Trump Reverses Obama on Faith-Based Foster Care and Adoption
By Christine Misner   |   11.13.19
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed new rules Nov. 1 allowing faith-based providers to continue serving their communities in a manner consistent with their religious beliefs. According to a conference call between Vice President Mike Pence’s office and the media, the Obama rule jeopardized the ability of faith-based providers to continue serving their communities, penalizing them for their deeply held beliefs. It did so by forcing these providers to either place children in the homes of same-sex couples or discontinue care.
<center>U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr<BR> Offers Honest Assessment of the Culture to Notre Dame Students</center>
By Christine Misner   |   10.24.19
When U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr addressed law students at the University of Notre Dame his remarks would have been widely accepted 10-15 years ago. Today, the culture has changed making what once were traditional moral standards now controversial positions. He outlined how the Founding Father’s enshrined their belief of religious liberty in the U.S. Constitution, “which provides for limited government, while leaving ‘the People’ broadly at liberty to pursue our lives both as individuals and through free associations.”
The Only Hatred You’ll Find at Chick-fil-A
Everyone has a cause they’re passionate about. Everyone has convictions that they embrace and opinions they feel strongly about. But this? This is just crazy. It’s nuts. It’s so separated from reality it almost defies logic how...
Donald Trump: The Champion of Religious Freedom
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   09.27.19
In June, 2016, when candidate Trump promised a large gathering of evangelical Christian leaders that he was committed to defending our liberties, I was skeptical. Was he just trying to get our votes? Did he really care about our freedoms?...
Incredible Story of District 211 School Board Elections
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.23.19
Last Thursday night, District 211—the largest high school district in the state with 12,000 students and five high schools—held a board meeting to discuss Superintendent Daniel Cates’ boneheaded proposal to allow students who “identify” as the opposite sex to have unrestricted access to the locker rooms of opposite-sex peers. Expecting a large crowd, the district moved the meeting to Palatine High School. The Daily Herald reported that 25 speakers were randomly selected, 16 of whom opposed the proposal, which is well over 50 percent.
More abortion, more gambling, super weed and higher taxes… all courtesy of the Illinois legislature… but wait… there may be more....
Klein v. Oregon: Religious Liberty & Freedom of Speech vs. Gay Rights
Among recent actions by the U.S. Supreme Court, a four-sentence order may set the stage for the court to eventually address the collision between free speech and religious freedom on one hand and gay rights on the other. The order voided a judgment by the state of Oregon that had imposed a $135,000 fine on Portland-area bakery owners—the Kleins—for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. Oregon maintained that its anti-discrimination law condemned such a rebuff even when the bakery owners’ religious convictions run counter to participating in a same-sex wedding.
Evangelical Leader Testifies for CA Resolution Pressuring Pastors to Affirm LGBT identities
Azusa Pacific University Chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, Dr. Kevin Mannoia, shocked Christian leaders last week when he testified in favor of a California resolution directing pastors and counselors to affirm LGBT identities and behavior. Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99, authored by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-San Jose), calls on “counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators” and institutions with “great moral influence” to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with being LGBT.
Conflicts Between Religious Freedom and the Gay Agenda Trouble Most Americans
By Micah Clark   |   06.21.19
A few weeks ago, I shared the findings of an extensive national survey from the Barna Group.   The poll was on religious freedom, religious monuments and displays. They have passed along the internals of another large national poll looking at attitudes toward sexual orientation, gender identity and religious freedom.
U.S. Supreme Court Hands Christian Bakers Win in Same-Sex Case, Vacates Lower Court
The U.S. Supreme Court handed religious liberty advocates a victory Monday when it vacated a lower court’s opinion that had ordered a Christian baker to design a cake for a same-sex wedding.
Offending Christians: The Bladensburg Cross Case
One of the major U.S. Supreme Court decisions we’ll soon hear about is the Bladensburg cross case. This is the case in which secularists are demanding the removal of a large cross that memorializes veterans in the town of Bladensburg, Maryland because the cross resides on public property.
The Criminalization of Christianity
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.24.19
On May 4, Australian rugby star Israel Folau, who was expected to play at the World Cup this fall, will come before a three-member panel of Rugby Australia following his firing by the organization for allegedly committing “a high-level breach...
Don’t be Shocked When Many “Christians” Cheer the Criminalization of Christianity
As I read the enraged responses from professing Christians at the news that Vice President Mike Pence would be the commencement speaker for Taylor University (a leading private, Christian institution located in tiny Upland, Indiana) I realized something.
Watching a Bully Get Smacked
By Robert Knight   |   04.11.19
It appears that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is having a long overdue comeuppance.Seven years ago, inspired by SPLC’s “hate map,” a gunman walked into the Family Research Council (FRC) in Washington, intending to massacre the staff and then ...
Illinois HB 3023: Creating Target-Rich Environments
By David E. Smith   |   02.18.19
UPDATE: The sponsor of HB 3023 has “tabled” this bill.
This proposal is dead for the session. America was birthed as adventurous. Persecuted people braved an Atlantic crossing to establish new lives with new opportunities and freedoms in a wild...
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