Illinois Lawmakers’ Insatiable Appetite for Sexualizing Other People’s Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.28.21
Lea este artículo en español The newest manifestation of the creepy desire of Springfield leftists to normalize deviance in children is the laughably named, “Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act” (SB 818)—a bill composed entirely of socially constructed leftist beliefs...
The Sordid History and Deadly Consequences of ‘Sex Ed’ at School
By Alex Newman   |   05.25.21
This article was originally published in April 2020. Very few people realize that the reason children today are being sexualized at school is because pedophiles sexually abused hundreds of children, then claimed that the victims enjoyed it. That’s a fact,...
Suburban High School Principal Politicizes and Ruins Graduation
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.24.21
This past Saturday May 22,2021, the retiring principal of Glenbard South High School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois decided to ruin the graduation ceremony of seniors by using it to express her political views. Principal Sandra Coughlin led the families and students in the Pledge of Allegiance but notably omitted the words “of the United States of America” and “under God,” generating audible outrage from the attendees and creating division in what should have been a time of unity and joy.
Cultural Collision: “Comprehensive” Sex Ed Passed in Illinois Senate
By David E. Smith   |   05.21.21
Our Springfield snollygosters are working tenaciously to provide Christian parents with a plethora of reasons to abandon government schools in Illinois. On Thursday afternoon, the Illinois Senate took up and debated another "comprehensive" sex education bill (SB 818) that so-called "progressives" and their evil allies are using to indoctrinate children starting in kindergarten.
Big Brother Schools Using Big Data to Manipulate and Spy on Kids
By Alex Newman   |   05.19.21
Using data primarily gathered through the public-education system, Big Brother and the collectivists running the government schools now know more about American children than their own parents do. The awesome powers offered by “Big Data” will blow your mind.
The War on Children
By David E. Smith   |   05.11.21
No longer content with merely aborting millions of babies every year, Planned Parenthood and IPPF are vigorously promoting an agenda that sexualizes children and threatens their health, champions dangerous gender ideology, subverts the parent-child relationship, and violates parental rights.
Common Core, Still in Place, Nationalized Educational Quackery
By Alex Newman   |   05.10.21
Perhaps nothing has done more to rouse Americans from their slumber on government education than the so-called Common Core standards, which were quietly imposed on the nation by the leftist Obama administration using tax-funded “bribe” money and arm-twisting. People were furious. Trump called the standards “a total disaster.” But the anger only scratched the surface of the problem.
Census Bureau: Homeschooling Rate Doubles During Pandemic
By Jonathan Lewis   |   05.05.21
A new report out this spring from the U.S. Census Bureau adds more data to what we know about the increase in homeschooling rates during the pandemic.

The report, released in late March, includes data from all 50 states and looks at the changes in the rate of homeschooling between last spring and the start of the new school year in the fall.
Biden Rule Pushes Critical Race Theory on Schools
By Alex Newman   |   05.04.21
A new regulation proposed by Joe Biden’s Department of Education would further weaponize federal funding to schools in an effort to promote fraudulent history and more “Critical Race Theory” indoctrination.
Rise of ‘Fed Ed’ Accelerated Demise of Real Education
By Alex Newman   |   04.29.21
The U.S. public school system was collectivist from the start, as this ongoing series on government education has extensively documented. But as the feds got involved, it quickly went from bad to worse, with the slow and steady decline in education turning into a precipitous collapse. Today, the schools are a disaster, even by the government’s own measures.
A Parable About Christian Education
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   04.28.21
“Ehud ben Levi! You better get going, the school bus-camel is about to come!”

“But, Mom, why do I have to keep going to the Philistine school?”

“Ehud, you know they have the best Spear and Sword team.”

“But Mom, they only teach us about Dagon, and that our God is nothing special.”
Book Banning, Propaganda, and Shaming in Government Schools and Society
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.27.21
While claiming allegiance to “openness,” “diversity,” “inclusivity,” “tolerance,” and “safety,” public schools now ban books, censor ideas, criticize moral and theological beliefs, promote disordered sexuality and anti-white racism, expose students to obscene material, prohibit correct pronoun usage, sexually integrate private...
Illinois Democrats Trying to Give More Power to Bureaucrats During All Health Crises
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.26.21
Leftists here in Illinois have been heeding the opportunistic control freak Rahm Emanuel’s instruction: You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not...
Pritzker’s Recommendations for Corrupting All Government Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.22.21
In June 2019, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an executive order that should have been the proverbial straw that broke the backs of already oppressed conservative families with children remaining in our broken school indoctrination centers. The order had two parts.
UNESCO: Indoctrinating Humanity With Collectivist ‘Education’
By Alex Newman   |   04.19.21
As the tyrants of the world have discovered by experience over more than a century, subduing people under collectivist rule for any length of time can be difficult—especially if the people can read and think, and if they know their history. But if the children can be brainwashed into collectivism early on in government schools, the process becomes much easier.
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