In the Pot Nine Days Old
By   |   09.21.16
Let us talk for a moment about the way appeasement usually goes, and begin by citing Churchill in his trenchant response to Chamberlain. “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war.”
Religious Persecution: Coming to America?
By Israel Wayne   |   09.06.16
In 1929, Josef Stalin signed a law that dealt a devastating blow to religious freedom in Russia. For most of a century, Russian Christians suffered enormous persecutions for their faith. Some estimates suggest that as many as 20,000,000 Christians may...
Pastors Challenge IL Ban on Sexual Identity Counseling in Court
Illinois' ban on sexual identity counseling is facing a legal challenge from pastors who fear they could be charged with consumer fraud if they provide pastoral counseling to young people who want to turn away from same-sex attraction.
Pastors File Federal Lawsuit Against Illinois
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.11.16
As a result of the passage of the deceptively named “Youth Mental Health Protection Act,” the law firm of Mauck & Baker is today filing a federal lawsuit against the state of Illinois on behalf of a group of Illinois...
Rauner Sears Conscience Law in Illinois
By Monte Larrick   |   08.10.16
Governor Bruce Rauner has signed a law which forces pro-life medical professionals to promote abortion. In response, pregnancy centers have filed a lawsuit against the governor and federal legislation is now being debated in Congress.
Rights of Conscience Lawsuit Filed in Response to SB 1564
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing an Illinois doctor and two pregnancy care centers filed suit in state court against Gov. Bruce Rauner after he recently signed a bill into law that forces doctors and medical facilities to promote abortion regardless...
Pregnancy Centers File Suit in Response to Illinois Forcing Doctors, Medical Facilities to Promote Abortion
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing an Illinois doctor and two pregnancy care centers filed suit in state court against Gov. Bruce Rauner after he recently signed a bill into law that forces doctors and medical facilities to promote abortion regardless...
Gov. Rauner Kills Conscience Rights by Signing SB 1564
By David E. Smith   |   07.29.16
Despite a full-court press by IFI and many Illinois pro-life groups--including dozens of pregnancy resource centers (PRCs)--Governor Bruce Rauner today chose to sign legislation that will result in our state government requiring pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols. This is not the result for which so many hoped and prayed.
Religious Liberty and the Right to be Christian
By   |   07.29.16
Moral revolutions require legal revolutions. This is certainly the case with the sexual revolution and its various causes of sexual liberation. A revolution is only complete when the legal structure aligns itself with a new moral understanding. This alignment is...
No Ignoring the Conscience Protection Act
By Monte Larrick   |   07.27.16
The Pro-Life Action League is not willing shut up about abortion and just live with it. The group’s annual Face the Truth Tour brought a disturbing reminder to Chicago area streets that abortion kills babies. But leaders of the Pro-Life...
New LGBT Target: Doctors
Remember the 11,588,500 word bill passed by Congress in 2010, accompanied by the hopeful promise of easy-access healthcare? The bill that continues to cause the closure of small businesses and price hikes in the insurance market? That’s right, the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) strikes again.
U.S. House Approves Federal Conscience Protection Act
By David E. Smith   |   07.14.16
Last night the U.S. House of Representatives passed the federal Conscience Protection Act (CPA) by a vote of 245-182.  This vital legislation will help protect health care providers from being forced to pay for or participate in abortions, and allow...
Trouble in Bakersfield
Last week, Chad Vegas, a good friend of mine and the Reformed Baptist pastor in Bakersfield, California emailed me as follows: As you know, CA has mandated this [school transgender policy] for the whole state. I have served on the largest high school board in CA, and the nation, for 12 years. I basically lead that board. Our board voted to adopt the new law into policy. I voted against it. I was breaking the law for doing so. I could be personally sued and our attorney tells me the board insurance won't cover me because I am breaking the law and I am a bigot...
Iowa Civil Rights Commission Goes After Churches
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.08.16
The kind of draconian restrictions of speech and religious rights that corrupt Canadian governance are  arriving bit by corroded bit on America’s church steps sooner than many expected and in, of all places,  Iowa. Make no mistake though, this is...
Speak Up for Federal Conscience Protection Act
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   07.07.16
Blue, blue California is not just an entity unto itself. As many have opined, as goes California, so goes the nation. In their arrogance–or is it “pride”–California’s Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) has  defied “the Hyde/Weldon amendments approved by...
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