Articles by Rev. Thorin Anderson
Approving Same-Sex Marriage Harmful to Children
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.02.13
It is difficult to believe that we have reached the point where our leaders apparently cannot see the difference between traditional and same-sex” marriage.”  Numerous studies have been done over the years, and regardless of political correctness, they have shown...
On Which Side are You?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.13.12
With each passing day the divide between Left and Right in America is becoming more clearly delineated.  The differences could not be more stark, nor the consequences more dramatic. 

The December 1st Chicago Tribune front page highlighted the Radical Left...
Out of the Ashes
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   10.22.12
Over the years I have driven by stretches of wilderness devastated by a forest fire and wonder how such calamity could ever be rectified, how such destruction could be remedied.  Yet, as I passed those same stretches some time later...
Where is the Truth?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   09.20.12
So, what is missing in the political campaign of 2012?  I would suggest truth and integrity are most notable by their absence.  It is little wonder that Americans are jaded and cynical about politicians. Regardless of what they promise before...
When Abuse is Normalized
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.22.12
We conservatives have criticized the practice of homosexuality for a variety of reasons, a primary one being its abusive nature.  In recent years, defenders of the practice have attempted to rebut our attacks saying that what they do to each...
Family: The “Incorrect” Solution
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.17.12
Weekly editorials complain about the violence of our streets, the failures of public schools, and the apparent hopelessness of American’s youth, but solutions are notably absent.  In fact, the lame suggestions offered, which I suppose are considered answers by those...
One Man-One Woman
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.14.12
Every one of us is the product of one man and one woman, period.  That fact is profoundly significant.  It gives the “one man-one woman” relationship an exclusivity demanding special treatment and high regard.  Since the future of the human...
Not Here Mr. Cathy!
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.21.12
It is sadly true that when abnormal is called “normal,” normal becomes abnormal.  If it is determined that having three fingers is “normal,” then those of us with five will be “abnormal.”  So, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Joe Moreno...
Must We Follow Greece?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.16.12
The suicide of a Greek pharmacist has triggered reaction around the world, and has focused attention on the economic crisis in Greece and the European Union.  However, it appears that many will take the wrong lesson from it.  There will...
Troubling Times
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   02.29.12
It is a telling commentary on our culture that we no longer comprehend that man has a penchant for bad behavior, what the Bible calls “sin.”  Discussing “sin” is like discussing the flat earth theory.  It simply isn’t.  However, we...
The Reality of Guilt
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.12.11
Living in the “information age” and in a time of unprecedented technical achievement, it is difficult to explain the disconnect of many Americans between their actions and the consequence of those actions. Those of us who turn to the Bible...
The Reality of Guilt
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.12.11
Living in the “information age” and in a time of unprecedented technical achievement, it is difficult to explain the disconnect of many Americans between their actions and the consequence of those actions. Those of us who turn to the Bible...
What About the Children?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.30.10
None of us who have written about the subject of homosexuality expect that we will change the minds of many homosexuals regarding the morality of their conduct. That is not why we write. However, there is significant confusion among Americans...
America’s Moral Whiteout
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.28.10
It has become an up-side down world. Arguments are being made, and heard, that a generation ago would have been considered absurd. Groups espousing homosexuality get favorable press while the Boy Scouts are excoriated. Marriage is mocked, honesty is considered...
Yearning for the Easy Life
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   08.26.09
When was the last time you heard someone say, “It’s a free country, isn’t it?” To many, freedom is now looked upon as a commodity, rather than a privilege, that may be exchanged for security or pleasure as lightly as...
Rev. Thorin Anderson
Rev. Thorin Anderson

Rev. Thorin Anderson is a member of the Advisory Council to Illinois Family Institute and the former pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church on the south side of Chicago. Pastor Anderson has faithfully pastored at Parkwood Baptist Church since September, 2000 until 2022. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Central Seminary. He and his wife Toni have seven children and 19 grandchildren.

Pastor Anderson also serves on the board of directors for Men for Christ, an association that organizes annual weekend men’s rallies in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois on a rotating basis. For more information on these events, please visit

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