Brutal Violence Rises To ‘Crisis’ Levels in Anti-God Education
By Alex Newman   |   07.01.24
Teachers are under attack — literally. Violent and indoctrinated students in government schools across the United States and beyond are increasingly beating not just each other, but even their teachers, according to a flurry of nationwide reports based on a survey of teachers that found startling levels of violence against educators.
Critics Slam “Racist” Illinois Plan to Fund Colleges Based on Skin Color
By Alex Newman   |   06.24.24
Critical Race Theory and systemic racism in education are going to a whole new level in Illinois. In fact, under a proposed new scheme supposedly aimed at fighting alleged “disparities” in higher learning, people with darker complexions (or lower grades) will literally be worth more than those with lighter skin.
Twenty Important Reasons to Get Your Child OUT of Public School – NOW!
By Alex Newman   |   06.13.24
Far too many students in government schools are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science. Thanks to "progressive" educators and lawmakers, a major focus of "education" is now on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history, (left-wing) political activism and other godless subject matters.
Number of Students Absent from School Skyrockets
By Alex Newman   |   04.11.24
More than one in four students enrolled in government schools nationwide are now considered “chronically absent,” up from just 15 percent before the tyrannical response to COVID, revealed an analysis of data from almost 40 states.
New Studies Undercut Key Climate Change Claims
By Alex Newman   |   03.04.24
‘Climate activism has become the new religion of the 21st century—heretics are not welcome and not allowed to ask questions,’ said astrophysicist Willie Soon.

Temperature records used by climate scientists and governments to build models that then forecast dangerous manmade global warming repercussions have serious problems and even corruption in the data, multiple scientists who have published recent studies on the issue...
Biden’s New Mandate for Gender Indoctrination
By Alex Newman   |   02.24.24
Under the guise of protecting the “civil rights” of students, the Biden administration unveiled a new regulation purporting to force government schools nationwide to bow before all the invented “gender identities” and sexual perversions that now dominate the “education” system. The rule would also purport to overturn state laws banning males in girls’ sports. 
Quack “Academics” Declare War on Racist 3-Year-Olds
By Alex Newman   |   02.15.24
After claiming for years that conservatives were imagining the racial indoctrination of children in government schools, the narrative is shifting. In fact, a group of “academics” and far-left activists released a new guide to teach the Marxism-inspired sociological view known as “Critical Race Theory” to kindergarten children. Even children as young as 3 will be racist without enough “antiracist” propaganda, they suggested.
Critics Blast Illinois Plan for “Mental Health” Testing of ALL Children
By Alex Newman   |   01.29.24
Every child in Illinois government schools will be subjected to intrusive “mental health” screenings and data-gathering schemes starting this fall under a controversial new state law, opening the door for further mass-medicalization and surveillance of children as well as huge profits for politicians’ Big Pharma campaign donors. Critics are sounding the alarm.
Illinois High School Segregating Students by Skin Color
By Alex Newman   |   12.19.23
Under the guise of closing the “achievement gap” between students of European ancestry and those of African and Latino heritage, victims of a government school in Illinois are being put into classes segregated by race. Yes, really. Apparently, “education” officials believe eliminating all white students from class will help non-whites perform better, or so they say.
Trans-Gendering of Children at School Exposed in “Art Club” Movie
By Alex Newman   |   12.11.23
When her 12-year-old daughter texted about staying after school for “art club,” Colorado mother Erin Lee could never have imagined how her life and the lives of her family were about to be changed forever. It turns out the “art...
Government Should “License” Parents, Argues Academic
By Alex Newman   |   11.04.23
Parents should be required to obtain a license from the government and be screened for their views on homosexuality and other issues before being allowed to raise their own biological children, argues radical academic Connor Kianpour at the far-left University...
Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
By Alex Newman   |   10.28.23
New studies undercut the ‘scientifically empty’ warming narrative, says astrophysicist and aerospace engineer.
Gen Z is 74% More Likely to Homeschool
By Alex Newman   |   10.26.23
Members of Generation Z are almost twice as likely as previous generations to want to educate their children at home, according to explosive new polling data... Interest in homeschooling has been soaring for decades now following a brief period in human history when governments sometimes forced parents to hand their children over for “education.” But the latest numbers from Generation Z is shocking analysts.
American Library Association Chief Says ‘Public Education Needs To Be A Site Of Socialist Organizing’
By Alex Newman   |   09.23.23
Government schools and local libraries should be used for “socialist organizing,” the self-proclaimed “Marxist lesbian” chief of the American Library Association (ALA) proclaimed at a major socialism conference last week. The library boss has also becoming notorious recently for hating on parents, families, Christians and anyone else who stands in the way of indoctrinating children.
Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned
By Alex Newman   |   09.12.23
The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
Alex Newman
Alex Newman

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of the small media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad.

He currently serves as a contributor to WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine, a contributor to the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, and more. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines such as the Gainesville Sun, Liberty magazine, The Diplomat magazine, Crisis magazine, Swiss News magazine, Sunshine State News, Campus Reform, Alachua County Today, and many more. His work has been featured at Drudge, Breitbart, Fox News, and many other outlets. And his writing has been published in major newspapers across America.

As a consultant, Alex has worked on a wide array of campaigns, ranging from political campaigns for Congress to marketing campaigns for non-profit groups and international businesses. He also spent time working in marketing and branding as Creative Director, Europe, for a leading international branding firm based in Miami. Alex has a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Florida with an emphasis on economics and international relations, as well as an A.A. degree in foreign languages from Miami-Dade College.

Alex has lived in eight countries (US, Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland, France, South Africa, Spain, Sweden) on four continents and speaks multiple languages fluently and more at varying degrees of proficiency. His work has been cited by governments and major media outlets around the world. Alex is a frequent guest on national and international radio and TV shows, and has been on many of America’s top programs including the Michael Savage show, the Janet Mefford show, the Phyllis Schlafly show, and many more. He is a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles program as well as the nationally syndicated Inside the News program with Paul Jensen. He is also a frequent speaker on TV programs and at conferences, all together reaching tens of millions of people with the message of faith, family and freedom.

Alex is happily married and has five children. Along with his family, he currently splits his time between various places, including Europe and the United States. Follow him on Twitter: @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU

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