Illinois Thinks it is a Better Parent than You
By Ron Citlau   |   03.05.20
Mandated Vaccines & the “LGBTQ” Agenda A troubling trend is occurring in Illinois. It has happened mostly in the background but has become visible with the introduction of two new proposed laws concerning vaccines. If these proposed laws were to...
Parental Rights Usurpers in Springfield Aren’t Done with Our Children Yet
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.02.20
Last month, two terrible bills were introduced to amend Illinois’ already offensive comprehensive sex ed law. Then, last week, the so-called "Responsible Education Adolescent and Children's Health" (REACH) Act was introduced. It is heartily endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Illinois and by Illinois' premiere "LBGT" activist organization, Equality Illinois, which should tell you everything you need to know about it.
Do Puberty-Blocking Drugs Make Transgender Kids Less Likely to Commit Suicide, or More?
“Puberty blockers” are hormones originally intended to deal with “precocious puberty,” in which a child experiences the physical signs of puberty prematurely. Now, however, puberty blockers are being used as a treatment for “gender dysphoria.” The theory is that a child who is already unhappy with his or her biological sex may become even more unhappy when his or her body begins to develop.
The Big Question for the Boy Scouts
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.22.20
Now that the Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy as a result of a deluge of sexual abuse suits, there is an obvious question that must be asked again. Seeing that the BSA leadership was well aware of...
Polygamists, Throuples, and the Un-defining of Marriage
One of the silliest things about the debate over so-called gay marriage was the persistent mischaracterization of it being an effort to “redefine” the institution. To redefine something, you have to actually advocate an alternative definition to the one currently embraced. Yet no matter how often conservatives, traditionalists, and Christians asked the LGBT lobby to provide their substitute definition, one was never forthcoming.
The Starbucks Stop Here
Lynn Meagher seriously considered killing herself. Desperate, tormented, and out of options, she went to see a therapist. How should she cope, she cried, knowing that two of her children wanted nothing to do with her? Two children, who, through horrible, mutilating surgeries, destroyed the bodies she'd carried inside her? "I felt I was living in a dream, a nightmare," she says quietly. That nightmare, the one she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy, is real...
Illinois Lawmakers Propose Bill Mandating HPV Vaccine for ALL Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.14.20
Illinois’ lesbian lawmaker Kelly Cassidy, arch nemesis of the good, the true, and the beautiful and creator of the worst legislation (e.g., the barbaric Baby Snuff Law) to come out of the fetid swamp in Springfield, and her collaborator...
A Terrible Secret Revealed by the Mother of Two “Trans”-Identifying Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.11.20
Yesterday, I shared the stories of two suffering teenage girls who deeply regret having taken testosterone and feel betrayed by the medical community that should have protected them during a time of confusion. Now read the story of a suffering...
The “Trans” Nightmares of Children We Don’t Want to Hear
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.10.20
Here are just two of the countless unbearable stories of sorrow and regret that the mainstream press doesn’t want to tell. Here are just two of the many nightmarish stories that “gender therapists,” cosmetic surgeons, urologists, endocrinologists, pharmaceutical companies, and vocal coaches who profit from the confusion of children don’t want you to hear. Here are the accounts of bone-deep anguish from young people who feel betrayed by adults who facilitated the chemical and surgical ravaging of their once whole and healthy bodies:...
Back to the Closet
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.05.20
Regressives, drunk on cultural power and sanctimony, steeped in vapid ideology, and patinated in faux-fragility demonstrate that history does, indeed, repeat itself as the political left again become oppressors.
The House is on Fire
By Ron Citlau   |   02.04.20
Why Christians must engage the culture on sexual ethics or be responsible for our civilization’s demise As a Christian pastor, I am seeing a dangerous trend among American Christians: There seems to be a philosophical and theological framework developing in...
Media Misrepresents the Story of Christian School That Expelled Student
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.24.20
The story of an innocent birthday cake that wasn’t and the expulsion of 15-year-old Kayla Kenney from Whitefield Academy, a private Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky, has been covered in multiple news outlets. Kenney’s mother, Kimberly Alford, took a photo...
Chicago “Trans” Power Couple Birth New Illinois Birth Certificates
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.16.20
Precious and Myles Brady Davis are LGBTQ activists, writers, speakers. Myles is the director of communications at Equality Illinois; Precious works at the Sierra Club but has worked at the Center on Halsted in the past. Now, they are also parents who learned that the Illinois Department of Public Health’s birth certificate system automatically lists the parent who gives birth as “Mother/Co-Parent.”
The #MeToo Generation We’re Still Not Seeing
By Terrell Clemmons   |   01.15.20
We have slavery in our midst. The following are all true stories. No names have been changed: ... These are not outlying scenarios. This is the new face of human trafficking - also called modern slavery - in America. It's happening in our cities, in our suburbs, and even in our schools during lunch and after school hours...
The Big Fat Lie of Leftists Who Sexually Integrate School Locker Rooms
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.13.20
School leaders who sexually integrate restrooms and locker rooms know what they’re doing is based on a lie. Why do I say that? First, let’s take a quick look at what’s happening in those schools that choose to sexually integrate...
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