Miley Cyrus and the Moral Gag Reflex
By   |   07.28.14
Looking at culture, it’s tempting to give up in despair. As the dad of little girls, for example, when I see the relentless objectification of women by celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, I’m tempted to think that any attempt in what William Wilberforce called a “reformation of manners” is futile. It seems that instead, in the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we have to “define deviance down.”
Porn Addiction Looks Similar to Drug Addiction
Researchers at the University of Cambridge’s department of psychiatry discovered that watching pornography triggers brain activity similar to what drug addicts experience when they’re shown drugs.
Two Courageous Citizens Work to Stop Access to Unfiltered Porn In the Orland Park Library
By David E. Smith   |   07.11.14
Eight months ago we wrote an article about the dangers of unfiltered Internet access in our public libraries, and specifically cited an on-going battle at the Orland Park library.  The situation in Orland Park is now boiling over.  The library...
Good News About Google and Verizion
By Kathy Valente   |   06.25.14
**Caution: Contains Sensitive Information** You need some good news, and I want to tell you about two recent victories for decency!  The war against the sexual exploitation of women and children is definitely a winnable one when people simply take...
WARNING: Children At Risk
By Kathy Valente   |   06.12.14
I recently attended a summit in Arlington, VA, on the issue of ending sexual exploitation. The information shared by experts was, to say the least, overwhelming. We are in an emergency state. Of utmost importance is the urgent need to...
6 Truths about Pornography
By   |   06.03.14
The Bible is the “word of truth.” It’s mankind’s user manual. It’s the blueprint, even in suffering, for a joyful and fulfilled existence in this life, and an incomprehensibly glorious eternity in the next. The total truths and precepts inherent...
How Verizon Aids Sex Trafficking
By Robert Knight   |   03.28.14
In 1865, following the most costly war in America’s history, the 13th Amendment abolished the odious institution of slavery in the United States. Why, then, is telecommunications giant Verizon providing an outlet for the products of the modern-day slavery of...
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms, Distribution of Hardcore Porn Illegal
By   |   03.28.14
This week’s decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirming the conviction of hardcore pornographer Ira Isaacs serves as a reminder that distribution of hardcore adult pornography is still illegal under federal law in America. The...
How Sex-Trafficking Redefines the Battle for Social Justice
By   |   03.28.14
An event that went largely unnoticed by the mainstream media in 2012 perked up the ears of the Obama administration when it sparked a movement that ignited the hearts of 40,000 young evangelicals.  Today the “End It” movement, fueled by...
Internet Pornography at the Local Library
By   |   11.22.13
Many people think public libraries are obsolete in the age of the Internet, yet libraries remain a valuable asset to any neighborhood. But just imagine taking your kids to your local library on a beautiful, sunny day to find some...
Grandmas and Ex-Porn Addicts Ban Together to Fight a Common Enemy
By Fran Eaton   |   11.02.13
Concerned grandmas and old-fashioned church ladies are locking arms with a growing group of young men plagued with erectile dysfunction.  Yes, you read that correctly.  This eyebrow-raising army is taking different approaches to fight a common enemy: pornography.  Gone are...
White Ribbon Against Pornography Week Starts This Sunday
The White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Campaign began with one woman in Butler, PA in 1987. Norma Norris heard a sermon against pornography delivered by the pastor of her Catholic parish. Msgr. Francis Glenn lamented that local prosecutors and law enforcement had been deluded into thinking that people didn’t care about the hardcore porn being sold in her community.
How Pornography Works: It Hijacks the Male Brain
By   |   10.12.13
We are fast becoming a pornographic society. Over the course of the last decade, explicitly sexual images have crept into advertising, marketing, and virtually every niche of American life. This ambient pornography is now almost everywhere, from the local shopping...
Another Reflection of our National Illness
By Micah Clark   |   08.29.13
While we could decry the antics of the former child star Hanna Montana on the stage of the Video Music Awards, we really have no one to blame but ourselves.  America is awash in pornography. It is an industry with...
FCC Wants to Allow Nudity & Profanity During “Family Hour”
By David E. Smith   |   05.15.13
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is seeking public comment until May 20 on a proposal that would ease off on the regulations that enforce the decency standards set by Congress, which prevent showing nudity and the most profane language during...
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