Good News About Google and Verizion
Good News About Google and Verizion
Written By Kathy Valente   |   06.25.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

**Caution: Contains Sensitive Information**

You need some good news, and I want to tell you about two recent victories for decency! 

The war against the sexual exploitation of women and children is definitely a winnable one when people simply take a moment to make their opposition known. 

Illinois Family Institute is proud to be a part of a growing movement of good people like you who are fighting back against hardcore pornography that profits from the sexual exploitation and degradation of women and children. 

Thanks to the leadership of Morality in Media and their web site, Google has decided to stop displaying pornographic ads and ads that link to sexually explicit websites.   

This change in policy now makes website owners responsible for policing their own sites even if the questionable content is uploaded by a separate user. If the site owners fail to comply, they lose all of the ad revenue generated by the ads on their website. This forces website owners to be responsible for content on their sites and to self-regulate. 

It gets better! It’s not only hardcore porn that Google’s policy will apply to but also ads that link to web pages with images or videos containing the following:

  • Strategically covered nudity
  • Sheer or see-through clothing
  • Lewd or provocative poses
  • Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches

This change at Google is a major victory! We are definitely at a historic point. The fight against pornography is finally changing direction.


Verizon’s FIOS TV was offering a wide variety of hardcore porn videos for rent. In addition, they also offered hardcore pornography through their Wireless and Internet services. Through, thousands wrote or called Verizon’s Board of Directors to complain especially about the child-themed porn Verizon was featuring. Many (but not all) of these have been removed.

This is a step in the right direction, but there’s still work to do with Verizon. 

Verizon still promotes certain child-sex fantasy videos, some from Hustler’s Barely Legal porn video series designed to appeal to these fantasies. Actresses who look and act younger than their age are selected to appear in Barely Legal pornography. Verizon also offers many genres of porn, including porn with racial themes and violence. 


Yes, our work is cut out for us, but be encouraged by the outcome with Google! 

Take ACTION: Click HERE to contact Verizon and to thank them for taking the first step in the right direction by removing some of the videos that degrade and objectify women and children. But tell them they must do more. Tell them that no amount of money can justify the degradation, abuse and rape that regularly take place in the porn industry. Tell Verizon they should not be in the porn business. Tell them that every day they make this filth available, they are promoting violence and abuse of women and children.

We will keep you updated on the latest efforts to stop the proliferation of sexually explicit material.

Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that,...
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