“Pregnant Man” or Bullied Girl?
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.08.17
By now, most people have heard tall tales about “pregnant men.” “Pregnant men,” as non-delusional or honest people acknowledge, are fictitious. They don’t exist except in the fertile or deceitful imaginations of “progressives” who live and move in a science-denying unreality the likes of which we find only in primitive civilizations.
Legal Battle Rages Over the Future of VidAngel and Movie Filtering
By Andrew Willis   |   06.07.17
Imagine if families could enjoy a movie together without the fear of being bombarded with nudity, crude language, or excessive gore. Up until recently, families could do just that. That is, until Disney and its Hollywood cohorts wielded their dark...
Texas Bill to Protect Religious Freedom vs. Chicago Tribune Columnist
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.06.17
Always tolerant, liberty-loving, diversity-desiring “progressives” are fuming about a Texas bill that would prevent child welfare services providers, foster families, and adoptive families from being penalized for their faith. While Leftists claim the intent of the bill, titled “The Freedom to Serve Children Act,” is to discriminate against non-Christians, homosexuals, and unmarried couples in child placement, it’s really about stopping discrimination against Christians for exercising their First Amendment rights.
‘Overpopulation’ Fears Are a Hoax. Here’s Why Higher Populations Are Actually a Good Thing
In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” He predicted that mankind’s birthrate would outstrip our ability to grow food and would lead to mass starvation. Malthus’ wrong predictions did not deter Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich from making a similar prediction.
Ben and Jerry’s Proves Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Is Not Marriage
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   05.31.17
The famous, specialty ice cream company, Ben and Jerry’s, has unintentionally given us further evidence that same-sex “marriage” is not marriage. How so?
State Senator McConchie Outlines the Simplicity of the Budget Crisis
By John Biver   |   05.24.17
Two years after the “temporary” income tax expired, rapacious Springfield lawmakers are once again working toward raising our taxes, supposedly in order to solve the state’s fiscal problems. This time they want to raise the state’s income tax from 3.75...
Self-Marriage: When Fools Marry Fools
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.19.17
The legal recognition of homoerotic unions as marriages goes by many names. Professor Anthony Esolen calls it “pseudogamy,’ and Pastor Doug Wilson calls it “same-sex mirage.” Whatever you call it, don’t call it marriage because it ain’t.
From Burden to Blessing
My father left my mother when I was too young to even remember him. As I’m told, one day he decided he was done. Without notice, the boisterous Texan handed my mother a gun, gave her a point-and-shoot crash course, and left. Our lives changed forever. My mother raised five children alone. I watched her struggle and sacrifice.
My Wife is So Smart
By Micah Clark   |   05.12.17
This may sound like the start of a joke among a group of guys, but it is not.  Contrary to the message of feminism and pop culture, which implies that smarter women are the career executives or full time working...
Taxing Marriage in America
By Micah Clark   |   04.26.17
There is often a lot of talk about taxes during the month of April.  This year there is also some discussion of how the new Trump Administration might seek to change tax policies. One of the too often overlooked groups...
There’s Still No Substitute for Traditional Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   04.22.17
While many researchers agree that stability is important for children, some do not think marriage is a critical factor in family stability.  Many parents must have bought into this fallacy too as more and more are choosing cohabitation over marriage....
Cultural Marxism Explained in 7 Minutes
This is an excellent short video explaining the source and nature of Cultural Marxist movements like political correctness, modern feminism, pansexualism, multiculturalism, "whiteness studies," etc.
Dobson Urges Christians to Flee Public Schools
By   |   04.03.17
Renowned pro-family advocate Dr. James Dobson is inciting Christian parents across the United States to pull their children from public schools and protect them from the progressive anti-Christian teaching by homeschooling them and putting in church-run schools.
Hang in There for a Happy Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   03.16.17
The Marriage Foundation out of England recently published a report studying unhappily married adults.   Specifically they looked at 10,000 young marrieds who had newborn babies in 2000 or 2001.   They studied a segment of these new parents based upon the...
Poverty Isn’t the<br>Chief Cause of Crime
Written by Heather Mac Donald I have been talking about the criminal-justice system at colleges recently and encountering the inevitable claim from students (picked up from their professors) that poverty causes crime. This video throws that exculpatory narrative into doubt....
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