Now More Than Ever
By   |   02.22.19
It wasn’t so long ago that such a thing would be unthinkable: a standing ovation for abortion in the New York State Senate chamber with the passage of legislation permitting abortion for any reason up until the moment of birth. ...
Pro-Life Rally & Lobby Day
By Kathy Valente   |   02.14.19
Please join IFI, Illinois Right to Life, Lake County Right to Life, Illinois Conservative Union, Pro-Life Action League, ICE-PAC and dozens of other church groups and pro-life warriors in Springfield to lobby against radical anti-life legislation. Abortion activists will stop at nothing to achieve their body-and soul-destroying goals. If we fail to do everything in our power to block the passage of these bills, we become complicit in the destruction of countless more innocent lives.
Más Extremismo Sobre el Aborto Para Illinois
By Kathy Valente   |   02.14.19
En respuesta a la ley de aborto “peligrosa” y ” la innecesaria ley de aborto la cual requiere notificacion a los padres” y “buscando proteger la abilidad de todas las personas …” (enlace a ) Planned Parenthood, ACLU...
More Abortion Extremism for Illinois
By Kathy Valente   |   02.13.19
Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and Personal PAC have joined forces, once again, to eradicate any and all limits on killing babies in Illinois, absurdly claiming that Illinois’ parental notice law is “dangerous” and “unnecessary." The push comes from Governor JB Pritzker’s office and has materialized in the form of two bills. The language has not yet been submitted, but the intention is clear: Leftists want to make baby-killing even easier.
Better Off Dead
By   |   02.08.19
I was born in the 60’s with spina bifida to a 16-year-old unwed mother before it was legal to kill unplanned, unwanted, and/or damaged children. I was all three. But “killed” isn’t a nice word, so, maybe I should modify my terminology like a recent couple who claims to have aborted their 22-week-old daughter with spina bifida, out of a “desire to free [her] from a life of likely suffering.” They claim to have made the decision “entirely for her.”
Trump Walks a Tightrope
By   |   02.06.19
As President Trump gazed out over his audience in the U.S. House of Representatives chamber of the United States Capitol, he could not fail to notice a prominent block of female Democratic lawmakers seated front and center and dressed in white to symbolize their growing power in the halls of government.  Their presence was a painful reminder to the President that in the 2018 Congressional races female voters preferred Democratic candidates by 19 points, sending a record 106 women to Congress. 
Abortion Is Not a Right, It’s a Crime
By Jenna Smith   |   02.01.19
Virginia lawmakers recently rejected a bill that would have made it permissible to terminate a pregnancy throughout all three trimesters, just like the egregious bill New York recently legalized. While thrilled that Virginia lawmakers had the commonsense to vote this...
The March for Life Chicago and Washington have come and gone. But for real pro-life advocates, everyday is a March for Life....
29 Estados Permiten Aborto de Bebés a Término
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.28.19
La semana pasada me pregunté por qué hay tantos estadounidenses tan incredulos y ofendidos que el gobernador Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) promulgo un proyecto de ley aprobado júbilosamente por la legislatura estatal el cual que hace posible que las mujeres aborten a los bebés a término. Ciertamente, el proyecto de ley es moralmente repugnante y el aplauso jubiloso de la legislatura fue grotesco, pero otros 23 estados, incluyendo Illinois, permiten que los bebés a término sean extinguidos y por las mismas razones. Y 7 otros estados permiten que los bebés nacidos a término sean extinguidos por alguna o ninguna razón.
En Español: Gobernador Pritzker Celebra el Aborto con Planned Parenthood
By David E. Smith   |   01.23.19
“No queremos que se haga saber que queremos exterminar a la población negra”.
~ Margaret Sanger, fundadora de Planned Parenthood, 1939 En el 46 aniversario de Roe v. Wade, el gobernador de Illinois J.B. Pritzker sostuvo una conferencia de prensa...
Gov. Pritzker Cheers Abortion at Planned Parenthood
By David E. Smith   |   01.23.19
On the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker held a news conference at a Chicago Planned Parenthood office to sign an executive order expanding abortion access in Illinois. With all the work that needs to be done in our state, the celebration and championing of abortion, what Planned Parenthood likes to call “reproductive rights,” will do nothing to solve the state’s growing fiscal crisis and outbound migration.
Must See Pro-Life Short Film: “Mitosis”
By David E. Smith   |   01.18.19
“It’s a Wonderful Life,” Frank Capra’s beloved Christmas classic, shows the desperate, suicidal protagonist, George Bailey, what the small community of Bedford Falls would be like if he had never been born. With the help of his guardian angel, George’s...
An Amazing Video of a Living, First Trimester Unborn Baby
By Nancy Valko   |   01.15.19
Recently, I saw an amazing video in a post on the Nurses&Midwives4Life Ireland Facebook page showing a living, first trimester baby on a surgical field. The baby was moving its’ tiny head and limbs remarkably like a newborn baby. The image was both beautiful and heartbreaking since this little one could not survive.
Legalizing high potency marijuana, more gambling, LGBT history in schools and taking aim at Illinois’ Parental Notification of Abortion law. Incoming Governor J.B. Pritzker and his fellow Democrats in the General Assembly will have the votes to make their agenda...
Medically Assisted Death and the Family Caregiver
While the debate continues as more states adopt paths for medically assisted deaths, family caregivers remain virtually omitted from the conversation and care. The lid of this Pandora’s Box is opening wider as Christians flounder in sharing a biblically founded position.  History shows when governments draw and then move this line about the value of life, then it can cause genocide (Germany) and infanticide (abortion).  Quality of life and suffering remain subjective.  Death, however, is not.
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The Tragic Consequences Legal Assisted Suicide
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