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Parentectomy – Government Usurpation of Parental Rights
By   |   12.15.14
The State of Illinois Seizes Sick Child and Blocks Hospital Transfer In today’s America the severing of sick children from their parents by the state has become so common it has a nickname “the Parentectomy.” You may recall the highly...
How Sex-Trafficking Redefines the Battle for Social Justice
By   |   03.28.14
An event that went largely unnoticed by the mainstream media in 2012 perked up the ears of the Obama administration when it sparked a movement that ignited the hearts of 40,000 young evangelicals.  Today the “End It” movement, fueled by...
New Trader Joe’s Run Off Amid Fears of Prosperity
By   |   02.22.14
Once upon a time, we raised our children in the quintessential Midwestern town of Atwood Illinois. Just as you would imagine, mom and pop businesses lined Main Street, which of course ran through the center of the town. Only the...
Boys in Girl Scouts, Men in Pageants—Are Parents to Blame?
By   |   04.12.12
There’s a fine line between fantasy and reality. At any given time, most 7 year-olds aren’t sure which side of that line they’re on. That’s why children usually come with parents—and need to be outnumbered by at least two-to-one.  But...
What it Really Means to Have the Right to Choose
By   |   01.11.12
When a doctor hands your child a death sentence, and the family must make a decision about the future, nothing is more personal or traumatic. It is every parent’s nightmare, and increasingly it has become more common. With all the...
No More Plastic Santas
By   |   12.21.11
I love Christmas. But I hate plastic. When our children were very young, it seemed as though we would amass an enormous amount of plastic at Christmas. The Christmas aftermath was usually marked by a sea of broken plastic pieces...
Get a School a Laptop, and They Want a Peek into Your Home
By   |   03.11.10
What would you do if your local high school bought every student a brand new Apple MacBook? Would you think you have the best school district in the world? Or would you be concerned about your privacy? I think it’s...
Healthcare for All Could Criminalize Many
By   |   10.01.09
Did anyone catch exactly when the rhetoric went from “saving Medicare” to overhauling the entire American healthcare industry? Throughout most of our married lives we have had health insurance. We enjoyed excellent care (despite the rumors to the contrary) while...
Voters are Talking, are You Listening or Spinning?
By   |   09.16.09
On September 12, 2009 something phenomenal happened in Washington, DC. Hundreds of thousands of taxpayers marched up to the White House to let their government know they have had enough. It was a rare spectacle indeed; Americans off the sidelines...
Creative Parenting
By   |   08.26.09
With each new generation of parents there comes a new generation of parenting books written by “experts” and “professionals” who purport to hold the key to successful parenting. I can handle the onslaught of books and philosophies, but, personally, I...
The Road Paved with Unintended Consequences
By   |   08.20.09
‘Unintended consequences or collateral damage’ is fast becoming the legacy of the Obama administration. After hearing about the unintended consequences of the cash for clunkers, a line out of the 2007 film Meet the Robinsons came to mind. The Bowler...
What Hillary & Tina Can Learn from Sarah Palin
By   |   06.24.09
Have you noticed that the liberal left keeps someone in their cross hairs at all times? They are like the bully on the playground who always has to make a spectacle out of the kid least likely to fight back....
Girls are Made of More than Sugar and Spice
By   |   04.14.09
An interesting conversation has been ongoing in my house over the last few days. It began early last week, when I was informed of a statement made by my youngest daughter. She had expounded on her political views. With all...
Universal Preschool
By   |   04.02.09
The ghosts of elections’ past are haunting Pennsylvania Avenue. If you’ll remember, it was Illinois’ own fallen Governor Blagojevich who promised Universal Preschool. Likewise, the massive tentacles of the new administration are prying their way into the nation’s playpens, targeting...
Protecting Our Children
By   |   03.11.09
I thought they were adorable. Each one of our (then) eight children were dressed in matching outfits. The year was 1992, and the bright neon colors of the 1980s were still in full swing. We were on our way to...
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