Gov. Quinn Must Hear From Us!
Please take 3 minutes to send an email to Gov. Quinn about this important issue! The Peoria Journal-Star recently reported that the massive predatory gambling bill (SB 744) “hinges on Quinn’s decision.” The article reports: Under the Illinois Constitution, the...
Urge Gov. Quinn to VETO Predatory Gambling Bill
By David E. Smith   |   06.07.11
Although the massive gambling bill passed the Illinois General Assembly in the waning days of the Spring Session, Governor Patrick Quinn has made it clear that he is not excited about the size of this gambling expansion. In a press...
Massive Gambling Bill in Springfield
By David E. Smith   |   05.25.11
Please take three minutes to respond to this call to action! With just a few days left before their scheduled May 31st spring session adjournment, Illinois state lawmakers do not have much time left to pass a budget, pension and...
Gambling Action Alert: Legislators working on Gambling Expansion
By   |   05.18.11
Rep. Lou Lang is drafting an amendment to a (shell) bill passed in the Senate, according to the Chicago Tribune. If the bill passes in the House, the bill would go back to the Senate for a vote, but no...
Slot Machines at Racetracks
By David E. Smith   |   05.10.11
State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie) is the lead sponsor of HB 3107 — a bill which will legalize video slot machines at six racetracks in Illinois — creating “racinos.” This bill is co-sponsored by Rep. Roger Eddy (R-Hutsonville) and Anthony...
Support SB 17 to Repeal Video Gambling
By David E. Smith   |   03.18.11
In 2009, the Illinois General Assembly passed and Governor Patrick Quinn signed into law, a bill allowing liquor-serving establishments to have up to 5 video gambling machines. The bill was and continues to be highly controversial. The law allows cities...
Tell Springfield Lawmakers “No More Gambling” and “No More Taxes!”
By David E. Smith   |   01.07.11
Springfield lawmakers apparently think you are not taxed enough and that predatory gambling is good for Illinoisans. As you probably know by now, Illinois’ Democrat leaders — Governor Patrick Quinn, House SpeakerMichael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton — are...
Act Now to Stop A Massive Expansion of Gambling
By David E. Smith   |   01.03.11
Lame Duck legislative session resumes in Springfield… Illinois state lawmakers are returning to Springfield for another 8 days to finish off the 96th General Assembly Session. Since this legislative session includes lame duck lawmakers, including retiring and defeated members, anything...
Gambling Action Alert
By   |   12.02.10
SB 737 was amended in committee and passed in the Senate during the Veto Session. Sen. Terry Link, the sponsor of SB 737, told the Republicans who complained about inaction on the budget and employment that this bill would deal...
Gambling Action Alert
By   |   11.22.10
We don’t want Illinois to be the #1 predatory gambling state in the nation. Click here to view a photo of the full-page ad that was placed in The State Journal Register newspaper last week and read about the first...
Massive Expansion of Gambling during the Veto Session?
By   |   11.08.10
Gambling interests and lawmakers are working behind closed doors on a massive expansion of gambling that will triple the amount of casino gambling in Illinois:
  • Land-based casino in Chicago, with more than twice as many gambling positions (4,000)
  • 3 additional
Transparency Needed in Quinn’s Gambling Decision
By Fran Eaton   |   09.13.10
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn (D) is about to make a billion dollar decision to which most of us haven’t paid much attention. For months, consortiums and companies have been working behind the scenes to become the jackpot winner of a...
Video Gambling Bills HB 4927 & SB 744 Sent to Governor Quinn
Senate Bill 744 was sent to the Governor on June 25. Governor Patrick Quinn (D) has 60 days to sign SB 744 and HB 4927, which was sent to the governor on on June 17. These bills legalize non-stop video...
Ban Video Slot Machines in Niles
By David E. Smith   |   06.23.10
Dear Friends, Elected officials in the Village of Niles are hosting an Open Meeting to discuss an ordinance to ban video gambling machines within city limits. The meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, June 30, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in...
Ask Gov. Quinn to Veto Gambling Bills
By David E. Smith   |   06.01.10
Apparently our Illinois state lawmakers are not satisfied with the current saturation level of gambling opportunities in Illinois. Nor are they apparently satisfied with the fact that they have already approved gambling expansion to a point where Illinois now has...
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