Tag Archives: Abortion

Planned Parenthood: This Evil, Baby Murder Mill Must Be Defunded

Cecile Richards, the abortion champion and president of Planned Parenthood, is on record lauding abortion activists as "troublemakers, and hell-raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened Planned Parenthood health centers in their communities, and demanded the right to control their own bodies" at the Women’s March in Washington D.C. last year. This wicked organization receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds.
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Pro-Choicers Choose Live Dismemberment

In yet another ethically repugnant judicial decision, Texas district court judge Lee Yeakel struck down a Texas abortion law (SB 8) that prohibits 2nd trimester “dismemberment abortions” in which live humans are dismembered prior to death and then sucked out of their mothers’ wombs in pieces.

The law, passed by both the senate and house and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, would have permitted dismemberment of humans in utero as long as they were killed first by “injecting a chemical called digoxin into the woman’s abdomen; injecting potassium chloride directly into the heart; or inserting instruments …

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PODCAST: Pro-Choicers Choose Live Dismemberment

In an ethically incomprehensible decision, Texas district court judge Lee Yeakel struck down a Texas abortion law (SB 8) that prohibits 2nd trimester “dismemberment abortions” in which live humans are dismembered prior to death and then sucked out of their mothers’ wombs in pieces.

The law, passed by both the senate and house and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, would have permitted dismemberment of humans in utero as long as they were killed first by “injecting a chemical called digoxin into the woman’s abdomen; injecting potassium chloride directly into the heart; or inserting instruments through the …

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The Equal Rights Amendment and Abortion

For those who weren’t politically active in the 70’s or never got around to learning the specifics about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), here is a thumbnail sketch of the purpose and danger of the ERA.

This proposed U.S. Constitutional Amendment is deceptively named. Men and women already have equal standing and equal protection before the law and possess God-given rights which are delineated in the Bill of Rights.

If the goal is to ensure equal opportunity, then the path is not the broad and ambiguously written ERA. Even supporters of the ERA cannot answer questions about its

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Illinois Law Could be Impacted by California Right of Conscience Case if it is Heard by SCOTUS

In a fast-moving story, right of conscience cases are moving forward and possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here are just two recent headlines from Life News:

October 30: Pregnancy Centers Ask Supreme Court to Overturn California Law Forcing Them to Promote Abortions

October 31: Judge Blocks California Law Forcing Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortions

In a case that could impact Illinois, Life News reports, “California pregnancy centers could hear any day now if the United States Supreme Court will hear their appeal for relief from a pro-abortion state law”:

Their cases involve a pro-abortion California law that forces pregnancy

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U.S. House Will Vote Soon on Bill Banning Abortions After 20 Weeks

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote in the coming days on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks up until the time of birth. The bill is a top priority of national pro-life groups, which demonstrate that pre-born babies can feel pain at 20 weeks gestation and beyond.
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Kill HB 40: Wombs Should be Sanctuary Spaces and No-Kill Shelters

If signed into law by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, HB 40, which passed in both the Illinois House and Senate, will force taxpayers to subsidize abortions for women on Medicaid and for women covered by state employee health insurance. Feticidal maniacs in Illinois—including lawmakers—are desperate to have Rauner sign this bill into law...
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The Darkened Minds of Feticide Cheerleaders

The minds of “progressives” have become so darkened, their consciences so seared that they shout about their abortions and unashamedly admit that abortion ends the lives of humans. This week IFI received the following email from Chicagoan Mary Jennifer Pruim about a billboard we put up that says, “Abortion Take Human Life”:
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A Biblical View of Climate Change

Last year I was at lunch with an evangelist. After the meal, he handed our waitress a Gospel tract. I wanted to reinforce his compassion, so I told the young lady that her relationship with God was the most important thing in the world. She responded, “Yeah, that and global warming!” She proceeded to tell us that she wakes up in fear of what may happen to the earth during her lifetime. I was shocked.
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Pregnancy Centers Win Second Injunction against Illinois Abortion Referral Mandate

A Federal District Court has granted a preliminary injunction in a right-of-conscience case, the controversy of which the Illinois Family Institute has been following for several years. The religious liberty defending law firm of Mauck & Baker, LLC is reporting some very good news out of that Federal District Court regarding an Illinois law mandating that pro-life medical personnel provide their clients with positive information about abortion services:
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Illinois: Safe Haven for Abortionists, Killing Zone for the Unborn

On Friday, July 14, the Chicago Tribune published an article by Angie Leventis Lourgos titled, “‘My last resort’ — thousands come to Illinois to have abortions.” Never have I read a more stunning example of Isaiah 5:20. The stories told in the article, coupled with the story told in the accompanying video, are wholly, viscerally repugnant.
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The Barbarism of Feminism

Just when you think you’ve seen the depths of the cultural rebellion against God, it gets worse. The Catholic media outlet Crux reported on the blasphemous and ghoulish event that took place in Argentina on the increasingly infamous International Women’s Day, held this year on March 8.
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Choosing Blessing: We Must All Be Advocates for Life

The path to restore our nation, the United States of America, is clear: we must humble ourselves, confess and turn from our sin (which includes abortion), and we must choose life!
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Illinois Pro-Life Citizens Must Sound Off

As you know, over the past few weeks we have seen a flurry of political activity in both Washington D.C. and Springfield. We expect this whirwind to continue through much of the spring.

With the election of Donald Trump as president, we have seen the agitated Left organize their base of  pro-abortion feminists and Leftist allies. They are highly motivated, looking for any opportunity to push back wherever and whenever they can.

The energy and momentum can be seen and felt in Springfield, where pro-life lawmakers are privately expressing their concerns about the lack of energy from the Illinois pro-life …

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Support for Abortion Funding Should Sink Any Legislator’s Re-Election

Here is some bad news: Illinoisans who support the use of your money to pay for abortions have been calling their legislators asking them to support HB 40. A vote on this bill could come at any time.

The good news is that this legislation can be defeated, but your help and prayers are needed immediately. Your local state legislators need to hear from you and everyone you can encourage to call or email their legislative offices.

Here is part of a statement issued by Brian Burch, who is the president of CatholicVote.org:

“We have been following the developments

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