Articles by Laurie Higgins
Illinois Lawmakers Advance K-12  “LGBT” Indoctrination Bill
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.06.19
“Progressives,” also known as cultural regressives, have long had their sights on the hearts, minds, and bodies of other people’s children. Now that they control Big Government schools, regressives can control the ideas to which children are exposed. And boy, oh, boy are regressive Illinois lawmakers going for broke—morally speaking. They’ve already achieved fiscal bankruptcy.
Formerly “Trans” Young Women Speak Out
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.04.19
On February 26, the website Public Discourse published an article that includes the harrowing accounts of five mothers—one of whom is a lifelong Democrat, another a lesbian—whose daughters experienced Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). These mothers are certain that the culture, including the professional mental health community, physicians, schools, peer socialization, and social media, are providing a distorted lens through which girls are viewing and misinterpreting discomfort and confusion that results from factors like trauma and pre-existing medical conditions, leading them to believe suddenly that they are, in reality, boys. One of the mothers writes:...
Shocking Information About Illinois Medicaid and Pregnant Women
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.03.19
Maybe everyone knew this but me. If not, you better be sitting down for this one. Though not required by law, Illinois provides a program of benefits called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility(MPE). MPE “offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for...
“Trans” Worldview Conference: Information You Need
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.26.19
This warning delivered by the prophet Hosea is true not only regarding knowledge of God’s existence, nature, and redemptive purposes but also regarding knowledge of the world in which we live and move and have our being. Right now, the...
Liberals to Make Illinois a Slaughterhouse Extraordinaire
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.25.19
To fulfill Governor J.B. Pritzker’s dream to make Illinois a slaughterhouse extraordinaire and the abortion mecca of the Midwest, that ever-reliable instigator of moral mayhem, State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), has sponsored a bill that would put a twinkle in...
Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms in Illinois Public Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.19.19
A sure sign that leftist lawmakers in Springfield are obsessively driven by the desire to use government money and power to advance an absurd, science-denying ideology is House Bill 922  sponsored by State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) that, if...
U.S. Senator Cory Booker’s Religious Test for Judicial Nominee
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.05.19
The intellectually incoherent U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) sought to apply an unconstitutional religious test for office today when interrogating nominee to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Neomi Rao. Perhaps hoping everyone listening were idiots, he first attempted an indirect tactic by asking her this irrelevant question, the answer to which is none of his business: “Are gay relationships in your opinion immoral?”
Big Brother in League with the “Trans” Cult
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.29.19
To be filed in the bulging “ARE YOU KIDDING?!” news folder is a story from the increasingly oppressive United Kingdom. British police recently investigated dock worker and father of four Harry Miller for an alleged “hate incident” for reposting a...
Colorado Teacher Bullies Covington Student
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.25.19
Michelle Grissom, a social studies teacher at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Douglas County, Colorado, has been put on leave following her horrendous tweets about a Covington Catholic High School student. In her vindictive and indefensible quest to harm a...
Illinois Governor Pritzker All In for Taxpayer-Funding of Abortion and Planned Parenthood
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.24.19
Illinois’ newly installed governor, billionaire J.B. Pritzker, looked at the mess that decades of “progressive” rule has made of Illinois and had an epiphany: OMG, the problem here in Illinois is that it’s not progressive enough! That set him on...
Christian Teachers and Parents: What Will You Do?
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.09.19
This past weekend, I contacted a committed Christian friend who is a public middle school administrator in another state to ask if his school mandates that staff, faculty, and administrators use incorrect pronouns when referring to “trans”-identifying students. He responded...
The Grotesque Indecency and Arrogance of the “Trans” Cult
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.02.19
America has become a cesspool of fetid water in which we’re all boiling alive like those proverbial frogs we’ve heard so much about. How else to account for the silence of most Christian leaders, including those who pontificate on social injustice while saying and doing virtually nothing as children are being chemically sterilized and surgically mutilated? How else to account for the absence of protests at the pestilent drag queen story hours for toddlers that pollute public libraries across the country? How else to account for an 11-year-old boy cavorting in drag on stage at “BROOKLYN’S PREMIER QUEER BAR” to the leers and cheers of adult homosexual men who threw dollar bills at him? And how else to account for the parents of this exploited child being allowed to retain custody of him? Desmond Napoles ...
Which “Trans” Reality Matters? Biological or Phantasmical
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.27.18
Those who claim to be “trans,” say that being “trans” is their “reality” and that everyone should respect that. “Trans”-cultists fail to clarify, however, what kind of phenomenon they are referring to when they talk about their “reality.” As with...
“Trans” Madness: De-Sexing the World
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.20.18
The “trans” rebellion against science, nature, and morality is well underway, trampling under its jackbooted stilettos athletic achievement; academic inquiry; physical privacy and safety; speech rights; religious rights; association rights; children’s needs and rights; parental rights; and the bodies of...
Evangelical Leaders’ Devilish Deal
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.14.18
In stunning semi-secretive decisions motivated by fear of religious persecution, the boards of two major evangelical organizations, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), have voted to pass motions that represent an...
Laurie Higgins
Cultural Affairs Writer
Laurie Higgins

Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.

Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

She has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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