Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Say It Ain’t So!
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.23.17
Some readers may be blissfully unaware of DOJ Pride, the “Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees of the U.S. Department of Justice and Their Allies.” According to its website, “DOJ Pride is the recognized organization for all...
Recent Federal Votes for the 18th Congressional District
Recent Congressional Votes Senate: Elwood Nomination - Confirmation Senate: Iran Sanctions - Cloture House: Customs and Border Protection Polygraph Waiver House: Financial Regulation Restructuri
President Trump Should Keep His Promise and Pull Out of Paris Climate Agreement
President Donald Trump attends his first G7 Summit May 26–27. There he will face enormous pressure to break a promise to those who elected him.
Women Look to Stop the Resurrection of the Equal Rights Amendment [VIDEO]
By Monte Larrick   |   05.23.17
The Equal Rights Amendment is once again before Illinois lawmakers, and if enacted is sure to launch a real war on women.
Exiting the Paris Climate Agreement
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt appeared on “Fox & Friends” April 13 and said, “Paris is something we really need to look at closely, because it’s something we need to exit, in my opinion.” Why? “It’s a bad deal for America. China and India had no obligations under the agreement until 2030, we front-loaded all of our costs, at the expense of jobs.” That’s a good start. It should resonate well with Americans who use electricity at home or work and gas or diesel in their cars — i.e., pretty much all of us.
Healthcare Professionals File FTC Complaint Against the SPLC, HRC and NCLR
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.02.17
Finally, medical and mental health professionals are bringing a gun to the gunfight. The National Task Force for Therapy Equality (NTFTE), “a coalition of psychotherapists, psychiatrists, physicians, public policy organizations, and clients who experience unwanted same-sex attractions and gender identity...
A Question of Lawful Authority
By Robert Knight   |   04.06.17
Baseball season gets underway this week, a welcome distraction from the political battles in Washington. Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate is warring over the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.  The Republicans say he’s a stellar nominee, a judicial umpire...
Momentum Building To Defund Planned Parenthood
By Chris Iverson   |   03.31.17
A politically dramatic scene occurred on March 30th. U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia), recovering from back surgery, and Vice President Mike Pence arrived in the U.S. Senate to cast votes for a bill that reverses an abortion-clinic Obama-era...
U.S. House Votes to Permanently Ban Taxpayer Funding of Abortion
By David E. Smith   |   01.25.17
On January 24th, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 238 to 183 today to permanently ban taxpayer funding of abortion. The Illinois Congressional Delegation voted 8-10 in favor of this bill, along party lines with the lone exception of Democrat U.S. Representative Daniel Lipinski of Chicago, who voted on the side of life.
Restoring Justice
By Robert Knight   |   01.19.17
Eric Holder and Loretta E. Lynch have been perhaps the most flagrant partisans ever to hold the office of attorney general. Year after year, they rubber stamped whatever the Obama administration wanted to do, legally or otherwise. So it was...
High Hopes Federalism & Freedom will Trump in 2017
By Monte Larrick   |   01.11.17
One of Illinois' top legal minds says he expects the Donald Trump administration to a friend to religious freedom in America.
Demand That Congress Preserve the Electoral College
By John Biver   |   12.27.16
The men and women that you elect to the U.S. Congress in both chambers need to hear from you regularly on the important issues, and they need to hear from you today regarding the latest actions of Illinois’ own U.S....
Is Our Constitution Going to Pot?
Imagine this: Upon taking his oath of office, President Donald Trump instructs his new attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to ignore civil rights laws. How would that go over?
Global Warming: Policy Hoax versus Dodgy Science
In the early 1990s I was visiting the White House Science Advisor, Sir Prof. Dr. Robert Watson, who was pontificating on how we had successfully regulated Freon to solve the ozone depletion problem...
Top U.S. Security Official Makes Speech on … the LGBT Agenda?
Last week, the Obama administration enacted a rule that prohibits the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from contracting with groups that engage in “discrimination” against people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
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