Tag Archives: Liberty Counsel
Government Schools Spent Billions Fighting Parents, Study Shows
Updates on Major Religious Liberty Cases: Groff at SCOTUS and Catholic Charities Bureau in Wisconsin
A Win for Religious Exemptions
A Major Legal Victory Against LGBTQ Tyranny
This was a victory for freedom, for tolerance, for individual rights, and for therapist-client privilege. Above all, it was a victory for minors.
Gov. Pritzker Backs Down Before The U.S. Supreme Court
The Ghastly Practices of Planned Parenthood
Watching a Bully Get Smacked
Hate, Inc. Loses the Pentagon But Gains Silicon Valley
The hate business may not be what it used to be – at least on the government level.
The Defense Department has become the latest federal agency to sever ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an Alabama-based, hard-left group whose “hate map” is being used against Christian groups.
Well, bully for the Pentagon for showing that bully to the door.
The DOD’s pullback from the SPLC was reported by the Daily Caller, which said that a Justice Department attorney stated in an email that the DOD “removed any and all references to the SPLC in training materials used …
Planet Fitness’ Refusal To Protect Women’s Privacy Encouraged Man’s Indecent Exposure
Seven Reasons Why the Transgender Revolution Will Fail
Conservative Organizations Join Forces to Expose the SPLC
Good News: President Trump Signs Executive Order to Promote Religious Liberty
Fulfilling a campaign promise to get rid of the “Johnson Amendment,” President Donald Trump, according to Liberty Counsel, “signed an executive order today that promotes religious liberty throughout the federal agencies in general and in certain specific areas”:
…The executive order declares that it is the policy of the Administration to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty, directs the IRS to exercise maximum enforcement of discretion to alleviate the burden of the Johnson Amendment, and provides regulatory relief for religious objectors to Obamacare’s burdensome preventive services mandate.
The Johnson Amendment, named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas
Alabama Supreme Court DID Reject U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Opinion
Probate Judge Don Davis asked to be relieved of the order because it would …
Alabama Supreme Court Rejects SCOTUS Marriage Opinion
[On Friday] in a 170-page ruling, the Alabama Supreme Court rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage opinion by issuing its own Judgment in favor of Liberty Counsel’s Petition for Mandamus. In the petition, Liberty Counsel demanded on behalf of its Alabama clients – Alabama Policy Institute (“API”) and Alabama Citizens Action Program (“ALCAP”) – that the state’s probate judges obey Alabama’s Constitution and laws. On March 4, 2015, the Alabama Supreme Court ordered the probate judges to immediately cease issuing same-sex marriage licenses.
“The ruling last year by the Alabama Supreme Court was historic, and is one of the most …