By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Is there such a thing as healthy kids' entertainment? Sherwood Kids has accomplished this very thing. They observed the kids’ entertainment industry and found that it was littered with overstimulating shows and stories that failed to spark curiosity or true imagination. So they decided to change that.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
For years, the Colson Center has been dedicated to not just encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus, but also challenging Christians to use the lens of Scripture to comprehend all of life.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Over the past two years, heavy pushback has worked against “Pride” and “woke” agendas implemented by a variety of companies. Among these companies are Walmart, Ford, Harley-Davidson, Toyota, and more who are all taking steps back from their DEI initiatives and LGBTQ+ support.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
President Trump recently signed an executive order that prohibits federal funding from going to K-12 public schools teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) or gender issues.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Abortion aids abusers. This is the dark truth the abortion industry does not want you to know.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
On September 26th, my husband and I found out that we were expecting our first baby and on January 4th, we found out we are having a girl! For any first-time parents, this life-changing news is both exciting and overwhelming. It’s exciting because we are going to be parents yet overwhelming because of how many questions there are regarding parenting and the plethora of resources to go through.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization that is dedicated to reclaiming government schools from woke, anti-parent, and anti-family policies.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States. Live Action reported that for the year 2023, a total of 1,037,000 abortions were committed. Said another way, 1,037,000 children were murdered.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 26), a bill that would require a baby who is born after a failed abortion to receive medical care and attention, will be up for a vote in the United States Senate.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
The failure of the public school system is no secret, which causes many Christian families to wisely opt out of public school. Still, all parents desire their children to receive quality education, with high academic excellence being one of the goals and main tenets, along with biblical teaching.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Seven Weeks Coffee is not just a coffee company–they are an effort that is whole-heartedly dedicated to the pro-life cause. In fact, Seven Weeks gets its name from the adorable fact that at seven weeks gestation, a baby is the same size as a coffee bean.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
"The rich young ruler rejected the greatest thing that could ever be offered to anyone– a Lordship relationship with Jesus Christ." In this special episode, Jenna and Alyssa sit down with Pastor Ceasar LeFlore to discuss the chaos of the culture from a biblical perspective. More specifically, Pastor LeFlore will address why Sabbath rest is not only relevant to Christians today, but necessary.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
The recent Supreme Court case, United States vs. Skrmetti, has become one of the biggest cases in America for minor children’s access to transgender treatments. This case is a result of the federal government’s lawsuit against the state of Tennessee for Senate Bill 1, which

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
Adoption is beautiful. Adoption seeks to heal and restore a broken family situation for a child who desperately needs love, care, and support. In addition to adoption being a beautiful restoration of a broken family situation, it is the language God uses when describing His relationship with His people.

By Alyssa Sonnenburg
“God’s Word for Peace Officers Law Enforcement Bible Project” highlights Chaplain Lee’s ministry to reach the lives of those in law enforcement with the truths of God’s Word.