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What’s To Be Done?

My mentor, when I became the leader of a pro-life organization, told me that it was not enough to inform Christians regarding the issues at stake in the abortion battle; I had to give them something to do or they would become frustrated and inactive. As I have listened to conservatives address the multiple threats the Left poses to America and our liberties, I find myself frustrated by the lack of options they present.
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Ten Things That Are True About God Today

I recently wrote about the value of asking ourselves during challenging times the question “What is true about God right now?”

With all that’s going on in our nation these days, perhaps now would be a good time to reflect on that question in the context of current events.

Here are ten things that are true about God no matter what’s going on in the world around us.

#1: He’s Still in Control

Psalm 97:1: “The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.

No matter the outcome of an election, God is still …

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Visionary Marriage Conference

God has a mission for you as a husband and wife. Come and discover it. In this conference, married and engaged couples will be inspired to embrace a compelling, Bible driven mission for their lives together; forgive and work through conflict; partner together to build faith and character in their children and build a multi-generational legacy for Christ and His Kingdom.
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Visionary Parenting & Grandparenting Seminar

God blessed you with children for a reason. Come and discover it! Catch a vision for the spiritual life of your family; Create a less chaotic and more peaceful home; Pass faith and character to your children; Practice effective Biblical discipline; Win the hearts of your children.
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Tech, Faith, & Family Seminar

Your student lives in a world surrounded and infused by technology. Communication is instant. Friendships take place “online” sometimes even more than in “real life.” This “connected” world brings new opportunities and new dangers. How do we navigate these together as a family?
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Thriving In Your Faith Through College

An event for parents & teens. Do you want your kids to follow Jesus for a lifetime? Many fall away during the college years. Do you have a plan to help your teenager keep their faith? Does your teenager have a plan to continue to follow Jesus through their post-high school years? In this unique seminar, Dr. Rob Rienow will equip you and your student with biblical principles and practical approaches for strengthening your relationships with each other and with Jesus.

This is a free event, but please RSVP to events@VisionaryFam.com

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