5th Blow to ObamaCare: SCOTUS Rejects Abortion Mandate
By   |   04.20.15
Chipping away at ObamaCare one case at a time, pro-life advocates scored another victory for religious rights and preborn children on Thursday at the United States Supreme Court, where the controversial federal healthcare policy’s abortion mandate was struck down.
Religion, Same-Sex Relationships & Politics in Indiana & Arkansas
The controversy over the state-based religious freedom laws in Indiana and Arkansas highlights the continuing impact of religion on social and policy issues in this country. The laws were an apparent outgrowth of the feelings of highly religious segments living in those states that they were being marginalized and that they were not being allowed to express their beliefs in their daily lives. According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Arkansas Rep. Bob Ballinger, one of the supporters of the law in that state, said "...he has worked for years to protect the rights of religious believers."
Republican Party Elites Abandon Traditional Marriage
By   |   04.07.15
Only six of 54 Republican members of the U.S. Senate signed a pro-traditional marriage legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that was submitted on Friday. USA Today noted, “By contrast, 44 Democratic senators and 167 Democratic House members filed...
Attacks on Religious Freedom Underscore Why Protections Are Needed
By Tim Wildmon   |   04.06.15
Indiana and Arkansas lawmakers headed back to the drawing boards recently to rewrite language for their states’ respective Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA), due to heavy backlash from businesses and advocates of homosexuality. The angry opposition to religious freedom is...
When Opposing Laws Like Indiana’s Costs Lives
None of the dire outcomes predicted by those campaigning against the Indiana RFRA have materialized in jurisdictions that already have versions of the law. Aside from the specific matter of participation in a gay wedding, there has not been a single case in which someone has claimed a religious right to refuse to serve or sell to gays or lesbians. Employment?
Hypocrisy of President and Progressive Pundits
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.04.15
Constitutional revisionists within our mainstream press claim that First Amendment religious protections extend only to churches and homes. So, why is it that they become silent as church mice when President Barack Obama publicly appeals to his Christian faith in...
H.R. 1153 Offers Asylum for Homeschoolers
Amid the immigration debate in Washington, D.C., legislation is pending that will make it possible for families who are treated harshly over homeschooling to find refuge in the United States. The legislation was developed by HSLDA along with supportive members of Congress in the wake of the Romeike family’s asylum case.
Americans Fed Up With Billion$ Going to Christian Persecuters
By   |   02.28.15
Even with the daily pro-Muslim sentiment coming out of the White House on a daily basis, many Americans are surprised to find out that billions of their tax dollars are funding nations that enforce Islamic law and persecute Christians — and an overwhelming majority oppose it.
Governor Scott Walker and Discerning Obama’s Faith
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.26.15
Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is in hot water with omniscient Chicago Tribune pundit Rex Huppke for claiming ignorance about President Barack Obama’s faith. In answer to a question about whether he believes Obama is a Christian, Walker said he didn’t...
The SPLC Owes Me An Apology Too
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.14.15
I’m pleased to see that the Southern Poverty Law Center has come to its senses and apologized to Dr. Ben Carson, removing him from their “extremist” list. But they need to apologize to me too, since I’m still on their...
SPLC’s Slur Against and Apology-ish to Dr. Ben Carson
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.12.15
In October 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put Dr. Benjamin Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.” Why? Because Dr. Carson holds the traditional, historical, and true belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman...
Judicial Clash on Alabama’s Horizon
By   |   02.10.15
A potential clash between state and federal courts is brewing in Alabama - a clash that one legal group says has needed to happen for a long time. And apparently it took the issue of same-sex "marriage" to bring it to pass.
Saying No to Rogue Federal Judges
By Robert Knight   |   02.09.15
Many of us have wondered how long it would be before a prominent official proclaimed that rogue federal judges, like the proverbial emperor, have no clothes and thus no authority to make up laws. That’s what Alabama Chief Justice Roy...
Lawmakers in D.C. Looking to Pump up the Federal Gasoline Tax
By Andrew Willis   |   02.04.15
Despite the bitter cold and snow that characterizes this time of year, we always manage to find ways that warm our hearts. Lately all you have to do is look at the gas prices. According to the AAA, gasoline prices...
U.S. House Votes to Repeal ObamaCare Again
By Fran Eaton   |   02.04.15
The U.S. House of Representatives voted 239-186 to repeal Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act with no Democrat votes in support. Three Illinois Republicans sent out explanations for their votes immediately after casting them. Illinois U.S. Representative Bob Dold (IL-10) was...
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