Inclusive Curriculum Bill and the Church of Secularism
By   |   04.02.18
I object to two legislative attempts to impose the Secular Religion upon citizens of Illinois: SB 3249 and HB 5596.  They are wholly unnecessary as LGBTQ icons and their works are already present in government schools. My objections concern the...
Sexuality Propaganda: From Drip Drip Drip to Downpour
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.28.18
It may be the drip, drip, drip that gets your kids. A scene in a movie, a passage in a novel, a sympathetic portrayal of homosexuality in a play, a song by a well-know musician, a bullying prevention presentation at...
The Not-So-Secret Weapon of Cultural Warfare
By Jonathan Lewis   |   03.23.18
Jesus once stated that “the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). Unfortunately, this has been proven all too true in recent generations when it comes to the battle for our culture. On the whole, it seems that those who oppose Christ have been far more successful in shaping society than have the followers of God.
Another Disruptive Political Stunt Coming to Schools in April: Day of Silence
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.22.18
Schools just endured a disruptive, Leftist anti-gun protest, and soon they will have to endure the disruptive, Leftist Day of Silence. For those who don’t know, the Day of Silence is a purportedly “student-led” political effort sponsored and organized by...
A Better Way to Respond to School Violence
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.13.18
Rochelle Township High School (RTHS) shows a far better way to respond to school violence than a disruptive demonstration organized by a Leftist political organization–a way that unifies the school community rather than divides and a way that doesn’t violate...
School CEO Rationalizes Violation of School Policy to Defend Disruptive Anti-Gun Protest
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.12.18
As most know, the youth arm of the far-Left Women’s March has organized an anti-gun school protest that will take place in countless public schools across the country this week. They’re urging students to leave school buildings at 10:00 a.m....
A Sound, Compassionate Response to the Transgender Movement
By   |   03.12.18
Transgender ideology is being disproportionately aimed at children, teaching them that they are not the inherently valuable image bearers God created them to be.
Political Agitation at Schools & Vulnerable Kids
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.10.18
From working for a decade in a public high school, I can say with certainty and knowledge that many students do not like divisive political events or discussions on hot button topics at school. Many teens are struggling with all...
Leftist Anti-Gun Protest in Government Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.08.18
Yet another “progressive” usurpation of government schools is taking place on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 10:00 when without permission students will leave their classrooms for 17 minutes—one minute for each person killed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in...
Big Brother Is Coming for Your Kids, and He’s Wearing a Dress
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.08.18
You want to know where the “trans” insanity is taking us—I mean, besides co-ed private spaces everywhere, which means no private spaces anywhere? Look no further than Regulation 225, a proposed amendment to the Delaware school code, which, if passed,...
Another School Shooting, Another One-Sided Debate About Reality
By John Biver   |   03.07.18
My goal in these next couple of articles is to make three basic points. First, after every mass murder, whether at a school or nightclub or concert venue, conservatives write many excellent op-eds effectively addressing nearly every aspect of the...
Federal Family-Planning Program to Prioritize Faith-Based Clinics
By   |   03.03.18
The Trump administration has made a decision to protect women's health – along with the health of their pre-born babies – and serve them better. This new grant program (under the Title X family planning program) has $260 million available to grantees that do not perform abortions.
Virtue-Signalling from Leftists on Arming Teachers
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.01.18
Leave it to Chicago Tribune lifestyle expert Heidi Stevens to come up with another dumb idea. In an essay titled “Who do we become if we give teachers guns,” in which she ruminates on the proposal to allow teachers to volunteer to be trained to use a gun in those rare instances when a gunman starts killing school children, Stevens offers this...
Wait Till You See What LGBTQQAP Activists Have Planned for Illinois Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.27.18
While conservatives squeak “uncle” about the “social issues” from the dark recesses of their homes and churches where they hide, the jackbooted Left marches boldly forward obsessed with making the “social issues” the central plank of everything. They’re especially obsessed...
The Wisdom of Washington
By Jonathan Lewis   |   02.19.18
The father of our country understood something important about education—and we would do well to heed his wisdom today
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