Obama Awards Abortion Activists Bill, Melinda Gates
By   |   11.26.16
President Barack Obama presented longtime pro-abortion activists Bill and Melinda Gates with the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest honor the United States can bestow upon a citizen who is not a member of the U.S. military.
Pro-Life Americans Have the Opportunity of a Generation
The American people have returned a pro-life majority to Congress and have elected a president committed to rolling back the Obama administration’s radical abortion policies and to appointing pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. This presents an incredible opportunity for defending innocent human life. Now is the time to act.
Urgent – Tax Dollars for Abortion?
By Kathy Valente   |   11.10.16
After this week’s election upset, which will give Republicans a net gain of four seats in the Illinois House next session, Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) moved HB 4013 to third reading. This means it can be called for a vote...
Euthanasia Movement Gaining Life
By Monte Larrick   |   10.19.16
There's growing concern that Illinois could join other states where the right to live is under attack from pro-assisted suicide/euthanasia forces. Pro-life Christians cannot abdicated the opportunity to speak out against the pro-death movement and, at the same time, offer hope to people who are lost in despair. To agree with patients’ requests for assisted suicide is to confirm their assertion that their life has no value. Every human life has infinite value and indeterminate value. Legalized suicide is not the answer to fear.
Dr. Alveda King: Civil Rights Begin in the Womb
By Monte Larrick   |   10.13.16
Dr. Alveda King is championing the civil rights of unborn Americans.
David Daleidan: The Worst of Planned Parenthood Videos is Yet to be Released
By Monte Larrick   |   10.05.16
Planned Parenthood continues to draw attention from Congress thanks in large part to undercover investigator David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress. Mr. Daleiden tells IFI that the scrutiny the big abortion provider is facing could intensify in the...
Neutrality Kills
In 1994, Oregon became the first state to pass a physician-assisted suicide law. This came after the Oregon Medical Association changed its position from opposition to neutrality. 21 years later and after multiple failed attempts, the California state legislature approved the latest physician-assisted suicide law after the California Medical Association changed its opposition to neutrality.
40 Days for Life Growing in Illinois
By Monte Larrick   |   09.29.16
Volunteers are mounting a 40 Days for Life prayer campaign outside abortion clinics with a goal of putting them out of business.
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Abortion, Infanticide and Euthanasia Oh My!
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.22.16
It was recently reported that the Netherlands will soon open the country’s first center for child self-murder euthanasia for children between the ages of 1-12. The country, which already permits the involuntary killing of infants up to the age of 1 and permits medically assisted suicide for children over the age of 12, is revisiting prohibitions of child-killing between the ages of 1-12.
40 Days of Life: Defeating Roe’s Darkness with Prayer
By Tamara Cochran Louris   |   09.21.16
Forty-three years ago the Warren Burger Supreme Court struck a mighty blow for the powers of darkness: In a 7-2 decision the Justices ruled in Roe v. Wade that the right to privacy was broad enough to “encompass a woman’s...
Baby Blood in the Water Tastes Like Money
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.20.16
The pro-child-death regime seems to be kicking into high gear. It’s unclear whether they fear a rising tide of opposition to womb-killing or if they smell the blood swirling in the miasmic waters that envelop the world.
Most Americans Don’t Support Extreme Position of Pro-Choice Politicians
Lurking behind the annual split among Americans over the labels “pro-life” and “pro-choice” is a new reality. The fact is that today, whatever label they choose, Americans overwhelmingly support abortion restrictions.
Pro-Life Lawsuit Looks to Burst Bubble Zone Law
By Monte Larrick   |   08.31.16
The City of Chicago's effort to regulate speech outside abortion clinics is facing a federal lawsuit. Pro-life plaintiffs are predicting a court victory that will save the lives of many unborn babies.
Fixing Our Failing Demographics
By Oliver Perry   |   08.25.16
The article Our Failing Demographics showed that the Western world, including the United States, has a persistently low birthrate. Our nations aren’t having enough children, resulting in an aging and ultimately shrinking population. In the United States this will likely...
Frozen Embryos: A Matter of Life or Death
By Israel Wayne   |   08.24.16
Ever notice how the media has a knack for pulling on our heart-strings in an attempt to divert us from the real facts of the matter? In logic, this fallacy is called, “A red herring.” A great example of this...
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The Tragic Consequences Legal Assisted Suicide
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