Hugh Hefner’s Real Legacy: Disease, Despair, and Death
A timely and stunning statistic befitting the recent death of America’s patriarch of pornography: a shocking 110 million Americans -- over one-third of our population -- are saddled with a sexually transmitted disease...
The Culture War Is Not Over: Leftists Fight Over Identity Politics
By John Biver   |   10.02.17
Here is a recent headline from the Independent Journal Review: “Salon: Identity Politics Is ‘Dragging the Progressive Agenda Down.’” IJR’s Pardes Seleha explains that yes, indeed, a “far-left publication” [Salon] is “finally denouncing its long-embraced identity politics…” Salon isn’t the...
Series: Identity Politics & Paraphilias
By John Biver   |   09.30.17
The cultural war is going to continue to become weirder. Some might reasonably think that nothing stranger can follow the Leftists’ call for everyone to accept transgenderism as normal. But then there are all those other letters that follow the “T” in LGBT. You may have seen different variations on the list: LGBTQIA is a popular one (Q=queer or questioning/I=intersex/A=Ally).
Google and Target Among Corporations Backing LGBT ‘Civil Rights’ Bill
By   |   09.30.17
A hundred major corporations, ranging from Target to American Airlines to Best Buy, have signed on to an LGBTQ activist coalition supporting the “Equality Act,” which would federalize homosexuality and transgenderism as “civil rights” categories in the law.
Detaching Sex From Marriage
By Micah Clark   |   09.29.17
Sociologist Mark Regnerus has a new in-depth study of how our culture’s lack of sexual morality is impacting relationships in ways not seen in previous generations.  There was a fascinating, if not disturbing, review of Regnerus’ new book (Cheap ...
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Normalizing Deviance & Sadomasochism
By John Biver   |   09.25.17
If you think things are out of hand now with high school “transgender” boys being able to use the girls’ locker rooms, just wait. That number of “549 types” promises even worse possibilities ahead... It is in the spirit of tolerance that we've been examining paraphilias other than the ones represented by the letters LGBT. Why should just those four get all the attention? What about sadism and masochism?
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Irrationality & Necrophilia
By John Biver   |   09.19.17
Oh, those poor comedians. What used to be a joke is now, well, supposed to be taken seriously. How can those witty comics compete with the LGBT movement and its irrationality? I'm just going excerpt three paragraphs from an article by Taylor Fogarty at The Federalist:
The Creepy Tale of a D.C. Law Firm, the APA, and IFI
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.15.17
IFI received a return-request letter via priority mail this week from Dunner Law, a law firm based in Washington D.C. that specializes in intellectual property law. The letter came from Adam Sikich, senior counsel with Dunner Law (and according to his bio, a “Star Wars aficionado”) on behalf of Dunner's “Client,” the American Psychological Association (APA). In this letter, Sikich kinda, sorta implied Dunner might slap IFI with a $150,000 lawsuit ...
TERF Wars Heating Up
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.13.17
The sexual revolution is a ravenous monster, devouring everything good in sight, and especially savoring the most precious of delicacies: the flesh, hearts, and minds of children. The newest—but not last—manifestation of the sexual revolution is “transgenderism.” To capture and devour children and adults has required some cunning and now familiar strategic maneuvers...
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: Sports & Exhibitionism
By John Biver   |   09.11.17
Leftists are increasingly making it easier for social conservatives to convey their message of common sense to the public at large. No better example of this exist than how male/female sports are being impacted. Here are short excerpts from two writers on the topic -- first up is Joy Pullmann -- here is the title of her post:
Paraphilias of the Day: Pedophilia, Hebephilia, Ephebophilia, and Pederasty
By John Biver   |   09.09.17
What the heck is hebephilia? At times it can be difficult to keep over 500 paraphilias straight, since so many of them run together. Heaven forbid that we confuse any of this — the spelling and/or the age brackets. A recent post at BarbWire included this line:
Change Your Gender? Option Now Available for Birth Certificates
By Monte Larrick   |   09.08.17
Schools and churches in Illinois could soon begin feeling the impact of legislation signed into law by Governor Rauner. Beginning January 1, 2018, residents will be allowed to change the sex designation on their birth certificates without having to undergo surgery.
Downers Grove Village Council Ousts Only Conservative Library Board Member in Service of Inclusion
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.07.17
Can you hear the harmonious choir of diverse voices echoing from the Downers Grove Public Library Board of Trustees? You can’t? Oh, that’s right, Tuesday night in the service of diversity and inclusion, the Downers Grove Village Council expelled the one conservative member from the library board.
Charlottesville: A Return to the Topic of Identity Politics
By John Biver   |   09.06.17
It is time to return to our Identity Politics and Paraphilias series, and events surrounding Charlottesville serve as the path back. This focus on identity politics is important because while it’s being written about a lot, in my view it’s still not receiving the serious level of discussion that it deserves. Leftists want to fundamentally transform the United States. Unfortunately, they do not nearly have the level of support they need to accomplish it...
Stop the Presses! Columnist Admits He’s Not a Theologian!
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.01.17
Leftist Chicago Tribune columnist Rex Huppke has penned a column titled on the recently released Nashville Statement. His article is titled “150 Evangelicals DENY love for LGBT people.” The Nashville Statement is a critically important and desperately needed document that succinctly affirms theologically orthodox positions on homosexuality, marriage, and the objective goodness and immutability of maleness and femaleness...
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