Five Pennsylvania School Board Members Fight for Bathroom Sanity
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.18.16
Glimmers of light shimmer in the darkness that has been spreading within public schools. The darkness is caused by a fog of science-denying ignorance imposed on school districts from within by teachers and administrators who view themselves as agents of social, political, and moral change and from without by “trans” activists from organizations like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the ACLU, and Lambda Legal.
Far from a Pollutant, CO2 Is a Great Boon to All Life on Earth
What do you get when you bring together seven outstanding scholars to discuss the role carbon dioxide plays in the health of humanity and planet Earth?
You get The Climate Surprise: Why CO2 Is Good for the Earth, a set...
Most College Students Think America Invented Slavery
For 11 years, Professor Duke Pesta gave quizzes to his students at the beginning of the school year to test their knowledge on basic facts about American history and Western culture. The most surprising result from his 11-year experiment? Students’ overwhelming belief that slavery began in the United States and was almost exclusively an American phenomenon, he said.
Homeschooling, the Feds, and You
By   |   10.17.16
Recently, US Secretary of Education John King, while speaking at a press conference, remarked that although some homeschool situations are just fine, in general, “Students who are homeschooled are not getting kind of the rapid instructional experience they would get in school.”
Yet Another Offense in School District U-46
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.01.16
Hard to believe but another offense was just exposed in Illinois School District U-46, and ironically, CEO Tony Sanders inadvertently exposed it. Last Thursday, September 29, CEO Tony Sanders released a statement regarding the controversy over his secret decision to allow a gender-dysphoric student to use a locker room and restroom designated for persons of the opposite sex.
District U-46 School Board Needs the Boot and a Fat Lawsuit
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.29.16
At Monday night’s board meeting in School District U-46 about the controversial and secret decision to permit a co-ed locker room for a gender-dysphoric middle school student, it is estimated that of the 53 people who spoke, 43 opposed the decision, while only 10 approved of it. Approximately 29 of the speakers who spoke against co-ed locker rooms were from within the district, while only 5 of the speakers who spoke in support of co-ed locker rooms were from within the district.
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.24.16
This Monday, September 26 is School District U-46’s next board meeting, and it is shaping up to be even more contentious than the barn-burner of a meeting two weeks ago. As you may remember, the Friday before Labor Day, U-46...
Legislators Surveyed on Vouchers and Charter Schools
By Micah Clark   |   09.23.16
In what researchers believe is a first of a kind survey in more than 15 years, the group EdChoice has surveyed 344 state legislators across the nation to gauge their knowledge and views on educational policy. Some of the findings...
Elgin School Board Deadlocked over Locker Room Issues
By Monte Larrick   |   09.22.16
A school board member and a state legislator think school bathroom and locker room policies should be based on common sense rather than political correctness. They say the move toward co-ed facilities must be challenged.
YouTube video

Please Prayerfully consider how you...
Illinois School District U-46 “Progressives” Foment Hatred
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.16.16
A second article was needed to address adequately the problems exposed in Monday’s school board meeting in Illinois School District U-46 in which the decision to allow a middle school gender-dysphoric student to use an opposite-sex locker room and the decision of school CEO Tony Sanders' to conceal that information from parents were debated.
School District U-46 Barn-Burner of a Board Meeting
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.14.16
So much to say about Monday night’s barn-burner of a school board meeting in School District U-46, so little time. The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. By 6:00 p.m. the meeting room was filled to capacity, and attendees were sent to two upstairs overflow rooms to watch a livestream of the meeting. Approximately 58 visitors spoke, with 37 speaking in opposition to the school board’s decision to allow a student to use the locker room designated for persons of the opposite sex and to do so without telling U-46 parents of this decision...
The New Sex Primer
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.12.16
By the fall of 2017, kindergartners in Washington State will be taught to "understand the range of gender roles, identity, and expression across cultures."1 For those unclear about what precisely will be taught, the kindergarten curriculum developers provide a helpful glossary that includes a definition of "gender":
“Inclusive” Brown University Student Council Provides Tampons to “Men”
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.10.16
I know things seem bleak right now what with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea flexing their military muscles, our impotent president issuing more comical "warnings," and racial strife dividing the nation.
Scandalous Actions by Faux-Female in Co-Ed MN High School Locker Room
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.08.16
According to a lawsuit filed yesterday by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a high school boy in the city of Virginia, Minnesota (near Duluth) who is pretending to be a girl and whom school administrators allow to invade the privacy of girls has been accused of engaging in vulgar sexual gestures in a girls’ locker room.
Middle School CEO Tony Sanders Says Parents Have No Right to Know about Co-Ed Locker Room
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.07.16
Tony Sanders, the chief executive officer of School District U-46 which serves 40,000 students in Cook, DuPage, and Kane Counties in Illinois, has declared that a middle school locker room is henceforth co-ed. He has declared from on high that a student who wishes to be the opposite sex may use whichever locker room his or her heart desires. Even more troubling...
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