Make Illinois Great Again? Run for Office
By Monte Larrick   |   12.06.16
Illinois' April 4th consolidated election is just a few months away...and Christians are needed to run for local offices.
More Questions About Dubious Illinois Human Rights Commission
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.02.16
Yesterday, I wrote about the profoundly unjust decision of the ideologically imbalanced three-member panel of commissioners from the Illinois Human Rights Commission who decided that Christian bed and breakfast owner Jim Walder should pay $80,000 for refusing to rent his facilities to a same-sex couple for their civil union ceremony. But there is more!
Homosexuals & Corrupt Illinois Human Rights Commission vs. Christian Business Owner
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.01.16
A three-person panel of commissioners from the 13-member Illinois Human Rights Commission (IHRC) has decided not to review the egregious decision of IHRC administrative law judge Michael Robinson in the discrimination complaint filed by homosexuals Todd and Mark Wathen against Christian bed and breakfast owner Jim Walder.
‘Lame Duck’ Tax Increase Debated While Both Parties Struggle with Basic Math
By John Biver   |   11.30.16
Anyone paying the least bit of attention to Illinois government knows the state is a fiscal mess, and the ongoing drama being played out between our Republican governor and Democrat General Assembly is like a long-running TV soap opera. The...
IL Legislators Want to Spend Taxes on Abortions
By Monte Larrick   |   11.27.16
Planned Parenthood wants to take money from your paycheck to fund abortions in Illinois. Lawmakers could act soon to repeal the current state ban on using tax dollars for abortions.
Voter Guides Are Going Quickly – Order in Bulk Today!
By Kathy Valente   |   10.05.16
Early Voting and Vote by Mail are already well underway and the printed IFI Voter Guides are going fast!  In case you’re not aware, early voting has been proven to win elections for conservative candidates! And every vote is valuable!...
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan Wants Boys in Girls’ Restrooms and Showers
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.02.16
In an astonishing act of hubris, abrogation of local control over education, and obsequiousness to Barack Obama, Obama-handmaiden Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed a “friend of the court” brief” (i.e., an amicus curiae brief) begging for...
SB 1564 Is Now In Gov. Rauner’s Hands
By David E. Smith   |   07.02.16
In an effort to expand abortion services in our state, Springfield lawmakers have sent Governor Bruce Rauner SB 1564. This radical proposal would coerce medical professionals to violate their consciences by forcing them to refer patients for medical procedures they...
The Decision America Tour 2016 is Coming to Illinois
By Monte Larrick   |   06.08.16
Rev. Franklin Graham is bringing his Decision America Tour to Springfield. He plans to present the Gospel and challenge Christians to live out their faith at home, in public and at the ballot box.  Many faith leaders in Illinois are...
Progressive Illinois Lawmakers with Time on Their Hands (yikes)
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.18.16
Illinoisans might think that state lawmakers elected to fix the mess they created would be drowning in real work with nary a moment to surface for air. Allow me to disabuse you of that quaint, naïve notion. Our “progressive” lawmakers...
Keeping the Abortion Issue Alive in Springfield
By Monte Larrick   |   05.04.16
It’s one of those issues that many lawmakers and perhaps even Governor Bruce Rauner don’t want you to think about. That is, state taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. But life activists are keeping Planned Parenthood on the moral and political...
School Bathroom Bill Stalled in IL Legislature
By Monte Larrick   |   04.26.16
Common sense suggests that public schools should  separate girls and boys in locker rooms and restrooms on  campuses. For the Left in Illinois, common sense equals discrimination and that’s why they have sidetracked legislation that its sponsor contends will protect...
Battle over Pro-Life Measures Rages in Springfield
By Monte Larrick   |   04.19.16
It’s a matter of life and death. Will Illinois lawmakers take action to protect the unborn or will they advance the pro-abortion agenda? Answers could be forthcoming during the Legislature’s spring session. Life leaders say several bills before the General...
Illinois Legislators Pray for Miracles
By Monte Larrick   |   02.25.16
A group of Illinois lawmakers is seeking divine intervention as the state budget stalemate lingers. Members of the Legislative Prayer Caucus are asking for prayers as they work to find solutions to the state’s fiscal and moral problems…and they are...
The Clock is Ticking to Order Your Voter Guides…
By David E. Smith   |   02.11.16
Don't let the primary election be one that casts a shadow of "low voter turnout" on this critical day. This is your opportunity to bring your voice, your values and your vote to the polling booth! The IFI Voter Guide may be the only way you can get the information you need to make an informed decision.
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